He Dragged His Leg as he Slowly Walked, A Sickly Look of Weariness in his Eyes. He Noticed Zhang Ping’s Gaze and Glanced at Him.

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On August 81, King Huai’s wedding commenced. The entire Capital was draped in red silk and decorated for the celebration. 

King Huai was Emperor Yongxuan’s imperial uncle. Before Emperor Yongxuan came of age and took over the court, he was the dynasty’s regent, hence this marriage was exceptionally grand and extravagant. The spectating common people all said, even the Emperor’s marriage can only be this grand. 

To add to the festivity, Emperor Yongxuan arranged for the Court Examination to commence after King Huai’s wedding, on August 10. 

Thirty people were selected from the Imperial Examination. The last-listed Ma Lian was murdered, leaving only twenty-nine candidates. As this was inauspicious, Emperor Yongxuan ordered the Ministry of Rites to add one more person to the list. As he was once ‘highly recommended’ by the Ministry of Justice’s Chief Minister, Tao Zhoufeng – who’d substituted the Ministry of Rites’ Chief Minister, Gong Songming, in presiding over the grading of examination papers – Zhang Ping, a candidate from the Xichuan Prefecture, was selected. 

The auspicious news hadn’t even been publicised yet before Lan Jue heard about it. When he returned to his residence, he called Zhang Ping to the hall and said, “No matter what your result is for the Court Examination, you’re already a Jinshi and Lord Tao is your teacher. It’s quite inconvenient for you to remain at my residence. Tomorrow, the news will be delivered to Little Mice Alley. Pack your things today and move back.”

Zhang Ping ‘en’ed in reply.

Lan Jue waited, but after Zhang Ping ‘en’ed, he didn’t say anything else. 

Lan Jue couldn’t help but think the other was too lacking in the ways of the world. 

Lan Jue had long expected the Emperor to add Zhang Ping to the list and not appoint Lan Jue as his teacher. Among the other court ministers, Lan Jue was currently one of the youngest and had few qualifications. If the Emperor truly wanted to train Zhang Ping, he’d definitely find a teacher with good prestige and reputation. 

Although he’d expected all this, Lan Jue was still a little concerned. He was like a jade craftsman who discovered an inconspicuous gem hiding beauty within but was unable to personally carve it – he naturally felt regretful. 

He wasn’t counting on Zhang Ping to say ‘the person who guided me was Lord Lan. In my heart, Lord Lan is my true teacher’. 

But no matter how slow and wooden you are, you should at least say ‘thanks’, right? After all, you’ve lived at my residence for so long and even got paid. Just how many times have you actually taught Hui’er decently? 

Lan Jue looked at Zhang Ping with mixed feelings. Zhang Ping bowed and said, “I’ll return and pack my things now.”

Then he left the small hall just like that. 

Lan Jue gazed at his disappearing figure. He sat for another while before getting up and returning to his bedroom. 


Zhang Ping was packing his belongings in the side room. Wu Shixin, followed by Lan Hui, came by to help him. Wu Shixin smilingly said, “I told Young Master Hui about your circumstance – he insisted on sending you off.”

Lan Hui probed at Zhang Ping’s luggage. With complete earnestness, he said, “Sir Wu said you’re going to become a Jinshi. You haven’t sat through the Court Examination yet, right? Only after the Court Examination can you become a Jinshi.” 

Zhang Ping responded, “That’s right.”

Lan Hui blinked at him. “Back then, my dad was a Tanhua. You can’t become a Tanhua, right? You have to be like my dad to become a Tanhua. I thought Tong biao-ge would become a Tanhua, but my dad said Tong biao-ge will become the Zhuangyuan2. 

Wu Shiming knew Zhang Ping was added to the list later, so for the Court Examination, it was likely he’d only come up last. For Lan Hui to blabber such words might hurt his self-confidence, so he quickly changed topics, “Ai, I’m so envious of Brother Zhang for being selected. I can only participate in the Imperial Examination after another three years – I hope to have Brother Zhang’s luck.”

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Zhang Ping said, “It was just a fluke. Brother Wu has great knowledge, so you’ll definitely get selected for the next Imperial Examination.”

Wu Shixin laughingly responded, “I trust Brother Zhang’s auspicious words.”

Lan Hui continued looking at Zhang Ping with his sparkling, black eyes and said, “I heard you can only become a Jinshi after solving cases. What exactly was with that murder case? Did you see ghosts? I saw them when I was at jiu-jiu3 and Uncle Wang’s residence, but die-die said they were all faked, so what exactly-” 

Wu Shixin hastily cut in, “Young Master Hui, have you forgotten? Master Lan told you that if you mention this again, you’d provoke the evil spirits and have to sleep in the study again.”

Lan Hui reluctantly ‘en’ed and stopped. He pretended to put on a blank expression but secretly glanced at Zhang Ping still. 

Taking advantage of Wu Shixin’s departure to the toilet, Lan Hui approached Zhang again and pulled his sleeves. “Will you come again?”

Zhang Ping nodded. Overjoyed, Lan Hui whispered, “Then when you come again, and die-die and Sir Wu aren’t around us, you can secretly tell me everything.” 

Zhang Ping patted his head. “Okay.”


Lan Jue had taken a short rest in his bedroom; by the time he got up, the sky was completely dark. His personal servant said, “Master, that Zhang Ping wants to leave. He’s waiting outside to bid farewell.” 

Lan Jue frowned with surprise. “Oh? He didn’t leave immediately?”

The servant replied, “No, he’s been waiting in the courtyard for a long while now.”

Lan Jue draped a robe over himself and exited his bedroom. Down the corridor, among the dim shadows of light, stood a silent figure.

Lan Jue walked closer. The figure bowed. “I’ve come to bid farewell.”

Lan Jue nodded slightly. In the light, the figure still had his head bowed. “I’m extremely grateful for Lord Lan’s help these past few days and will forever keep it in mind.”

A small smile graced Lan Jue’s lips. “There’s no need to be so courteous. Go back and make preparations. During the Court Examination, don’t feel too nervous – you may answer freely.”

The figure was silent for a moment. Then, he said, “I will keep that in mind.”


On August 10, the list of thirty people chosen to become Jinshi’s participated in the Court Examination. Chief Minister Gong visited the palace to assist in the examination whilst Lan Jue stayed at the Ministry of Rite’s yamen. 

When it was almost noon, Official Dou knocked on the door with a smile and cupped his hands. “Congratulations, Lord Lan. Your nephew, Liu Tong’s talent was greatly appreciated by the throne – the Emperor has already granted him the Zhuangyuan title. Cai Xianzhang, a candidate from the Jiangnan Prefecture, was granted Bangyan4. I heard it was you who recommended the ‘ethics’ candidate, You Hengqing from the Shandong Prefecture, who has been granted Tanhua. Lord Lan, this is a double blessing.”

Lan Jue thought differently. He had no doubt Liu Tong would become the Zhuangyuan. Although he’d been the one to recommend the bangyan candidate’s examination paper, he was the Ministry of Rite’s Assistant Minister. The one with true presiding power was his superior Gong Songming. According to customs, this candidate would become Gong Songming’s disciple. 

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With a smiling expression, he thanked Official Dou. Official Dou continued, “Oh, that’s right, the candidate, Zhang Ping, who was added to the list later….. I think he’s been ranked last.” Watching Lan Jue’s expression, with a lowered voice he said, “I heard after the Court Examination, the Emperor said to those around him ‘if I wasn’t sitting on the throne and had been simply looking at this candidate’s expression, I would’ve thought I owed him money’. It seems even though he unintentionally met a good fortune, his future will still be….. Difficult.”

Lan Jue listened with a small smile and twitching brows. 


On August 11, the list of new Jinshi was officially publicised; on August 12, a parade through the streets was arranged for them.

The Capital’s common people were all quite excited. Among the Jinshi for this year’s examination, there were many young pretty faces; especially the Zhuangyuan – he was much prettier than the Tanhua. 

Wearing a Jinshi robe with a red flower tied to his chest, Zhang Ping slowly rode a horse following the heels of other Jinshi. Chen Chou stood among the crowd beside the street and cheered for him. 

Having solved two major cases earned Zhang Ping at least some reputation across the Capital. Many people stretched their necks to see his face, pointing and commenting ‘he is that jinx who sold noodles and somehow became a Jinshi’. 

After the parade was over, the Jinshi entered the palace to receive an imperial feast. Although Zhang Ping had been ranked last, all the other Jinshi knew he had a good relationship with Assistant Minister Lan, was thought highly of by the Emperor and was now even Tao Zhoufeng’s disciple. They all treated him with courtesy and took initiative to chat with him. 

Zhang Ping was naturally short of words, so having to simultaneously talk to multiple people made him feel even more exhausted, especially when all the other Jinshi were ranked higher than him yet still complimented his intellect. Zhang Ping wasn’t sure how to deal with it. He painstakingly racked his brains for words to reply with. He knew his manner of speaking was unconsciously stiff, so before he spoke he had to take a while to consider, making him appear even more taciturn and slow. 

When they arrived at the imperial garden, the Emperor still hadn’t arrived yet. Lan Jue, who was also attending the feast, plus other officials from the Ministry of Rites and a few scholars from the Hanlin Academy arrived first. Lan Jue smiled and faintly nodded his head at Zhang Ping, treating him the same as any other Jinshi. Whilst the other Jinshi went up to greet the officials, Zhang Ping quietly circled behind an old tree in the guise of admiring the flowers and took a breath. 

He raised his head and observed the Imperial Garden’s scenery – he saw a figure approaching from the distance. 

Zhang Ping’s eyes locked on their leg. 

This person was in his twenties. He had an elegant appearance and a slim yet tall build. If he walked with graceful steps, he would be the perfect template for an aristocrat in play scripts; unfortunately, he was a cripple. 

He dragged his leg as he slowly walked, a sickly look of weariness in his eyes. He noticed Zhang Ping’s gaze and glanced at him. Zhang Ping lowered his head and bowed. That person indifferently looked away before walking forward again. 

Zhang Ping continued to stare. Someone beside him pulled at his robe and whispered, “Brother Zhang, you’re too5 bold. Do you know who he is?”

With a lowered voice, Zhang Ping replied, “I know.”

Everyone in the yard had already knelt down, so Zhang Ping also knelt on the spot. 

That person was wearing a purple, cloud-patterned robe. In this dynasty, only one could wear this coloured robe-

“Greetings, King Huai.”

King Huai casually said, “Hm, you all may rise.” His current expression concealed his previous weariness. He looked at the new Zhuangyuan, Liu Tongyi, who was standing beside a peony bush bound by silk flowers and smiled a little. “You’re truly like a blossom of crepe myrtles6.”

Liu Tongyi calmly thanked King Huai for his praise. King Huai took a few more steps toward him and said, “There’s no need to be so courteous. You are Imperial Tutor Liu’s grandson?” As he spoke, he actually held Liu Tongyi’s hands. “I don’t know if you still remember, but I-”

Liu Tongyi took a step back, appearing a little shocked; the eunuchs and two Hanlin scholars standing aside wore complicated expressions. At this moment, an announcement sounded – the Emperor has arrived. 

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King Huai released Liu Tongyi’s hand, allowing the other to take another step back and kowtow. Emperor Yongxuan smiled at King Huai, who stood among the prostrating crowd, and said, “Uncle arrived before me.” He walked to stand beside King Huai and said to everyone else, “You all may rise.”

Zhang Ping stood up and patted his robe. The person who talked to him just then was Du Mengheng, ranked twenty-ninth in the Court Examination. His and Zhang Ping’s rank stood side-by-side, so he treated him with exceptional amity; when the feast began, he sat with Zhang Ping. The Emperor spoke a few words of encouragement to the Jinshi whilst the other officials might as well be background props. King Huai sat beside the Emperor, focused only on drinking and eating, and spoke little. A hint of weariness appeared between his brows again and his eyes would occasionally drift to Liu Tongyi. 

After the feast ended, the Emperor and King Huai departed first. Zhang Ping squatted on the ground and narrowed his eyes. A eunuch beside him said, “Jinshi Zhang, did you drop something?”

Zhang Ping stood up and patted his robe. “No.”

When they exited the Imperial City, Du Mengheng let out a big breath and said to Zhang Ping, “Brother Zhang, you worried me to death. You kept staring at King Huai – being accused of being disrespectful to your superior isn’t a small matter. I reminded you so many times, yet you kept ignoring me.”

He looked around before continuing in a low voice, “I know you haven’t seen it before, hai hai….. Actually, King Huai is a homosexual…..”

Zhang Ping was taken aback. Du Mengheng was very satisfied with that. In an even quieter voice, he said, “This matter is known to all. Rumours say that a few days ago, after King Huai’s wedding, he didn’t even enter the bed chambers. The next day, he visited the Twilight Pavilion.”

Catching Zhang Ping’s perplexed expression and realising his lack of understanding, he explained, “It’s a brothel but with only men inside….. You must never tell this to another person, otherwise, both you and I are done for.” 

Zhang Ping ‘en’ed in response. Although expressionless, he actually felt very shocked. 

He’d heard of homosexuality before, but he’d never seen or cared for it. 

Zhang Ping had been living a very simple life. He read, sold noodles, ate, and investigated cases he found interest in. To come in direct contact with such an intricate person made him feel complicated. 

When observing King Huai, he noticed the other would frequently look at Liu Tongyi, so he guessed they had a past together. It all made sense now.

But King Huai’s leg…..

He’d heard anecdotes about King Huai before. Some people said if it wasn’t for King Huai’s disability, perhaps he would’ve been sitting on the throne. Others said if it wasn’t for King Huai’s disability, perhaps he would’ve been eliminated by the former Emperor to prevent him from dominating the Imperial Court. 

But King Huai’s leg….. 

But, could it be…..

Liu Tongyi didn’t look like a woman, but….. Could it be…..

Zhang Ping fell into deep thought.


King Huai’s wedding and the examinations were over – Lan Jue could finally be released from these burdens. He requested leave and took a rest at home. He slept and only got up when the sun was three poles high7. His servant said, “Master, you’ve finally awoken. Jinshi Zhang came to pay his respects and has been waiting in the front hall for quite some time.”

For a moment, Lan Jue felt perplexed. Today was the day the new Jinshi would pay their respects to their teachers, but no candidates from this year’s examination were his disciples. This Jinshi Zhang….. 

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It can’t be Zhang Ping.

It was Zhang Ping. When Lan Jue arrived at the front hall, he saw Zhang Ping standing there. Placed on the table were two boxes of mooncakes and a basket of pomegranates – gifts. 

Lan Jue frowned. “You should be paying your respects to Lord Tao.”

Zhang Ping responded, “I’ve already sent a visitation letter and will pay my respects to Lord Tao in the afternoon.”

Lan Jue felt a little helpless, yet he also couldn’t suppress a smile. “Lord Tao is your teacher. In the future, he’ll be your most substantial supporter in court. He is a good official, so you don’t have to send him anything extravagant. You can send him the same things you’ve brought here.” He paced towards the table and looked at the mooncake boxes. “Minister Tao is slightly older, so Yunnan Ham Mooncakes are a little too greasy. You can send some mooncakes with vegetable fillings.”

Zhang Ping said, “I ordered Five Kernel Mooncakes.”

Lan Jue couldn’t help but smile again – he wasn’t as benighted as he thought. 

Slowly, he said, “If Lord Tao doesn’t let you eat a meal at his residence, you can come over for dinner.” 

Zhang Ping nodded. “Okay.”


On the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the imperial edict regarding the new Jinshi’s rewards and official positions was issued. 

According to the systematic changes of this dynasty, the top three Jinshi were to be directly assigned to the palace departments. 

Zhuangyuan Liu Tongyi was assigned to the Court of Judicial Reviews as a sentence evaluator, rank 5A8

Bangyan Cai Xianzhang was assigned as the Ministry of Appointments’ Chief, rank 5B.

Tanhua You Hengqing was assigned as the Ministry of Rites’ Chief, rank 5B.

The top second and third could be kept in the palace or elsewhere, and their official positions were both very generous; at least, they could work in the state. Only the last Jinshi, Zhang Ping, was assigned to a distant region – Yiping County of Mutian Prefecture – as the county magistrate’s assistant, rank 7B. 

T/N: I might edit a few things from previous chapters (if possible), so if you re-read this novel and find some drastic name changes, that’s why ^^


Translator's Notes

This date follows the lunar calendar. The top scorer. 舅舅 – uncle; mother’s brother. 榜眼 – second place in the Court Examination. 忒 (te) – [dialect] most commonly spoken in Tangshan (northeast Hebei province) to Qinhuangdao (northern Hebei). Equivalent to ‘太‘ (tai). In China, crepe myrtles symbolise officials and noblemen 日上三竿 (ri shang san gan) – [idiom] late in the morning 正五品 (zheng wu pin) – in Ancient China, there were nine ranks of official positions. These nine ranks were each divided into A and B. A’s rank is higher than B, e.g. rank 5A is superior to rank 5B.

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