The Most Majestic You

Chapter 28 part1

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The Most Majestic You

Chapter 28 Part 1

Both Cheng Yang and Li Cang were very careful of their conversation topics the whole time in the restaurant.  Their conversation focused on subjects that Qianxi didn’t quite understand, such as “transfer periods” and “sign on bonuses”, about a club that put a player on the transfer list, or about some other club that also put a player on the transfer list……

Though she couldn’t join in on the conversation at all, Qianxi didn’t feel left out.   She fixed her eyes on Xu Jimo.

Unfortunately, the unromantic man touched her heated forehead, then started to lecture her,  “Did you sneak out from home?”

She nodded.

“Did you tell your family when you came out?”

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She shook her head.

“Tell them now.”

Qianxi waved her cell phone which had a black screen.  “It’s not that I don’t want to tell them.  It’s because I forgot to charge it and my phone died.”

He handed his cell phone to her.

Qianxi closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  “You better get ready.  The success rate that I sneak out secretly and sneak back in is fifty percent.  If I sneak back and get caught by them, the rate of being scolded is seventy percent.  But if my conscience catches up and call them myself, then the rate of getting a scolding and being grounded is one hundred percent.”

“How did you come up with all these ratios?”

“Because it’s very effective to use my puppy eyes on them…...but the phone is so frigid.   They won’t see my big sincere eyes, so they absolutely won’t forgive me!”  Her eyes somehow seemed to threaten him.  “Think it through.  After I make this phone call, you probably won’t be able to see me for the next month……”

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Xu Jimo absolutely didn’t trust her “rational analysis”.  He insisted that she call home.

“All right”.  She lifted his cell phone, dialed the numbers one digit at the time, while softly speaking,  “Since you insist on it I am dialing now.  Don’t regret it later~”

When the call went through, she introduced herself and then immediately retracted the phone half a meter from her ear.  Even Li Cang and Cheng Yang, who were sitting across the table from her, could hear the voice of an angry woman------ “You still know that you can come home?!”

In order to not let KG witness a family tragedy, she acted as nothing had happened and waved to them.  She trotted to the balcony outside the restaurant to continue her conversation.

Her furious mom scolded her for more than ten minutes.  Finally she successfully hung up after she lied that the cell phone was running out of battery.  Qianxi sat at the corner of the balcony, taking deep breaths to rid the depressive feeling after being scolded.

Xu Jimo pushed open the door to the balcony and saw her in the corner.

Dressed in a small white skirt, Qianxi sat cuddled in an awkward position like a gloomy small white cloud.

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He walked over to her.  Qianxi already embraced his leg like a koala before he had a chance to help her up.

“Don’t.”  She said.  “I don’t want to go in.”

“It’s windy here.”

Qianxi leaned her head back to avoid his hand which was trying to touch her forehead.   “It’s better if I get sicker.  If I don’t stay sick, how will they take pity on me?  Then I really will be grounded for one month. You only have one week of vacation, right?”

He said softly,  “I can still keep you company even when I’m not on vacation.”

“Don’t.  Your daily life is simply training, training, and more training when you are not on vacation!  I want to do something different.”

“What do you want to do?”

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The question seemed to stump Qianxi.  “I want to do a lot of things as long as I’m with you.”  She looked up with a pitiful face.  “You are all on vacation, why not simply stay here and play for a couple of days?  I don’t want to go back tonight……”

His eyebrows furrowed as expected.

With her physical condition and the attitude of her parents, he really should take her home as soon as possible. She wanted to stay here for a few more days?

Qianxi abruptly stood up.  She patted her skirt, determined, “I don’t care.  Do you know why I was scolded so fiercely?  Because I lied to my mom that I’m in Phuket, Thailand.   I won’t be able to go back home for at least a week.  So if you don’t take me in during this time period, then I will go find somebody else to take me in.”

She would be scolded no matter what, so she would take any chance to make the best of it.

Xu Jimo finally understood the problem that was causing the communication difficulties between her and her family.

She was a born liar.

Translated by Team DHH at

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