Chapter 58

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This is what it means to catch a seabream with a shrimp!

Translated by Dawn


This is what it means to catch a seabream with a shrimp! (+) 

When I got off at the station, I found myself at a loss for words.

Despite feeling cheesy about it, the gravity of having a girl—especially a stunning beauty—stay over at my house was starting to sink in.

To calm myself down, I reviewed the precautions in my mind.

Changing clothes was fine. I could have Mizutani wear my sister’s clothes. Though my sister was slightly shorter, size-wise it shouldn’t be an issue.

Introducing her to my mother… well, I guess I’d figure something out.

I’d already mentioned that a classmate was coming to stay, so I’d just make some casual introductions and be done with it.

I could endure a bit of teasing at this point.

Was there anything else? Ah, the toothbrush.

I think I had a couple of spare new ones, but should I have Mizutani buy her own just in case?

But then again, it would be awkward if she bought one and I had spare ones at home…



When I realized it, Mizutani was standing in front of me, waving her hand.

She had been walking behind me until a moment ago, so when did she end up in front?

“Are you alright? Were you lost in thought?”

“Ah, well, something like that.”

“Could it be that you’re nervous?”

“No way. I’m not nervous or anything.”

Mizutani sighed in response. It seemed evident that I was zoning out.

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“It’s supposed to be me who should be nervous. Aizawa is just going back home, so why do you need to be nervous?”

“Well, if it were just me going back alone, sure… but the situation is different now. Besides, why aren’t you nervous, Mizutani?”

“If I had a super tense person next to me, I wouldn’t be able to get nervous even if I wanted to.”


Alright, I get it. I’m super tense, sorry.

Anyway, we arrived at my home and I inserted the key into the front door, opening it.

“I’m home,” I called out, and Mai’s voice responded with a “Welcome back.”

My mother’s voice didn’t come. She’s probably not at home. I vaguely remember her mentioning something about going to a high school reunion.

“Pardon the intrusion.”

Mizutani’s dignified voice resonated inside the house.

“Huh?” came Maia’s voice from the room.

Then, with a thud, the sound of Mai’s room door opening could be heard.


From the gap, Mai’s face popped out. She was wearing a casual outfit—a T-shirt and shorts—and stared silently at Mizutani.

“Good evening, Mai-san.”

Mizutani greeted her calmly.

Mai was still silent, but this time she turned her head to me.

“What’s going on?”

That’s what her eyes were saying.

“There’s a little situation, so Mizutani is staying over at our house today. I’m sorry, but Mai, I need your cooperation…”

“What?! Really?! Karin-san is actually going to stay over at our house!”

Before I could finish my explanation, Mai practically shouted with excitement.

Her eyes were sparkling with joy. I had expected this reaction since our first meeting, but it was a relief to see her welcoming Mizutani like this.

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“Nice going, big brother! So this is what it means to catch a sea bream with a shrimp!”

“Who’s the shrimp? Don’t compare people to seafood.”

I reflexively made a sarcastic remark, as usual, but then I remembered that Mizutani was here too. I glanced at her. She was watching our exchange with a smile. It seems she took it better than I thought.

Since Mizutani came wearing clothes soaked from the sea, we decided it would be best for her to take a shower first. I let Mizutani go ahead and asked Maia to lend her some clothes. Mai gladly agreed to my request.

In the meantime, I decided to prepare dinner.

I threw various ingredients into a pot and added curry roux to let it simmer.

Curry was really convenient in times like this.

Soon, Mizutani emerged from the bathroom, entering the living room.

As I was checking the heat of the pot in the kitchen, I turned around at the sound of the door opening, only to be stunned.

“I just got out of the bath… What’s the matter?”

Mizutani tilted her head, wiping her vibrant blond hair with a towel.

Mizutani was dressed similarly to Mai, wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

However, even though they were wearing the same style of clothes, the person wearing them made a difference in how they appeared. Mizutani’s white legs extending from the shorts were dazzling, and it was hard to know where to look.

But that wasn’t the issue at the moment.

Above her legs, on the T-shirt Mizutani was wearing. It was clearly a size too big and definitely not Mai’s.

“Ah… Mizutani, can you take that off right now?”

Scratching my head, I made the request.

“Huh? …Huh?”

Misinterpreting something, Mizutani blushed and took a step back.

I hurriedly clarified the misunderstanding.

“No, no. It’s just that… can you change your shirt in the bathroom?”


“Well, it’s just that, in other words… the thing is, that T-shirt you’re wearing is mine.”

I wondered if it was okay to say that.

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Most likely, Mizutani didn’t realize she was wearing my shirt.

It was probably prepared by Mai.

What a little brat, setting up such a trap.

I wanted to scold her right away, but did she escape to her room?

However, it was a scene filled with a sense of taboo. I never knew I had such a fetish, but it’s quite… Wait, what am I thinking? This is not the time for that!

“Anyway, that T-shirt won’t do. Mai has another one. Please change into that one.”

“But if I wear Mai-san’s shirt, it might be a little tight around the chest…”


Mizutani looked down at her chest.

I was unintentionally drawn to that area as well but quickly averted my gaze back to the curry.

I see…the chest. I was a guy at heart, so I didn’t pay much attention to that.

I didn’t know if it was uncomfortable because it was tight or because it stood out. However, if the T-shirt was one size smaller than what she usually wore, it was likely to happen.

Come to think of it, Mizutani had a large chest, huh?

Maybe I just didn’t notice because I didn’t pay much attention, or maybe she was the type who looked slimmer when wearing clothes?

…Wait, I’m thinking about unnecessary things again.

Shaking my head to regain my composure, I made up my mind to tell Mizutani the truth.

Mizutani, upon hearing the truth, would probably make a displeased face.

But it should be better than continuing to wear it without knowing.

I’d ignore the mental damage I’d receive for now.

Once again, I turned from the curry to face Mizutani.

“Mizutani, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Y-yes, what is it?”

Mizutani seemed to sense something from my formal demeanor.

She fidgeted with her hair, adjusting it on the spot.

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After waiting for a moment, I finally spoke up.

“This is really difficult to say, but that shirt is mine. It’s not Mai’s.”

“…Ah, yeah, I know.”

After a short pause, Mizutani said with a disappointed expression.


What, she already knew?

Looking at me, dumbfounded, Mizutani’s eyes widened as if she realized something. She pinched the hem of the T-shirt and looked up at me.

“Could it be that you didn’t want someone else to wear it?”

“Ah, well, it’s not that I mind. If anything, aren’t you the one who would mind?”

“I don’t mind either. Of course, it doesn’t mean I can wear anyone’s shirt, but if it’s yours, well…”

Just as she said that, Mizutani exclaimed, “Ah!” and averted her gaze. She spoke rapidly.

“Anyway, if Aizawa doesn’t mind, then it’s fine if I keep wearing it, right?”

“Y-yeah, that’s how it is.”

“Okay, then let’s consider this matter closed. …By the way, Aizawa, you should take a shower soon. It must be uncomfortable to stay dressed like that.”

“That’s true. Once the curry finishes simmering…”

“It’s fine. I’ll take care of it.”

“But it’s a bit odd to make a guest help with it.”

After hesitating for a moment, I called out to Mai, who was probably lazing around in her room.

I handed over the task of making curry to her and as we passed by each other, she whispered in my ear, “How is it?” 

“How is what?”

“Isn’t it great that Karin-san is wearing your shirt? Guys like that, don’t they?”

So, it was her doing after all.

I lightly tapped Mai’s head and headed to the bathroom.

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