Her face was red from head to neck, and even her ears seemed like they were going to explode.

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Does she know how lovely that face, which is dyed bright red while mumbling, is?


He had the urge to bite the cheeks as red as ripped persimmon.


Forcibly resisting the urge to bite her, hard enough to leave a teeth mark, he engraved Ria’s face into his eyes.


Ria, unable to bear the strange gaze any longer, screamed.


“Hurry up and get things done!”

“Leave it to me. I will take care of everything in 10 minutes.”


Not long after Dillian, who was full of confidence, went outside, the sound of a voice rang out.


Daisy approached Ria, who had been observing the guild steadily.


“You seem to have reconciled with the Duke.”

“Ehem, yes.”


She couldn’t answer that they had never fought.


Ria glanced at the expressionless Daisy.


“Seems you have something to say.”

“… I know that the princess has feelings for sir Dillian.”

“Hmm, so?”

“But no matter what the princess thinks, now sir Dillian is engaged to me. He is a man who was taken, so please refrain from meeting with him alone.”


Ria, who poured out the words she was holding inside, took a deep breath.


If the princess gets offended by this and slaps her cheek….


‘Never mind, just hit me. Then I’ll go to Dillian and tell him everything.’


Ria was afraid of being crushed by Daisy’s intimidation, so she gave strength to her eyes and held on.


At Ria’s confident cry, the princess had a rare expression of surprise.


“I thought you were just cute, but you were also stubborn. This is something my man should imitate.”



Daisy, who approached Ria’s bewildered side, pulled out a pendant from her arms and held it out.


“Why are you…?”


Instead of answering, Daisy opened the lid of the pendant. Inside was a portrait of a man.


Not just a normal portrait with a stiff expressionless face, but a portrait with a bright smiling face.


‘What is this?’


Ria struggled to hide her bewilderment and looked at Princess Daisy.


What does it mean? She tried to roll her head hard, but she couldn’t get an answer to it.


The princess was a person who was hard to read on the inside.

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“How is it?”


Ria, who later realized that she was asking about the man in the portrait, hesitated for a moment, then recounted her first feelings.


“His smile is beautiful.”



Daisy, who smiled softly, whispered in Ria’s ear as if telling a secret.


“He’s the man I’m going to marry.”

“… Pardon?”

“I’m not even interested in the duke, so don’t worry too much about it.”



Daisy, who lifted Ria’s chin that was opened by the unexpected story and then closed it with her index finger in, burst into laughter.


“When I said that I would not marry unless it was the duke, it’s because I knew he won’t marry me, I used him.”


“Because my fiancé was a commoner, there was a lot of opposition.”


Using the Almighty Dillian Sinaize? This one was no ordinary person.


“Of course, the duke who knew about it also used me. Because he is a person who has never run a loss-making business.”


He got a diamond mine in return for playing out with her for three years.


‘He is a man of great resourcefulness.’


Daisy, thinking of Dillian who was like a robber, clicked her tongue.


Thinking back, the mine was a waste.


“The reason I came here with the duke was to buy a ring for my man. If I go to buy a ring by myself, I’m sure I’ll be caught up in a scandal.”


In addition to checking the quality of the diamonds from the mine, the location was decided at the jeweler.


As Daisy’s words got longer, Ria’s face began to heat up, realizing that she had misunderstood her.


“I’m sorry for you. I thought it was just a fake relationship, so I asked the duke, but if it was a serious relationship, I would never have done it.”

“No, no. I’m sorry I misunderstood you.”


Daisy gently tapped Ria’s shoulder, who had her head bowed down to hide her blushing face.


“It’s my fault for giving you a misunderstanding. Did you say your name is Ria?”

“Yes, this is Ria Delice.”

“Ria. The duke is so obsessed with you, you don’t have to worry about him cheating.”


Daisy saw Ria’s face red as if it was about to explode, revealing a smile for the first time.


“Let’s make pretty love for the two of us.”






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When the situation was settled, the princess said that she would go back, and got on the carriage first and left.


I bowed my head as I watched the carriage moving away. I couldn’t raise my face in embarrassment. How can you make an unreasonable misunderstanding on your own?


‘No, in the first place, Schumann made a strange noise called cheat…!’


The decisive cause of falling into a swamp of misunderstandings squinted at me.


“I’ve been through this hardship, tell him about it well.”

“… All right.”


Anyway, I completed the mission safely with his help, so I nodded my head calmly.


Dillian, who intervened between us, covered my shoulder with one hand and pushed Schumann’s shoulder with the other.


“Are you deficient in magnesium*? You blink at any time.”

*Twitches, tremors, and muscle cramps are signs of magnesium deficiency

“Duke, don’t you know a wink? It’s a sign of affection.”

“Your wink was enough to make me sick. It’d be better if it couldn’t open forever.”


When he put his hand on the scabbard saying he would do it if he wanted to, Schumann also pushed his hand forward.


“You guys just got along and destroyed the guilds together, so why do you fight!”

“We never got along. It will never happen in my lifetime.”

“If there comes a day when Magic Tower Master and I get along with each other, that day will be that guy’s memorial day.”


Schumann was the first to win a hand in the tense battle of the flag.


“Next time, do the love fight in my absence. I am so tired that I feel like I am going to die.”


Schumann, completely exhausted, groaned and disappeared.


In the blink of an eye, it was just the two of us, and I looked awkwardly at the distant mountain.


“Shall we walk?”



I quickly nodded, seeing clearly that I was going to have a suffocating time in the carriage like this.


Dillian, who asked Sera from the carriage, began to take a step ahead.


I deliberately kept my distance from him and followed behind him, and Dillian stopped in his seat and grabbed my hand.


“Because you can’t become a lost child like before.”

“I’m too old to be called a lost child. And now I have memorized everything.”


Even as I grumbled, I didn’t take his hands out. I got so used to this warmth, it was almost empty without it.


“By the way, where did the lieutenant go?”

“After work was done, he went back to the mansion first.”

“Is that okay? He is a lieutenant though?”

“It is better if he is not here. If he is here, I’m sure he will make a lot of noise. If it had been, I would have clinged to miss Ria and shuddered, asking you to go home as soon as possible by now.”

“No way, that much…. Well, I see. I understand.”


Like the advent of a new powerful person, the advent of an angel, or a person who makes strange noises without hesitation, it seemed like that would be enough.


“And I met the princess by chance.”

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“I know. I even heard everything from the princess that she was using sir Dillian for three years as a smoke screen.”


When I remembered her smiling happily while boasting about her lover, her face became hot again.


“Sorry for the misunderstanding….”


Rumors spread that it was a desperate love, so of course I thought she liked Dillian.


To be honest, I’m not sure about the inside, but his appearance is so good-looking that it even grabs my heart.


“I am so sorry. Whatever the process, I have created a misleading situation for miss Ria.”


I bowed my head and glanced up at Dillian’s face.


“Still, It feels good.”


I tilted my head at Dillian’s darkened smile.



“Because I saw miss Ria’s jealousy, which is hard to see.”

“… I am not jealous.”

“Is it not?”

“It is not.”




My face heated up at Dillian, who was making fun of me even though he knew everything.


It was at that time when I was looking around the streets lined with street vendors, chanting for nothing.


In one of the tented and nicely decorated shops, a little boy sat down and waved at me.


I was suddenly waving my hand, but I looked away from the child at Dillian’s call.


“Is there something?”

“I made eye contact with that boy.”


Pointing to a corner, I blinked at the empty seat.


“Obviously there was….”

“That child?”



When I turned to face the body that I had been exposed to at Dillian’s call, the child I saw earlier was looking at me with a smile.


“Hello, sister!”

“Oh, ooh. Hi?”


It was at that time when I was suddenly saying greetings to the child. A small, warm feeling was felt in my left hand.



“Sister, sister. See it with me just once!”


How soft and natural the action was, I didn’t realize until I got my hands on it.


“I have something to give you!”

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The child’s eyes twinkled.


So, he might give me something, but in the end, I am the one who pays for the money. It was a high-level solicitation that he did.


‘Am I deceived? One more step and I’m becoming a pushover?’


A small hand grabbed me. Perhaps it was because of his small body compared to his peers, and strangely, I could not refuse the child.


“Let’s go too, brother.”

“Miss Ria, what should I do?”

“… Let’s go.”


The road isn’t busy, it’s okay to just take a quick look around.


‘If you ask me to buy it, I’ll buy it.’


If a child rips you off, just how much will you pay?


“This is it.”


The boy who led us to the stall said proudly with his arms outstretched.


“Ta-dah. A lot, right?”

“Yeah, a lot.”


It wasn’t meant to lift up the child, it really had everything.


Although it is a counterfeit product, from beautifully crafted accessories to household items such as cups and bowls, there are also vases, toys, and medicines.


I didn’t feel any sense of unity at all, but it seemed that way because of the things that were scattered and unorganized.


‘How are you carrying all these things?’


When I looked at the child, with pure curiosity and concern, he blinked, asking why.


“Sister, choose whatever you want.”



“Then this?”


My hand touched the cute toy ring, and the child smiled broadly.


“That’s 1 gold.”



One gold is one month’s food for a family of four. By the way, this toy ring is 1 gold?


“Then what about this?”

“That’s 2 gold.”


“3 Gold!”


When I asked just how much money I would pay to get ripped off,


Isn’t this I got ripped off properly?

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