After a quick lunch, I headed to the clock tower in the central square with Sera.

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“I have to scold him when the Magic Tower Master comes. How dare he keep Ria-nim waiting.”

“Calm down. It’s because I came five minutes early.”


Today’s companion was Schumann.


I bought the gift under his name, so I decided to go to the jeweler with him.


When the hand of the clock tower pointed to 1 o’clock, I blinked at Schumann who appeared in front of me.


“Why is your hair like that?”


As if he was hit by a bomb, his frizzy hair makes him didn’t look like himself.


“The crazy dog who lives in the magic tower ripped off my head.”


The only crazy dog that lives in the magic tower is May.


“This is my favorite shirt though. Tsk.”


Not only was his hair a mess, but his clothes were also torn.


May wouldn’t have attacked Schumann for no reason.


“Did you make fun of her?”

“Of course, I have to make fun of her. I said I was going to meet you, so she was extremely jealous of me. Poor girl, she can’t even see you because of work.”


Schumann pretended to have dark circles under his eyes and squealed. I’m not the one who was being teased, but I can feel that it’s so annoying so I can understand why May is angry.


“You scratched her nerves first. So why are you scratching an innocent child’s inside?”

“Her angry face was so funny.”


Anyway, it’s because he has a weird personality.


“Magic Tower Master, you are too late. Ria-nim was waiting for you.”

“Ria, have you been waiting for this brother?”


Schumann, who has adapted to May, who is called a crazy dog, was not at all concerned with Sera’s sharp gaze.


“Why don’t you answer me?”

“It’s not worth answering.”

“You’re too much.”


Shaking my head, I headed to the jeweler with Schumann.


“What about Nathan?”

“In the temple.”


No longer needing to hide, Nathan often went out to drink at the temple.


Today, he flew away, saying that it is better to play in the temple than to look at boring jewels.


“Then why did you come? Doesn’t it bother you?”


Schumann’s name has been borrowed, there was a way to get it on behalf of him, so why?


“Since a new product has arrived, I am going to buy mine as well.”


Schumann raised the corners of his mouth with an excited face. Sera cried out looking at the madness in his green eyes.


“Ria-nim, did he eat something wrong?”

“Surprisingly he is in his normal state.”

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“But, his eyes are losing focus.”

“Because he thought of the jewel that was about to come to him, he went a little mad. Don’t worry.”


However, Sera was not able to relieve her vigilance at all.


Schumann, who arrived at the jeweler not knowing that he was under suspicion, said his name and was given a VIP room.


“How much money did you spend?”


Schumann quietly whispered in my ear at the bewildered question. At the jaw-dropping amount, I said like a sigh.


“… If it were me,I’d buy a mine with that money.”

“I’m not interested in mining. What I want is a finished product.”


Indeed, it was the words of a person who had everything


“Customer, this is the product you paid for.”


An employee in white gloves approached and carefully opened the lid of the velvet box.


A ruby resembling the color of Dillian’s eyes shone brilliantly.


Seeing the hexagon-shaped cufflinks, I smiled with satisfaction and paid the rest.


Not only from the breath of the snowflakes, but also the money I had accumulated so far was poured into it, but it was not disappointing at all.


‘Because I got that much.’


If I sold the accessories I’m wearing now, I could get more than this.


After passing the gift to Sera, I approached Schumann. He was still into shopping.


“Which suits me better?”


Schumann placed the two earrings alternately to his ears.


“I think this suits you better.”

“Hmm, I like this one though.”

“Then choose that.”

“But I can’t give up on what you chose.”

“What do you want to do then?”

“I’m going to buy both.”


What is this answer?


Perhaps Sera also thought the same, feeling absurd, and next to me as if cursing, ‘What’s with him?’ with her eyes.


“Did you plan on buying both from the beginning?”

“Of course.”


Schumann answered with a voice full of laughter and called the waiting staff.


It was at that time when I shook my head at the surprising move of the golden spoon*. A familiar face appeared out of the window.

*A golden spoon meaning someone who was born with privilege and wealth.


“… Sir Dillian?”

“What? Is the duke here?”

“His Grace?”

“Yeah, it’s definitely sir Dillian….”

“You’re not mistaken, right?”


Saying the Duke was far from such a place, Schumann waved his hand. But I was not mistaken.


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That dignified back was definitely Dillian.


“I’ve been living with sir Dillian for several months, how can I not recognize him?”


But Dillian was not alone.


‘Is it a woman?’


The combination of dark green hair which waves to the waist and a red dress, drew attention.


“Who’s next to him?”

“Wait, isn’t that the princess?”

“What? The princess?”


Suddenly, Schumann’s face stuck to the window was unusual.


“Crazy guy. Why is he going in there?”

“Why? There, what is it?”


Having confirmed that they had entered the room as we did, I looked at Schumann with anxious eyes.


Ominous, it’s ominous. A cold energy ran up my neck.


Schumann, stiffened, raised his left hand and pointed to his ring finger.


“It’s mainly a place where you usually fit the one that goes in here.”


I opened my mouth slowly.


“Couple ring or engagement ring.”


I felt dizzy as if someone had hit me in the back of my head.


‘You’re going there with the princess? The place where lovers go?’


“No way.”


Shaking my head in denial, Schumann patted his chest as if he was frustrated.


“You don’t know?”


“The princess has been chasing the duke for three years. To get married.”


What the, I was dumbfounded at the rumors I heard for the first time.


“I’ve never heard of such a thing….”

“Of course. Who would say such a thing to their soon-to-be madam?”


Schumann chinned at Sera, who had become contemplative.


“Am I wrong?”

“Tha, that.”


Sera swallowed a dry saliva.


Even if she didn’t know what the truth was about them coming there together, that meant it was true that the princess had been chasing Dillian for three years.


You came to the jeweler with someone like that? Also to the place to fit a ring?


Strangely, my throat was congested.


“… He told me he was going to work.”

“Then will the cheaters tell the truth?”

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Sera supported my body, which was trembling in shock.


“Pardon me, His Grace won’t do such a shameful thing!”


As she said that, she silenced her voice and looked around with anxious eyes.


“Let’s follow them.”



Schumann grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room.


“We need to check it. We may have misunderstood, so let’s see with our eyes.”


However, Schumann’s eyes were filled with certainty as he thought there was no misunderstanding.


“Wait. I will cast invisibility magic now.”


As soon as he finished speaking, he cast invisibility magic on our bodies and delivered a small marble to Sera and me.


“If you want to unlock the invisibility without my help, break it.”

“Then we can’t even see each other, can we?”

“You can see people who have beads.”


Schumann, who patted my shoulder saying not to worry, cast invisibility magic on the door of the room where Dillian entered.


“It would be nice to go in and see, but the duke has a sharp sense, so let’s keep our distance.”


So we sat down near the door and watched Dillian.


“How about this?”

“It’s so so. I think this is much better.”

“Hmm, this is not my taste. How about this?”

“Why are you asking if the princess is going to do whatever you want? Do you have a conscience?”


I was stunned by their friendly conversation.


‘Are you choosing a ring with another woman right now?’


He went out after skipping the lunch he always ate with me because he had work, so was that the job for choosing a ring?


As the conversation between the two continued, my stomachs were boiling.


Contrary to the boiling inside, Sera looked into my eyes, not knowing what to do with my cold, sunken face.


“Ri, Ria-nim ….”


I’m sorry, but I wasn’t in a position to calm her down right now.


Instead of me, who had turned red from anger, Schumann, who was looking inside with a hawk’s eye, suddenly tapped my arm.


“Oh, they’re going to go. Let’s go too.”


Schumann, with me staggering by his side, quickly hid behind the corner.


“Where are they going?”

“Where would they be? Of course, they will go to the cafe, the flower of the date course.”


I gritted my teeth at the appearance of the two friendly people.


“First of all, since we have the evidence, we will investigate the matter a little later….”

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“I’ll follow them.”

“Ria, wait.”


I shook off Schumann’s hand and followed Dillian.


‘Let’s see where they’re going.’


Because the invisibility magic was still working, I had no reason to hesitate, so I took a step towards the place where Dillian had disappeared.


And at that moment, a hand protruding from the wall pushed my shoulder hard.


Pushed by the force as it was, he slammed my shoulder against the wall.




The moment I groaned at the throbbing pain, the hand that was pressing on my shoulder lost strength.


“… Miss Ria?”


Bewildered by pain I groaned in tears and I blinked as I looked at Dillian.


‘Was the invisibility gone?’


That was not. Dillian, not knowing where exactly I was, carefully fumbled around.


His sense is incredibly sharp, for him to be holding my arm and shoulder precisely.


“Miss Ria, are you hurt? I don’t know what’s going on with this, but please show me. I have to check the wounds.”


I didn’t say anything, but Dillian was convinced that it was me.


‘It won’t work even if I stay hidden from him here.’


I broke the magic that Schumann had cast.


“… How did you know?”

“It’s just my feeling. Rather, how did you get here?”

“So what is sir Dillian doing here?”


My anger had not yet subsided, and I asked him, who was keeping his mouth shut.


But Dillian refused to answer and rubbed my tear-filled eyes.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was miss Ria. You may have been bruised, so I will call the doctor right now.”


Am I so shocked that I forgot to use my divine power?


Dillian gently patted my shoulder that hit against the wall.


The tough man, who seemed to not drop any blood when get stabbed, was restless, worried about my shoulder, which would have been bruised at worst.


I stared blankly into his eyes and patted the back of his hand.


“It’s okay. You didn’t do that on purpose….”


It was the moment when I was about to relieve my anger at the way he was worried and caring for me.


“Ria! Where are you!”

“Duke. Let’s go.”


The hallway froze at the appearance of Schumann, who had unleashed the invisibility and the Princess.


It was a crazy awkward face-to-face meeting.

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