The Most Majestic You

Chapter 36 part1

Translated by Team DHH at The Most Majestic You

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Chapter 36 Part 1

Finally, after settling the issue of her spokeswoman, Zhou Tingshen specifically asked while driving her home, “When do you plan to take your boyfriend home to meet us?”

Her forehead started to throb just from thinking about it.  “Don’t mention it…...our family is simply a disaster.  My parents still live in the Middle Ages.  It isn’t just my dad and mom, the two little bosses, but there’s grandma, the big boss, behind them. How did you pass grandma’s scrutiny?”

He carefully recollected his memory, then only briefly said,  “I don’t remember it.  To me, there was only one barrier, which was your cousin.”

It would be so nice if that was the case for her……

“I’m so upset now that I don’t want to go back to that icy cold home……”  She pretended to be very weak and covered her chest, pointing to the road ahead, “Turn right.  Turn right at this intersection.  Quick…...I’m going to my boyfriend to get regenerated.”

Twenty minutes later.

Xu Jimo received a message that she was coming to base all of a sudden.  He went downstairs to meet her.  Then he saw her stepping out of a luxury car.  The man in the driver seat was an outstanding looking man and Qianxi was laughing and waving goodbye to that man.  She turned around, shocked to see him standing there.

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The car sped away behind her.

Qianxi was still staring at him with a dumb expression.  Usually she would rush to jump onto him, but surprisingly she was simply standing there twisting her fingers, as if she had done something wrong.

Didn’t she know that acting so awkwardly now would make a wrong impression?

Xu Jimo pretended that he wasn’t paying much attention.  He walked over to hold her hand, but suddenly she stopped only taking a single step.

Qianxi stood still at the spot and pulled her hand back slowly.  She carefully asked,  “That…...did you see all of it?”

He avoided the question.  “Aren’t you going upstairs?”

“I’ll go up a little bit later.”  She looked uneasy.  She bit her lip and said.  “I have something to tell you.”

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“Since you’ve seen it, then I’m going to be honest with you.”  Qianxi looked up at sky silently.  Looking at a dark cloud flowing through the sky, she kept a straight face and said,  “Actually…...I prefer a man of the handsome, rich, and bossy CEO type.”

His eyebrows frowned as expected.  His clear eyes were gloomy and stared at her eyes silently.

Qianxi burst into laughter.  She bent over and covered her tummy from laughing too hard.  “I’m lying to you.”

“Did you really believe it?  Did you? It can’t be…….don’t tell me that my family has the genes for acting.  You even believed this kind of ridiculous drama.”  Qiaxi saw his face wasn’t relaxing and started to get nervous.  She grabbed his arm.  “Alright, I was wrong!  It’s just that I have worked for a whole day and I’m bored.  I just wanted to joke around with you!”

Something was wrong.  She didn’t seem to have turned the situation around…...she had gone too far.

She grabbed his sleeve and pretended to be pitiful,  “Isn’t it alright that I won’t scare you anymore from now on?  Actually he’s my brother-in-law, he’s the husband of my cousin. Look at him, he has to tolerate his wife hugging and kissing and performing intense romantic scenes on the big screen… you feel a little better now?”

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Xu Jimo turned his face aside.  He didn’t seem to feel a little better at all……

She was out of ideas.  She was like a puppy who had just chewed up the sofa, lowering her head waiting for her punishment.

He turned back to glance at her after she had waited for about a century.  He moved to grip her wrist again and led her back upstairs.  Qianxi raised her face and almost wanted to wag a tail like a dog.

KG was still on vacation.  Cherry and Li Cang had both went back to their own homes. Cheng Yang was out as well.  There were only Cheng Feng and Wei Lai, the two underage teenagers, still at base.  They were playing video games in the living room.

The two kids on the sofa saw Xu Jimo led Qianxi walk in the room with a poker face. They held their breaths and their raised hands in greeting froze stiff in the air.

It was Qianxi who enthusiastically waved back at them, “Hi~”.

Wei Lai awkwardly responded, “Hi, Qianxi Jie.”  He was also wondering where the best hiding spot would be if the boss was going to give his girlfriend a lecture…...

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Cheng Feng didn’t even greet them. He kept his head low, hoping that Qianxi wouldn’t recognize him.

When he was in Seattle, he only mentioned one sentence to his ex-teammates at R.Y that “this  translator girl was really cute”, then it turned into gossip.  After he came to KG, he learned that the girl was his new boss’ ex-girlfriend-- --then they quickly got back together again.   He almost caused a lot of trouble for himself.

He was only seventeen years old.  He couldn’t handle such a heavy episode in his life so early!

But Qianxi kept muttering into Xu Jimo’s ear,  “Cheng Feng’s so strange. Why didn’t he say hello to me.”

Xu Jimo took her to the training room and shut the door.

Why not the bedroom?  Because the training room was the room with the best soundproofing.  It had been remodeled using a special material.   It was guaranteed that nobody could hear any sound from the outside.

Qianxi had a ominous premonition……

She craned forward, pretending to be composed and make some small talk,  “Wei Lai and Cheng Feng seemed to be getting closer and closer.   It’s very possible that they two will become good friends just like Li Cang and Cheng Yang.  By the way, who was your partner in the past? Was it Tundra?” Translated by Team DHH at

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