He Abruptly Pounced On Zhang Ping. “My Dear Scholar, I Have To Thank You! If It Weren’t For You, I Wouldn’t Have Known The Culprit Who Killed Li Niang Was Wife Jin!”

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Wife Jin looked at the physician and spoke with a trembling voice. “You… You…”

The physician was expressionless as he allowed the constables to kneel him to the ground. A constable carried over a live rabbit and not long after he inserted a silver needle – from a humble yet renowned physician-official who was treating Jin Lifa – behind the rabbit’s ear, its eyes blurred and it prostrated onto the floor; motionless as if asleep. 

Master Tao asked, “The silver needle has clearly been dipped in poison, yet why doesn’t it turn black?”

The humble yet renowned physician-official replied, “The silver needle wasn’t dipped in poison, but a type of herbal medicine. This subordinate deliberately went to the official institute of the imperial physicians to ask for a consultation. There are written records in the《Expropriated Copies of Miscellaneous Prescriptions》of a folk recipe in the Liu Nanshan area locally described as Gleditsia, dayflower, and finger grasses fried together into a liquid that can make humans and animals become senseless. 

Tao Zhoufeng asked, “If it’s just to make someone senseless – not fatal – then why do you determine his intentions were to murder Jin Lifa?” 

The physician-official replied, “After the medicine causes senselessness, it’ll also weaken the pulse and stop one’s breathing, making them appear dead. He consecutively penetrated this needle into several of Jin Lifa’s acupoints; if it wasn’t for this subordinate’s timely assistance, Jin Lifa would’ve definitely died.”

That physician prostrated motionlessly onto the ground. Wife Jin repeatedly screamed, “Master, this is Luo Ling, me and my husband’s fellow countryman. He arrived at the Capital two months ago and was living by the lane entrance. Thinking it was more convenient with a fellow countryman, whenever my husband and I had headaches and brain fevers, we’d get him to treat us. We patronised him so much and we definitely have no hatred between us, so how could he-?”

The physician just laid there without a word; Minister Tao slammed down his gavel. “Luo Ling, there is undeniable evidence that you intended to kill Jin Lifa. Are you the one who used a knife to stab Jin Lifa and pushed him into the manure pit that night; the one who raped and murdered Li Niang more than a decade ago?”

Luo Ling slowly straightened up and said, “Master, this humble one was only treating Mr Jin and wanted him to suffer less pain, which was why I dipped the needle in medicine. Master physician-official also said the medicine can only cause one to become unconscious. This humble one is inexperienced; in addition to having so many officials next to me in the Ministry of Justice, I felt inevitably afraid. I was momentarily muddle-headed and pierced the wrong acupoints, almost killing Mr Jin; it’s the fault of this humble one’s inadequate medical skills. But I’m definitely not involved in making an attempt against his life; moreover, this matter about rape and murder is causing this humble one to feel even more confused. Just as Mrs Jin said, both Mr and Mrs Jin were kind to me, why would this humble one harm them?” 

Tao Zhoufeng said nothing. 

Luo Ling continued, “If Master doesn’t believe me, you can search this humble one’s home and check whether you can find evidence of crime; besides, this humble one is just a physician without even the power to bind a chicken. Mr Jin’s family ran a theatre; during his early years, he’d practised martial arts and still has a well-built physique. Even if this humble one laid in an ambush in the latrine and attacked Mr Jin, I may not have succeeded. The latrine is narrow and Mr Jin was stabbed by a knife; during his struggles, he might’ve even pushed me into the manure pit. The moonlight was bright that night and there weren’t any suitable hiding places near the latrine; everyone in the troupe also recognises me, so if I was the one who fled after the assault, I would’ve easily been exposed. If this humble one wanted to harm Mr Jin, I would’ve just put poison into his medicine; why would I use this method?”

Master Tao continued to stroke his beard; continued to remain silent. 

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Wang Yan sneered with a ‘hehe’. “Zhang Ping, you told the Chief Minister Luo Ling was the true perpetrator who intended to kill Jin Lifa and raped and murdered Li Niang. Do you have any other evidence?”

Zhang Ping bowed without an answer. 

Wang Yan sneered again. “That means you don’t? How funny! This is what an examinee who wants to enter the imperial court and become a minister looks like. You haven’t even memorised the laws, statutes and precedents, yet with a ready tongue you were ready to judge who the perpetrator is.” He cupped his hands. “Chief Minister, this subordinate believes Luo Ling’s self-defence was rational and there is insufficient evidence against him; he should at most be convicted of improper medicinal practices and causing negligence-induced injuries. As for Zhang Ping, he framed a good citizen for a crime they didn’t do. The perpetrator of this case is clearly Li Qi!” 

Li Qi had always been silently listening; hearing this, he suddenly raised his head. “Master, this humble one was wronged. Master says this humble one is the perpetrator, yet there’s no conclusive evidence either-”

“I’ve already inferred the reason behind why you committed the crime, how can we not find evidence? The constables had already investigated and found that recently you asked Class Teacher Jin and his wife to raise your wages. You practiced《Fox Husband》two times before and after, yet Class Teacher Jin told you all to step up your vocal practice; you must have many dissatisfactions. Luo Ling’s self-defence just then further confirmed that the person who attempted an assassination on Mr Jin is a troupe member,” Wang Yan said. 

Minister Tao said, “That’s right. According to my many years of trial experience, those who attack the victims head-on are mostly acquaintances; towards strangers who attack head-on, ordinary people would’ve already put up their guards.”

Wang Yan said, “Master is wise. Additionally, this subordinate had actually already found the murder weapon.” 

After signalling with his eyes, a constable presented a cloth-covered tray that was faintly suffused with a bad odour. Minister Tao lifted the cloth; inside was a knife, the blade long and narrow and the handle old. 

Wang Yan said, “This knife was ordered by this subordinate to be found in Laixi Troupe’s latrine manure pit. After comparison, I determine this should be the murder weapon.”

Master Tao let out a breath. “Zhang Ping, is this your knife?”

Zhang Ping replied, “It’s exactly the one this student lost.” 

Li Qi hissed, “The knife is his, but why do you say the culprit is this humble one?”

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Wang Yan’s expression changed and he shouted, “How dare you! You apprentice of evil; you think you could hide your actions – stealing a knife and committing crimes – with underhanded means? You’re still arrogantly quibbling! I’ve already questioned around and found that before Jin Lifa was harmed, an apprentice saw you exit your room. Jin Lifa is about to wake up; he should know who the perpetrator is. I advise you to quickly confess; don’t wait for a greater punishment!” 

Li Qi was trembling all over as he knelt, droplets of cold sweat rolling down one after the other. He naturally knew that in the court, Chief Minister Tao was still second; the current Imperial Tutor’s eldest son, Assistant Minister Wang, was the truly difficult one to defeat. Even if Assistant Minister Wang casually pulled out a corpse, said it was him who killed them, and immediately executed him, he could only accept it. 

This matter had already come to this point; he had to speak the truth. Li Qi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. He tremblingly said, “Master, this humble one confesses. I confess that this humble one isn’t the mastermind behind this matter – the mastermind is Luo Ling!”

Luo Ling was aghast. “Brother Li Qi, you and I have no grievances in the past or today; why would you frame me and play up to those with power and influence?”

Li Qi sneered. “Do you take me as a fool? You instructed me to do things, so I’d naturally leave some evidence. How could I take the blame in the end whilst you remain clean?” He kowtowed. “Chief Minister, Assistant Minister. There are several letters Luo Ling sent me hidden in this humble one’s room. He asked me to find someone to imitate Jin Lifa’s handwriting and make the transcription look old so it could be used as evidence that Jin Lifa seduced Li Niang in the past.” 

A constable arrived at Li Qi’s room and, sure enough, found the letters. 

Li Qi wasn’t someone who could be easily defeated either. In case Luo Ling’s letters weren’t personally handwritten himself, he lied and said he couldn’t remember the letter sequence, making Luo Ling mark the order of letters in front of him. 

The handwriting was clear; irrefutable. 

The evidence was sent to court and handed to Minister Tao. Tao Zhoufeng sighed. “Luo Ling, it seems the perpetrator really is you. Was it you who also killed Li Niang, which was why you wanted to kill Jin Lifa to silence him? Why exactly did you do so many things? To covet a married woman’s beauty and commit such terrible evil, are you worthy of the firmaments; the world; your parents?”

Luo Ling’s complexion was bruised, his eyes covered with red threads; he spoke loudly, “I didn’t kill Li Niang! I wanted to take revenge for Li Niang! They were the ones who killed Li Niang! They even wrote this matter down into a play!” He abruptly pounced on Zhang Gong. “My dear scholar, I have to thank you! If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have known the culprit who killed Li Niang was Wife Jin! I always thought it was her bitch mother!”

Several guards stepped forwards to restrain Luo Ling. Zhang Ping looked down at him; he was expressionless, but his eyes held a little bit of pity. 

“The one who killed Li Niang was still you. If I haven’t guessed wrong, you were afraid she wouldn’t leave with you. You never told her the truth, even until the end. You drugged her with anaesthesia without her knowing, but her family treated it as a spirit at work and burnt her body. Listening to your words just then, does that mean Wife Jin’s younger brother and mother’s deaths were also related to you?”

Luo Ling was silent for a moment. His expression changed before he suddenly laughed sadly. “Haha, that’s right, it was me! That old hag – it was her who hired a sorceress and said any sinful person charmed by a spirit wasn’t worthy of staying… They burnt Li Niang alive! So I killed her son first, then killed her after! It’s all because of my reluctance that I actually let go of the person who truly deserved to die! Even if twenty years have passed, I will still take my revenge!”

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After the case trial finished, a night had passed. 

Luo Ling had calmly confessed and explained the whole story. 

When he was an apprentice learning how to become a physician with his Shifu, he unintentionally caught a glimpse of Li Niang’s appearance; after that, she was constantly in his mind. But wanting to marry Li Niang was just his wishful thinking. He was freely raised in the marketplace and had learnt the skill of picking a lock and entering one’s courtyard, so he disguised and dressed, pretending to be a spirit, and met Li Niang every night. 

Later, he found out Li Niang was pregnant; the matter would be revealed sooner or later. He wanted to elope with Li Niang, yet was afraid she’d suddenly know his real identity and cause trouble that’d be hard to clean up after. Hence, he drugged Li Niang, wanting to wait until midnight – when nobody was around – to dig up Li Niang’s body from her grave. Who would’ve expected that Li Niang told her cousin, Li Xiangwan, about her encounter with her Weasel Immortal? After hearing Li Niang had died, Li Xiangwan was greatly shocked and didn’t dare tell her uncle and auntie about this matter; instead, she told her mother, who told her brother-in-law. They asked a sorceress to check Li Niang and found she was pregnant; in addition to the sorceress’ nonsense, the Li Family unexpectedly hurriedly carried Li Niang off to burn her within one night. 

The Li Family was in chaos because of this; the secret funeral was mostly handled by the son-in-law Jin Lifa. During the early morning, while he was purchasing (1) joss paper, Jin Lifa actually saw Luo Ling lighting an incense stick to burn the joss paper by the river. 

Luo Ling’s parents had long passed away, and although his Shifu was old and sickly, he was still alive. When Jin Lifa bumped into this moment, he felt slightly suspicious, but he didn’t have time to think carefully of it.

Later, Luo Ling used an excuse to invite him out for drinks and lied saying it was his parents’ death anniversary that day. After Jin Lifa was drunk enough, he asked who made the decision to burn Li Niang. 

In order to keep Li Niang’s secret, Li Xiangwan never told Jin Lifa the truth, so Jin Lifa said his mother-in-law invited a sorceress, and it was the sorceress who made the decision. 

Luo Ling decided to avenge Li Niang. By a lucky coincidence, Li Xiangwan’s younger brother caught a cold. He did something to the medicine and caused the boy to die with what seemed to be small-pox. 

Luo Ling was very cautious. He laid dormant for a while, heartily appreciating Li Xiangwan’s mother’s pain of losing a child. After his Shifu died of illness, he used a method unknown to even ghosts to poison Mother Li to death. 

Afterwards, Luo Ling left town and wandered around for nearly twenty years. 

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After a freak combination of factors, he arrived at the Capital and happened to meet Jin Lifa and Wife Jin; at the same time, these two were finding someone to write a script about Li Niang. 

“I thought Li Niang’s spirit wanted to tell me who truly harmed her.”

When Luo Ling was helping the Laixi Troupe members treat their sicknesses, he saw the script and was deeply appalled. The script content actually guessed the truth of what he did back then.

He began to wonder if Li Xiangwan deliberately wanted to kill Li Niang at that time; if Jin Lifa saw this script, maybe it’d remind him of what he saw back then. 

After Jin Lifa saw this script, he was furious and asked someone to rewrite it; this caused Luo Ling to further think the Jin couple had a guilty conscience. 

Neither Jin Lifa nor Li Xiangwan could stay. 

As it turned out, because of payment Zhang Ping and Jin Lifa had grievances between them; Zhang Ping and Luo Ling had similar statures, so Luo Ling decided to use Zhang Ping as his guise. The troupe member Li Qi was already dissatisfied with Jin Lifa and Wife Jin; after reading the script, he also became suspicious of what happened back then and even consulted about it with him. So, Luo Ling deliberately guided Li Qi into thinking Jin Lifa was the real murderer and was even conspiring to seize the Li Family’s properties. 

He stole Zhang Ping’s knife, created a laxative, let Li Qi act as the perpetrator, and deliberately flashed past one of Laixi Troup’s apprentices under the moonlight. Unexpectedly, Jin Lifa was lucky and didn’t die.

Wife Jin wept and thanked within the court-hall; thanking the Heavens for helping her husband catch the perpetrator and for solving Li Niang’s twenty-years of injustice. 

“Little sister Li Niang had a hard life. After she passed, maybe she really did become an immortal. During those few nights, I didn’t know how but I kept dreaming of her, which was why I thought of writing this play. Perhaps she knew Luo Ling had come and wanted me to appeal for justice…”

Under the first rays of the morning sun, Zhang Ping walked past the gates of the Ministry of Justice before some behind him said, “Wait.”

Zhang Ping looked back and saw Wang Yan standing ten feet away with a frown. “You, come here.”

(1) Joss paper – also known as spirit money, joss paper are sheets of paper burnt during holidays (e.g. Qingming Festival), worship ceremonies and funerals for the deceased to receive them and enjoy a happy and prosperous afterlife. This translator recommends readers to watch The Ghost Bride on Netflix. 

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