“Are you hurt somewhere?”

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“Hurt, huh? For some reason, you treat me like a normal pet owl.”


Nathan lowered his voice and whispered.


This time, as if he had come up with a strange plan, Nathan kept his mouth shut with the look in his eyes saying ‘Talk with your eyes.’.


“Ria-nim, this is the garden.”


Following Sera’s guidance, I walked into the garden and opened my mouth at the sight unfolding before me.




It wasn’t admiration, it was lamentation.


“How can it be so similar to the one in the duke’s mansion in the capital?”


I swallowed my saliva at the similar sight as if it had been copied and pasted.


“It is decorated though. Even if it’s still a mess.”


Nathan couldn’t stand it either, so he clicked his tongue low enough that only I could hear it.


“It planted so randomly, who’s doing this?”


A sigh came out of the flowers planted in such a mess that there was no rule.


“The Old Master.”


“Yes, he likes flowers. The garden and greenhouse are the places he pays special attention to.”


“Well, him, self. They say he likes to decorate it himself.”

“… Somehow, without rules, it seemed like a free work of art.”


I quickly corrected what I had said.


“I have learned something from Terzhe-nim.”


When Sera looked at me with a sad expression as I was giving meaningless compliments, I heard a squeak from somewhere.


“… Hiks.”


This small, soft sound was definitely the voice of a child.


“Sera, can you hear it?”

“Yes, it sounds like a child crying.”


I listened and focused on the sound. As I followed the sound, the crying grew louder and louder.


When I cleared the bushes that were blocking the path, I met the eyes of a small child.




The rabbit-like eyes looked up at me and blinked.


“Who, who are you?”


The child, who had been kneeling on the floor, was wary and retreated.


Looking at the indigo hair reminiscent of Giselle, I looked at Sera


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‘No way? Is that the child?’


When asked with eyes, Sera nodded her head saying the answer was correct.


Meanwhile, the vigilant child turned around as he was going to run away.


“Young Master Dante, this is Ria Delice-nim.”


As he could hear Sera’s calm voice, Dante, who had moved away, ran to me in amazement.


“… Hello, Duchess. My name is Dante Justin.”


As if he had heard of my news, Dante bowed down and greeted me politely.


A smile appeared on his lips at that cute look.


‘It’s completely different from Giselle.’


Seeing the lovely figure, I bent my knees and made eye contact with Dante.


“I’m not even a Duchess yet. Please speak comfortably.”

“Then, Lady Delice…?”

“I’m not a Lady, just call me whatever you like. Except for the title like duchess.”


I smiled kindly and asked, looking at the feathers protruding from Dante’s hand.


“Why were you crying, Young Master?”


Dante reached out to my question.


On a small, tender palm, a sparrow was bleeding and breathing heavily.


As if the end was near, the squeaky body slowly lost its strength.


“When I came, it had already been bitten by a fox….”


The child who had barely stopped crying burst into tears again.


“I wanted to go quickly and treat it, but I lost the way…. It died because of me. Hiks.”


No. Even if Dante found his way to the infirmary, he couldn’t save this little bird.


It might be able to hold its breath for a little while, but it would be dead in the end.


Dante, unaware of this fact, wept bitterly, wondering if he thought the bird would die because of him.


Tears dropped from his big eyes.


It was uncomfortable to see the little child crying to the point that his face was swollen.


“Should I treat it? Then, will you stop crying?”

“Can, can you cure it?”


Then Nathan whispered in my ear.


“It’s good to treat it, but wouldn’t it be better to hide your power in front of that child? It’s not good to show your power to the enemy line.”

“It is, but…. He’s going to run out of breath then. His body is also not in a good condition, can’t I just do it, to ease my worries?”


Seeing his tearful face, Nathan nodded as if his heart had weakened.


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“… It must be difficult, isn’t it?”


There was a sense of resignation at the end of the muffled voice.


I reached out to Dante.


“Even so, I have a lot of talent.”


Gently stroking Dante’s head, I placed my hand over the sparrow’s tiny body.


When I released the divine power, I didn’t know if Dante felt something, but he opened his big eyes wider and looked at me.


“Look at this. It will get well soon.”


The movement under my palms tickled.


As if Dante could feel it, the child’s mouth slowly opened.


“Shall we see?”



As I raised my hand, the sparrow with a prickly face tilted its head.



“Now, as long as it recovers its energy, there will be no problem.”

“Amazing! How did you do it?”


Dante jumped from his seat as he was so happy to save the sparrow. And he never released the hand that wrapped the sparrow.


“I did nothing. The Young Master’s earnest heart reached out.”


If he had been an adult, he would have said what kind of bullshit, but the innocent child was fooled.





Dante smiled happily looking at the sparrow, as he was so happy that he lived thanks to me.


“Is Ria-nim an angel?”


“Then Goddess?”

“I am an ordinary person.”

“Lie! You are a favorite person of the cool Grace, so Ria-nim is obviously a special person!”


I and Sera burst into laughter at Dante’s cute face.


Dante burst into laughter as well, wondering if we laugh because of him. It’s been a while since laughter flowers bloomed in the garden.


“Cough, cough!”


Dante coughed harshly.


I thought he choked, but it didn’t seem to be. Startled by the sharpening of his breathing, I stretched out my hand, it was then.


“What are you doing!”


Giselle with a terrifying face came over and quickly grabbed Dante into her arms.


The eyes staring at me were full of anger.


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“No, I….”

“Dante, look at Mom. Does your heart hurt again?”


She cut off the word to make sure she didn’t even want to listen to me, and she grabbed Dante’s shoulder and looked through it thoroughly.


Giselle saw the blood on Dante’s hand, and her face turned white as if she was about to faint.


“Blood, blood…!”


Giselle took a deep breath, thinking that the sparrow’s blood had been mistaken for Dante’s blood.


Not being able to breathe properly, it seemed that Giselle would pass first.


“No, that.”

“What about the medicine mom gives you? You ate it?”

“… No, not yet.”

“Mom told you not to forget to eat that. You’re sick because you don’t take the medicine. Let’s start taking medicine right now.”

“Ha, I hate it!”


Giselle, lost half of her mind, was reluctant to not hear her child’s voice.


Giselle, who hid Dante behind her, raised her head.


“I don’t know what the trick is, but try approaching my son one more time. I will not let it go.”

“Calm down, Count, and listen to me.”

“Mom, Duchess, no, no, Ria-nim….”


Dante quickly changed the title, but it was after Giselle had already heard it.


“Duchess? You! Did you even brainwash my son? Aiming at the child trickly?”


Giselle pushes me on the shoulder threateningly. Stumbling for a moment by the stronger force than I expected, I exhaled a long breath.


“Pardon me, Count. How about taking a deep breath and calming the excitement? Let go of this hand.”


I pointed to my wrist, which was so tight that blood couldn’t pass.


I didn’t intend to interfere in other people’s household affairs.


I knew it was nosy, and I won’t hear good things about that.


But I couldn’t pretend to ignore the child that was hurting right in front of me.


“It is the Count who makes the Young Master even more sick.”

“I know the state of Dante better!”

“You know, what do you mean? Can’t you see that he hurts?”


The first time I raised my voice, Giselle’s body trembled.


Giselle, who saw Dante’s face at that moment, released her hands in bewilderment.


After being freed, Dante looked at his mother for a moment and ran to me.


Frightened and hiding behind me, Dante cried.


“I hate taking that medicine!”

“Dante, you!”

“Mom knows nothing! Why is mom getting mad at Ria-nim when you make me hurt all the time! Unlike mom, Ria-nim heals even sick birds!”

“How could you say that to your mom…. Did you know what your mom even did for you? ….”


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Giselle muttered in dismay as if Dante’s words were quite shocking.


‘It was a big deal. Those words would have hurt Giselle a lot.’


I was worried about the staggering Giselle, but she didn’t know the slightest bit of my heart.


In an instant, a brilliance flashed from the eyes that had lost focus.


“Did you seduce my son the same way you seduced His Grace? Exactly what Lexter said. There is no witch like you…!”


Giselle, who was struggling alone in the swamp of delusion, raised her hand.


‘Are you going to hit me?’


Then I’ll gladly welcome you.


I’m going to tell Dillian and blow it all out. Then you are dead!


Just when I raised my chin, Sera grabbed her hand.


“Get yourself together. Count Justin.”


Sera, who was cold, put her lips next to Giselle’s ear and whispered.


Then Giselle’s face turned red.


“What the hell was His Grace thinking when he brought these people into this family!”


Giselle, who had shaken Sera’s hand violently, came closer and hugged Dante.





Sera approached and asked no long from when I saw that Giselle was leaving with Dante.


“Ria-nim, what should I do?”

“… Leave it alone. If we meddle here anymore, Giselle will try to kill me.”


I shook my head when I saw Giselle’s back, who couldn’t control her anger.


“She has an amazing personality, too. Right?”

“If she insults Ria-nim one more time, I won’t stay still.”


I blocked Sera’s hand as she slowly pulled out the dagger.


The dagger she took out as a habit was now familiar enough.


“Hold on.”


A mother who has to protect her sick child is always sensitive and nervous.


It was a moment of anger, but Giselle’s attitude was a response that was understandable to some extent.


She didn’t like me from the beginning, then her son turned his back on her.


She was more concerned about Dante’s condition.


A little while ago, the energy of Dante, which I felt when his hands touched mine, was unusual.


Of course, I feel something that should haven’t been there.

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