The Most Majestic You

Chapter 1 part1

The Most Majestic You

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Chapter 1

It was a hot summer day in mid June. There had been several thunder showers already.

After the bustling graduation season, the newly graduates swarmed into the job market.  They were either busy running between recruiting interviews or at a loss on what to do.

The Yinyuan Investments Building located downtown was like a sacred sword from Greek myth[1], soaring straight upwards into the clouds.  Qin Xiao stood in front of the revolving door and looked upward.  The dazzling sunlight reflected off the silver glass made her narrow her eyes------

“I’m sorry.  Excuse me!”

Suddenly there was a flurry footsteps behind her.

Qin Xiao turned around and saw a Bentley parked in front of the Yinyuan Building.  A young girl just got off the car and reckless rushed toward her.  Her face, with exquisite make-up, turned a little red from running.  The sound of her high heels click-clacked on the floor accompanied her crystal voice.  “Excuse me.  Thank you!”

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She could not help yelling out.  “Qianxi?”

Qianxi paused abruptly and was almost struck by the revolving door.  She quickly took three steps backwards to be in front of her.  “Ah, Xiaoxiao?”

It was indeed her old classmate.

Qin Xiao saw stars dancing in her eyes from colliding with the revolving door.  She smiled and pointed to the door.  “Do you work here?”

“Yes.”  She then realized something and looked at her watch.  Her eyes widened into plates.  “Ah ah ah!  Today is my first case.  I really can’t be late!  I will buy you dinner next time when I have a chance, ha!”

She waved her hand as she ran away.  Her white suit turned into a streak as she flew past the revolving door and into the elevator.

Qin Xiao stood stunned and watched this girl who moved like the wind. A person like her… was she hired by Yinyuan Investments?

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Qianxi squeezed out of the crowd of suits after the elevator reached the tenth floor.  The employees in the Planning Department all greeted her respectfully when they saw her.  “Director,  good morning!”

“Good morning!”  She curved the corner of her eye to the exact angle she had practiced.

This was the hour when most employees came to work.  There were many employees continuously passing through the hallway.  Qianxi maintained the same smile and finally walked in front of the conference room.

The door was not fully closed, just opened a crack.  She reached over, the cold air from the air conditioner touched her face through the crack.  The air was rather cool. The back of a man dressed in a pure black suit silently sat there, back straight.  His two fingers tapped the conference table rhythmically, it seemed that he wasn’t too pleased with her tardiness.

Qianxi held the folders in her hand tightly, then bit her lips telling herself silently.  “Don’t panic.  Don’t panic.  Ye Qianxi, don’t panic.!”

The clock indicated it was 9:40.

Xu Jimo put his fingers together and frowned a bit.

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The financial plan to sponsor his club had been rejected by many investors, apparently this one wasn’t interested either. Not only the director of the Planning Department, responsible for negotiating, was late, there wasn’t even a single person here to explain anything to him.

Right before he had run out of patience, the so-called director finally walked into the conference room.  Surprisingly she was a young girl, a little bit over 20 at most.  Her exquisite eye makeup and pearl necklace purposely tried to make her look more mature, but one could still see the childishness in her eyes.

Regardless, her surprising beauty would lower anyone’s guard if they weren’t careful.

If she wasn’t sitting at the negotiation table, she would be the exuberant girl that every man of all ages loved.

Xu Jimo looked at her for two seconds.  He was stunned, then smiled briefly in amusement.

Qianxi sat down at the other end of the conference table.  She took a deep breath silently, then she started to size up her counterpart.

She raised her head, then she was shocked.

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He also looked too young.  His long and narrow almond eyes, which could only be found in ancient paintings from the Tang and Song dynasties, were looking at her, coldly.  His long eyelashes blocked any emotion he had in his eyes.  She looked down and saw his clean and slender fingers on the white conference table, which were like leaves sprouting from a pine tree.

He was completely different from her image of a shrewd business elite that hid behind a professional smile.

They looked at each other, both with big questions about the other on their mind.

Qianxi looked through the proposal and found the introduction of him.  “KG club manager, and the key player of the KG team.”

KG club’s main business was the popular esports video game <The Seventh Continent>.  Xu Jimo was once the first generation big shot of this video game.  He dropped out of university to become a professional player and had won 18 world championships.  But then he suddenly disappeared for three years until he organized KG and returned to the competition.

[1]: No idea what sword the author’s referencing here.  As far as I know, there is no legendary sword from Greek myths.

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