The Most Majestic You

Chapter 33 part2

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The Most Majestic You

Chapter 33 Part 2

She ended the call and made an excuse that there was some company business she had to take care of and grabbed her purse, ready to leave the party.

Her mom came up to her and stared at her.  “It’s already so late.  What kind of company business would require you to go?”

“We released a new event today.  I have to watch it carefully.  The whole company is working overtime now.  How can I be the only one slacking off?”   She was very good at making up stories.  She smiled and waved goodbye.

Just as she was about to get away successfully, her mom suddenly said that it’s unsafe for a girl to go out so late at night and asked Pei Shaoqing to take her over there.

Actually it was really unsafe to be with him……

Qianxi stubbornly resisted several times, but she caved under her mom’s aggressive suggestion.

She sat in Pei Shaoqing’s car with a gloomy face.

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Pei Shaoqing looked at her in understanding,  “You’re so drunk.  Are you sure you’re going to the company?”

Qianxi rubbed her temples,  “Of course not.”  She answered honestly and told him the address.  “Go to Hairun Hotel.”

“To see your boyfriend?”

She turned her head around.  Her half drunk brain didn’t quite understand what he meant.

Pei Shaoqing drove out of the underground parking lot and smiled meaningfully, “You looked like such a well-behaved girl.  Who’d thought you’d go to a hotel to meet with your boyfriend?”

“......”  What kind of person did he think she was.

She was only trying to declare her own independence and didn’t expect this man to assume something ridiculous.  Her drunken brain was slow to react…... should  she explain?  Or would it be better simply to slap his face?

Pei Shaoqing behaved quite indifferently.  He even glanced sideways at her when he stopped at the red light.  “It doesn’t matter.  Don’t be nervous.  I have a girlfriend too.”

He probably had more than one girlfriend judging from his expression.

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He smiled with a cynical attitude,  “After all, we are going to be engaged.   As long as you don’t get pregnant before we get married, I don’t mind at all.”

Qianxi stared at him for five seconds.  The air was deadly silent.

------She really wanted to kick this man out into the center of the road to create an “accident.”

She wasn’t good at arguing with others.  She was so angry to the point that she was speechless, all she wanted to do was get away from this disgusting man as fast as she could.

“But I do mind.”  Qianxi gave him a hard look, then stepped outside of the car right at the intersection.

Pei Shaoqing kept pressing the horn behind her.  She walked through the pedestrian crosswalk to the other side and waved down a cab.

What kind of stupid taste her mom had!  She couldn’t stop herself from kicking the seat in front of her.

The driver treated her as a drunk woman and drove her to the hotel without a word.  Xu Jimo was already waiting for her at the roadside.  He paid the fare for her and helped her towards the hotel.

The driver looked at her in disgust the entire time…...The look reminded her of that moron, Pei Sahoqing again.  This just made her even angrier!

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Xu Jimo saw she was drunk and angry.  He held her and asked her,  “What happened?  Did they make you drink?”

“No.”  She was practically a host at her cousin’s home.  No one would dare to make her drink.  “They made me drink more disgusting stuff.”

The more she thought about it the angrier she got.  She refused to walk into the hotel.  She went into a drunken tantrum in front of the revolving door.  She was kicking and jumping and cursing.  “Don’t you think that my parents are silly old dotards!?  They think they know everything, they stuck to their self confidence and personal prejudices, they are law unto themselves…...silly and clumsy!  They think their lifetime experiences makes them great. As a matter of fact, their eyes are blindfolded by outdated ideas!  They couldn’t even tell the if a person was a man or a dog!”

“Did you quarrel with your family again?”

“No.  It’s even worse than quarrelling.  I’m totally giving up on them.”  She should have recorded the conversation earlier and let them listen to it.  Let them see what a man with a good family background, very capable, handsome, and highly esteemed, a “son-in-law” in their eyes, was so marvellously shocking.

She wrapped her two arms around his neck before Xu Jimo was even able to figure out what she was talking about.

She buried her head on the front of his neck, rubbing her face and acting cute.   “I’m not happy!  I need hugs.”

He couldn’t handle this drunken crazy girlfriend.

The wind was strong outside and he worried that she might catch a cold again, so he carried her to a sofa in the lobby.  He used other matters to divert her attention.   “The party's still going on inside.  There’s still more than half of the cake remaining.   Do you want to eat it yourself?”

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“Sure. I will most definitely eat your birthday cake.”  Her arms were still wrapped around his neck without letting go.  Her clear and bright eyes stared at his eyes.   She suddenly spoke seriously,  “I can’t do it.  I can’t hide it anymore.”


“I don’t want to hide from my parents about us.  There’s no reason for them to interfere since they already agreed to let me go abroad.  I would rather be a nun than listen to them.”  She felt the entire world had collapsed whenever she thought of Pei Shaoqing’s face.

Her eyes looked up, formulating a multitude of unrealistic plans.  “How about I run away from home once more again?  How about I eat a whole box of sleeping pills to threaten them?  Or I just hold my cousin’s baby and threaten to jump into a well?”   She thought of many different but equally horrible methods.

He turned his face aside and laughed.

Qianxi held his chin and turned his face back straight to face her.  She frowned and said seriously, “......Or how about we try creating a life?”

Translated by Team DHH at

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