The Most Majestic You

Chapter 30 part1

Translated by Team DHH at

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The Most Majestic You

Chapter 30 Part 1

The jig was up.  She struggled a little longer just long enough for Li Cang and the others to retrieve her cell phone and bag, then she was helplessly led away by her mom.

Everyone at the KG base was in too much shock to say anything, waiting for Xu Jimo’s instruction. With a gloomy face, he pointed to the dining table, “Let’s finish eating.  Training is at nine o’clock tonight.  Forget about what just happened.”

Was it so easy to forget about it…...they didn’t even know what would happen to the young lady boss.

Meanwhile, Qianxi took it with indifference. She accepted what had happened without making much fuss and went home obediently.

Her mom had no need to come here by herself, because she had planned to go home tonight.  However, the scene her mom created was truly embarrassing.  She felt like a kid who had been slapped by her parents right in front of all her friends.

After they got back home, her mom poured herself half a glass of water, then calmly looked at her,  “What’s wrong, are you mad at mom?”

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She lowered head and muttered.  “No……”

“Why didn’t you think your mother wouldn’t be angry?”  Her mom sneered.  She took out a print out from her bag and threw to her.  “Look at it.  Mom cares about your reputation too, so I didn’t take this out.”

Qianxi glanced at it.  It was part of a list of all the check-ins at all the hotels in the country. It was very thorough, including in great detail the identification of the others who checked in with her.  Her mom kept showing off her “evidence”, all the pictures that had been downloaded online in the past two days.

The pictures showed her at the center surrounded by fans holding stuffed animals with her and her so-called “college classmates”.

Her mom was extremely disappointed at her,  “If someone hadn’t sent me these pictures because he thought the person in the photo looked so much like you, your mom wouldn’t know that my baby is so good at lying now !”

Women are all born detectives.  She could find KG from pictures, then the address of the base,  she could also easily find other information from the hotel check-ins.

Her mom gave a long sigh, then she stared right at her eyes,  “Tell mom the truth.  Do you have a boyfriend now?”

Qianxi lowered head and admitted it silently.

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Her mom pointed at her and scolded,  “Look at yourself. Your dad and I left you alone only for for several days and look what kind of friends you’ve made?  Were you already hanging out with these video game players when you ran away from home before?  You lived with these boys all the time.  It’s simply outrageous!”

She finally raised her head.  “They’re not just video game players.  They are professional athletes.  The place they live is the club’s base.  Didn’t we all live in the dorm when we went to school?  Isn’t it very normal that I live in the club’s dorm?”

“You even know how to talk back now!”  Her mom held the cell phone screen facing her.   Even her hand was shaking with anger.  “I ask you.  Which one is your boyfriend?”

The picture taken by a fan on screen kept shaking.  Actually, she couldn’t see clearly where he was and soon grew irritated at the vigorously shaking phone.  She simply turned her head, ignoring it.

Her mom became angrier.  “You don’t want to tell me?”  She pulled out a record on the phone log, one that she had used to call home before.  “Is it this one?”

The number was when she used Xu Jimo’s cell phone to call home to report her whereabouts.  If she knew that it would create so much trouble for herself, then she wouldn’t have listened to him to make such an unnecessary call to home……

It was too late for her to regret it.  “Mom……”

Her mom dialed the number and put the phone near her ear.  “I don’t care which one he is in the picture.  You break up with him immediately, right now.”

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She could not believe it.  “Mom, what are you doing!”

The tone in her mother’s voice was absolute, “You don’t like the Pei family’s son.  So do you just randomly find a guy from street to piss me off?  Haven’t you heard what I said?  Mom’s demanding you that you break up immediately.”

Suddenly, she forgot to resist, forgot to argue and refute, and didn’t even want to beg.  It was back to the night when she ran away from home.  An empty stone paved path around a pond was in front of her.  She was listening to the noisy and annoying chirping of summer insects.

There was no room for negotiation nor possibility of discussion.  There was only coercion coming from her closest blood relations.

How did it come to this?  All her past endeavors, stooping to compromise and pretend that everything was going well, but her situation was growing worse and worse.

The call went through.  Xu Jimo’s voice came from the other end.  It was so familiar.  Her tears fell down instantly the moment she heard his voice.  She felt wronged but she couldn’t tell him.  She could only take a quick, deep breath, trying to hold back all her sadness.

Xu Jimo tried to call her,  “Qianxi?”

“Uhm……”  Her voice carried the crying tone.  “It’s me.”

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Her mom’s face was rigid.  Apparently she didn’t have much patience, waiting for her to go straight to the point.

She couldn’t control her tears this time, despite being able to hold it back numerous times before.  She called his name in a hoarse voice.  “Xu Jimo……”  Suddenly, she couldn’t hold it in anymore and started to cry.

“I’m here.”

It was awfully quiet at the KG base.  Xu Jimo leaned on balcony by himself talking on the phone.  He heard intermittent depressed and noisy chirps of the cicadas.

The moonlight was very nice tonight.  He thought about her situation right now and was not in the mood to enjoy the moonglight.

Her depressed sobbing voice come through the phone.  She was enduring it hard.

“Don’t cry.  Good girl.”

Translated by Team DHH at

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