The Most Majestic You

Chapter 20 part2

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The Most Majestic You

Chapter 20 Part 2

“......Didn’t you worship those professional players? If…...I mean if, if you knew them and one of them probably likes you.” Qianxi solemnly asked, “ Would you accept?”

“That depends! My little god is still underage, I’d be feeling guilty……”

“Not like that!”

“It still depends. If it’s K god, then I’m certainly willing even if it’s just one night!”

“......” Qianxi felt like she had just swallowed a fly.

“What’s going on. You haven’t seen my K god during all this time? Don’t you think he’s so handsome and so cool? My big god! I was so happy that he came back to play again! You won’t understand.”


“Oh, I forgot to ask. What made you decide to be the translator for a game competition? You weren’t in this circle before.”

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-- --Why?

Because she was the actual investor of KG, the team translator, and could very well be the target…...of her friend’s big god’s confession……

But it was just a possibility!

Qianxi answered, “Nothing, nothing. I’m going to sleep now.” She pulled the blanket over her head.

She was thinking too much; he was sending mixed signals and she was already planning on marrying him…...She was flattering herself! What if he didn’t really mean it that way?

…...if he didn’t mean it, then she would tickle him to death……

She had decided!

Finally, she quietly went to sleep, happy, with that decision.

It was the second match of the wild card round the next day. KG played against Insanity from the American region. It was once again a difficult battle. The scores were very close through the whole game, yet KG lost in the end. KG’s inability to quickly adapt to the international games was exposed.  The whole team felt miserable afterwards.

Fortunately, they adjusted their strategy afterwards and won the match against a Southeast Asian team with ease.

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Qianxi, who was following the matches, finally could breathe a sigh of relief.

Though she would like to see the competition to end as soon as possible, the excitement she felt when witnessing his victory was incomparable to anything else!

Even better, when Xu Jimo saw her after he left the stage, he even gave her look of comfort.

He wore the same uniform as the others, yet, when he walked past the side of the stage, he looked so striking in the dim light. He was the tallest and the most eye-catching. Qianxi believed that she only needed one second to pick him out of a crowd of millions.

The interview after the match was the part she liked the most.

KG had qualified to move forward with two wins and one loss. The blonde hostess passionately welcomed them in English. Xu Jimo, being the captain, stood right next to the hostess. Qianxi had to stretched her neck a tad to see him across the other four players.

She was very jealous of the hostess!

She lost her concentration at one point and missed translating a line. She had to redo it with a blushed face.

All she could think was “what to do, what to do?” Ever since that night, whenever she saw him, all she could think was “I like him very, very, very much……” It was like a computer being attacked by a virus, the whole screen filled with the lines “I like him very much,” “I like him very much.”

When he spoke, his voice was so beautiful to her that she couldn’t hear anything else in the world.

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When he was not talking, as long as he was standing there, her heart scream uncontrollably-- --


She didn’t sense it before, or perhaps she didn’t want to admit, that he had become more and more important to her without even realizing it. She had fallen for him unconsciously.

She liked him so much that she wanted to let the whole world know, yet, on the other hand, she didn’t want to let anyone spread the news.

Why was she having such contradicted feelings……

After the interview was done, Qianxi quietly sneaked away. She got so nervous around him!

She even went to dinner at a different time.

Everyone on the KG team was in a great mood since they had just qualified. They circled around to watch the interview they just did while eating. That had become the only mode of entertainment they had during the competition.

Cheng Yang suddenly paused the video, the picture was when Qianxi came back from daydreaming. His first reaction was to turn to look at Xu Jimo.

Qianxi, with delicate make-up and red cheeks, was unconsciously looking at Xu Jimo’s direction without any pretense…...even the bullet comments spoke the truth: [This translator should be K god’s fangirl. Her eyes haven’t left him.]

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Cheng Yang carefully brought the iPad over to show Xu Jimo, “Look, boss, even the bullet comment speak the truth!”

Xu Jimo glanced over the screen, then glanced at him. Cheng Yang couldn’t see any emotions from his eyes.

Cheng Yang grew nervous, it couldn’t be. They had qualified to move forward and he still wouldn’t let him gossip? He had almost hurt himself internally from keeping his mouth shut……

Li Cang also gave him a look, that’s right. They were almost drawn by young lady boss’ floating pink hearts every day and they couldn’t even burst it!

Xu Jimo didn’t say anything and simply got up to leave.

If he stayed here any longer, Qianxi probably would die of hunger. He couldn’t figure out her logic; she avoided him when eating or even when he was walking. It seemed that she was afraid of affecting him.

Was he that easily distracted? Such a silly girl.

Translated by Team DHH at

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