“In My Opinion, the Ghosts Used Ma Lian as a Scapegoat. On the First Night of the Exam, There was Crying in the Vacant Exam Room; Did You Guys Hear it?”

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When the list was posted, the list of thirty examinees that’d been recommended was also sent to the Emperor. After a month, when the Court Examination ends, and the top three has been chosen, these thirty examinees would receive their (1) Jinshi identity. 

After the present Emperor Yongxuan read through the list of examinees and their papers, he summoned several of the grading ministers to the Imperial Study for questioning. 

“Zhen heard among the examinees for this year’s Imperial Examinations is a candidate named Zhang Ping who assisted the Ministry of Justice in uncovering an unresolved case. (2) Tao-aiqing’s also mentioned and greatly appreciated him. Why is such a talent not among these thirty examinees?”

The Ministry of Rite’s Chief Minister, Gong Songming, was no longer suffering from dysentery, but his body still hadn’t recovered yet; he stood, slightly trembling. He hadn’t participated in grading, so he was unable to answer; he could only invite the Hanlin graduate, Li Fangtong, to answer. 

Emperor Yongxuan skimmed through the file. “Gong ai-qing, why is Li ai-qing here to explain instead of Lan ai-qing?”

Gong Songming let out a long sigh. “Reporting back to Emperor – among the thirty candidates that had been recommended, one had just been murdered; the Ministry of Justice is currently holding a trial for this case. The victim is called Ma Lian; whilst reviewing the papers, several ministers found it difficult to choose between Ma Lian and the examinee Emperor just mentioned, Zhang Ping, causing a dispute. Minister Tao, Assistant Minister Lan, Scholar Li, and many other ministers, thought highly of Zhang Ping, whilst Scholar Liu recommended Ma Lian. Later, for some reason, Scholar Li withdrew his recommendation for Zhang Ping. Ma Lian was chosen. On the night the list was posted, Ma Lian was murdered and the Ministry of Justice brought Zhang Ping to the yamen; Assistant Minister Lan seemed to have recognised Zhang Ping from before, so he’s also suspicious, thus it’s inconvenient for him to meet Emperor, which is why he isn’t here. Please forgive me, Emperor. It shouldn’t be long before an accordion book explaining this matter in detail will be presented from the Ministry of Justice.” 

After Emperor Yongxuan heard this, his brows furrowed slightly. “Gong ai-qing’s meaning is that Lan ai-qing privately leaked the grading process to Zhang Ping?”

Gong Songming hastily knelt down. “Emperor, chen would not dare. It’s the Ministry of Justice that speculates.” 

Emperor Yongxuan stood up, and spoke in an amicable manner, “Quickly rise, Gong ai-qing. Zhen was just casually asking and did not have any other meaning. You’d just recovered from a serious illness; it’s unsuitable to tire yourself.” Then he ordered a eunuch to bring a chair for Gong Songming. 

Gong Songming had just expressed his thanks and sat down comfortably before Emperor Yongxuan spoke once again. “Is Tao ai-qing still presiding over this case? Before, after that case of a weasel murderer, he presented to me a letter expressing his appreciation for Zhang Ping.” 

For a while, all the ministers couldn’t figure out the meaning behind Emperor Yongxuan’s words. Gong Songming ambiguously replied, “Chen isn’t clear on this. Maybe… To prevent suspicions, Minister Tao will transfer this case to the Supreme Court.”

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Emperor Yongxuan laughed. “Then zhen will immediately write an edict informing Tao ai-qing there’s no need to avoid this. Zhen believes in Tao ai-qing’s moral conduct. Since past dynasties, stories of nobles and ministers recommending talents have long captured the people’s imaginations, spreading it far and wide. If in this dynasty, a minister has to fall under suspicion just from knowing an examinee, won’t we become a laughing stock for future generations? Grading ministers can only leave the Imperial City two days after the list has been posted. Ma Lian was murdered on the night the list was posted, therefore, Lan ai-qing should yet to be suspected.” 

Then he called a eunuch to immediately summon Lan Jue into the palace. 

After around an hour, Lan Jue arrived at the Imperial Study; Emperor Yongxuan said, “Lan ai-qing, I’ve heard when Tao ai-qing was grading the papers with you, you both set your hearts on Zhang Ping’s paper. Zhen also wants to take a look at this examinee’s paper. Bring Zhang Ping’s exam paper to zhen.”

Li Fangtong took a step forward. “Emperor, that Zhang Ping lacks moral conduct and is currently a suspect in a fatal case. Isn’t doing this slightly inappropriate?”

Emperor Yongxuan replied, “Zhen just wants to read his paper; there’s no need for qing to put in too much consideration.”

Li Fangtong wanted to continue, but Lan Jue had already knelt to the ground. “Chief Minister Gong was in bad health and Minister Tao returned to the Ministry of Justice straight after reviewing the papers. It was chen’s oversight to have posted the list before the Emperor’s decree. Please punish me.”

Emperor Yonguxan smilingly said, “Please rise, Lan ai-qing. For all of you to choose thirty people to receive a Jinshi degree is an old practice. Zhen trusts all qings and won’t interfere. Even if you hadn’t evaluated the papers and posted the list anyway, Zhen will still believe in qings’ insight. However, this must not be repeated.” 

Cold sweat covered Minister Gong’s forehead; he prostrated on the ground, the other ministers following his actions. They finally found the main point. 

The young Emperor had actually been entangled with Zhang Ping’s matter for a very long time – (3) he was a drunkard uninterested in alcohol. According to the rules of this dynasty, before thirty examinees could be selected to receive the Jinshi degree, the list and their exam papers had to be presented to the Emperor first; only after he looked it over could the list be posted. Some people found it inappropriate to choose the Emperor, so they had to be temporarily switched. 

But because the former Emperor wasn’t in good health and the current Emperor ascended the throne at a young age, it’d always been the Grand Tutor who read on their behalf. After so many years, this had become the usual practice. 

After the thirty people were selected this time, Grand Tutor asked Minister Gong for the list for review. Minister Gong thought they were still following this practice; after Grand Tutor Yun reviewed it once, he immediately posted the list, throwing the young, reigning Emperor to the back of his mind. 

Minister Gong’s cold sweat soaked through his clothes. 

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Although Lan Jue took the initiative to shoulder this responsibility, while the list was posted he was still locked up within the Imperial City; the young Emperor definitely knew who was behind the decision to post the list. 

Emperor Yongxuan stood up again and spoke with concern, “Ai-qings, quickly rise; Zhen was just asking and had no intentions of blaming qings. Gong ai-qing, although the imperial examination has passed, you have to work hard again; Imperial Uncle Prince Huai’s wedding is approaching, so Gong ai-qing must use your body sparingly. Otherwise, zhen’s Imperial Aunt won’t be able to marry.”

Minister Gong kowtowed repeatedly. 


After exiting the Imperial Study, all the ministers released a sigh of relief. 

Minister Gong grabbed Lan Jue’s hands and said, “Assistant Minister Lan’s mind indeed works quickly. Fortunately, you came; otherwise, I would’ve stayed in the mist, not understanding anything.” 

Lan Jue responded, “Minister is praising me too much; it was just a flash of realisation.” 

Liu Bing spoke up, “By the way, Minister Lan, you were invited to the Ministry of Justice for questioning; is everything all right now?”

Lan Jue deemphasised it. “Oh, I thank Minister Liu for your concern. I was eating noodles at his stall when Zhang Ping was arrested by the Ministry of Justice, so Assistant Minister Wang, following the rules, had to take me to the Ministry of Justice to answer a few questions.”

Liu Bing said, “It seems Zhang Ping indeed has some talents. Just his noodle-making craftsmanship is enough for Minister Lan to constantly think about it. Ai, I hope he isn’t the murderer. Oh, right, has the Ministry of Justice found any clues?”

Lan Jue replied, “How would I dare overstep a questioning during the Ministry of Justice’s investigation? I only know that Examinee Ma has made many enemies, hence many suspects have been arrested by the Ministry of Justice. Ai, what a pity we lost a Jinshi talent; Minister Liu also lost an excellent disciple for no good reason. (4) Please restrain your grief and accept fate.”

Li Fangtong snorted heavily whilst Liu Bing released a long sigh; Lan Jue smiled as he cupped his hands in farewell towards Liu Bing and the others. 

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Zhang Ping squatted in the corner of the Ministry of Justice’s prison cell, quietly eating the prison meal. 

The Ministry of Justice’s prison was under the jurisdiction of Minister Tao, so the prison meals were okay – the steamed buns weren’t that hard and there were porridge and salted vegetables. Zhang Ping was quite content.

Chen Chou sat beside Zhang Ping, squeezing his bun with concern. 

“Brother Zhang, after we’re released, should we burn some incense at a temple? Not only did we fail the imperial exams, now it’s followed by a prison disaster… Ai…”

Several other scholars who held animosity against Ma Lian had gathered together to curse with fury. 

“This Ma Lian, he doesn’t give people peace even after death!”

“If it was me, I’d feel killing this kind of person would only dirty my hands!” 

“What does the Ministry of Justice mean by doing this? Indeed, there’s no evidence that we didn’t kill him, but there’s no evidence that we did kill him! Why are they locking us in jail? I want to report against the Supreme Court, I want to report to the Emperor!” 


Wang Yan stood at the corner of the corridor, silently looking in the direction of the prison cells. 

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Physician Kong softly said, “Master Wang, it’s slightly non-compliant to lock so many suspects up at once. The Chief Minister also intends for you to keep one or two people and release the rest. Why is Master keeping them locked up, yet watching from here?” 

Wang Yan expressionlessly replied, “None of them may be the real murderers, but observing their words and actions in prison could lead to clues. This case may not be an ordinary murder case.”

Physician Kong couldn’t help but feel disapproving; no matter how one looked at this case, it was just an ordinary vendetta case. However, to comply with the other’s pleasure, he still asked Wang Yan, “Then has Master observed anything?” 

Wang Yan was silent. From the cells, a scholar whispered, “…In my opinion, the ghosts used Ma Lian as a scapegoat; didn’t he draw out that exam room? …On the first night of the exam, there was crying in the vacant exam room; did you guys hear it? …”

Two or three scholars shivered and silently nodded. 

Another scholar snorted. “Could it be that you guys were experiencing hysteria? I didn’t hear anything. If we’re suspicious, then shouldn’t Feng Ruoqi be even more suspicious? The resentment between him and Ma Lian was far from ordinary, and he once had that kind of livelihood…”

Wang Yan immediately ordered a constable to investigate the person who spoke and find inside information on the person he was talking about, Feng Ruoqi; the constable hurried away. 

Another scholar then said, “That’s right; someone had once hung themselves to death in the exam room Ma Lian had drawn. The one looking for a scapegoat should also be the ghost of a person who hung to death, but Ma Lian was drowned…”

(1) Jinshi – the highest and final degree in the Imperial Examinations

(2) Ai-qing – means ‘beloved subjects’

(3) A drunkard uninterested in alcohol – refers to someone with ulterior motives

(4) Restrain your grief and accept fate – a phrase of condolences. This translator just wants to say if I received this kind of condolence, I’d probably slap that person 

T/N: This translator also wants to mention that Ma Lian said ‘palace examinations’ in the previous chapter, but I actually meant ‘court examination’. Apologies for the mistake. 

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