“What is love, Rev?”

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「I think I— heard it wrong. Can you say it again, Luce?」


“What is love?”


Luce, who was petting Nox in a half-confused state, murmured.


Because of that, Rev picked up the pendant.


She almost became a strange person who would grab a cat and ask about love.


No, is she already a strange person at the point of talking to the necklace?




“Just, I suddenly thought of that today. What on earth is love?”




Rev, beyond the necklace, didn’t respond, but Luce was immersed in thought without noticing it.


Chelsea wipes a portrait of her late husband, Lawrence, every morning.


Chelsea lives by fixing and repairing the old house that tends to collapse due to a weak roof.


It’s probably because it’s a house full of memories with Lawrence.


Chelsea acts as if it’s an unpleasant, ticklish word, and unlike her temperament, she gently touches her daughter’s hair.


Maybe it’s because she has red hair that looks just like Lawrence.


But can such a Chelsea meet, love, and marry someone else?


‘It’s possible to remarry after a divorce. The Emperor has a mistress and even a concubine, and of course remarriage is something that can be done. But why can’t I believe it? What I don’t like is a separate issue. Mom is not the kind of person, she’s not that kind of person… ‘


“Of course I understand, of course. I also know that if my husband was sick, I really wouldn’t have been able to stay still if that had happened to me.”


Suddenly, Aunt Dahlia’s words came to mind, and the hand that was stroking Nox suddenly stopped.


‘But there are too many things I don’t know about my dad to conclude like this.’


Chelsea sometimes told her the story of her relationship with Lawrence, but it was all fragmentary.


Looking at the fruit, she muttered, “Your dad really liked this,” or when it rained, “Lawrence laughed like an idiot even in this weather.”


At first, she couldn’t ask because she was afraid she would be caught possessed.


After that, Chelsea told her the story, and she didn’t want to ask because she didn’t want to hurt her heart.


But now?


‘I want to know.’


It was quite surprising that the thought that she might remarry had sparked her curiosity.


‘The next thing about the unidentified red-haired man is the problem.’




Nox cried. It seemed to be upset because she didn’t pet it.


All right, all right. Luce, who was muttering and raising her hand to Nox, knew only then that Rev was talking.

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「-Feel it.」




「..—While watching it… —feel it.」


She couldn’t hear Rev well because of the unstable condition.


It was hard to ask twice.


In the first place, it was almost unconscious to ask him, so she didn’t really want to hear the answer.


Luce paused for a moment and answered skillfully.


“Oh, really?”


「Ung….Can you understand?」


“Sure, sure. Of course. I feel the same way.”


In response, the sound of Rev breathing in was heard through the pendant.


Rev, who had been silent for a long time, replied in a low, slightly shaky voice.




“We always get along well.”


She didn’t know what it was, so her conscience was stabbed a little, but well, everyone’s thoughts about love must be similar.


She feels love exists when she sees an elderly couple who get along well.


Or, she feels that love exists by looking at the eyes of parents looking at their children. 


Well, it probably means that way, right? 


“Achoo. Why are you here?”


Chelsea came back from work.


Chelsea didn’t know the pendant’s function, so she had to hide it. 


Luce hurriedly whispered.


“Ah, Rev. I’ll come and see my mom.”


「Mmhm, Luce. I’ll miss you.」


“Me too!” 


“Are you, ahchoo, talking to the cat?” 


Luce answered naturally to Chelsea, who was looking at her with eyes that said, “Do you like it that much.” 


“Ung, I get along well with Nox.” 


“What do you say?”


“There’s a person who sneezes whenever she sees me, so I should run away.” 


Nox saw Chelsea sneezing again and ran away.

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Luce shrugged. Chelsea, who was dumbfounded, wiped under her nose and opened the door.


“Is it Rev, or does that kid want to go with you?”


“Yes, he’s coming with me. It worked out well for me.”


“Did he say yes?”


“Did it take about two seconds to answer?”


In fact, there was some exaggeration.


Luce stopped by Rev’s house for a while before arriving home.


She was invited to the Duke of Ximel and scheduled to leave tomorrow. Rev stopped drinking Luce’s cocoa and stood there when she asked if he would like to go with her.


Rev slowly nodded when Luce, who had been waiting silently for the milk to stop steaming, brought the glass over, wondering what to do if he dropped it.


‘I think it took him 20 minutes to answer.’


Luce was satisfied that she had a companion anyway while drinking lukewarm and bland cocoa. 


She didn’t know he hesitated so much, but her friend was always cautious.


Luce, who was sorting out Chelsea’s shopping cart together, hesitated.


“What is this, Mom?”


“It is written there.”


What is <Madam Chloe’s Hair Dye>?


At least it’s something she had never seen in Chelsea’s shopping cart.


Luce took a deep breath as she thought this.


‘Don’t tell me.’


“I’m going to try some dyeing. I feel like I’m getting gray hair these days.” 


‘She wants to look good for someone.’


Chelsea, who had no way of knowing that a second bomb had fallen on her daughter’s head today, just sat calmly.


Then, she taps the seat next to her.


She looks absurd when she sits next to her with hair dye.


“What if I sit here?”


“I thought you were asking me to sit down when you tapped on the seat next.”


“I meant to put it down here next to me because there are a few more dyes. You can’t sit down, Mom has to dye it.”


Luce swallowed her saliva and tried to answer as if nothing was wrong.


“You know I’m a very expensive worker, right?”


“I’ll give you some money.”


“How much?”

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“About 1 silver.”


“Whose nose do you put that on?”


Luce, who had applied the dye—because she had broken the order of dyeing the dye twice—on her comb.


‘Come to think of it, my mom always touched my hair, but I never touched mom’s hair.’ 


Luce coughed while brushing down her hair, which was rough and messy because she was always busy working. 


“Who would you want to look good for if you dyed your hair, my mom?” 


“I told you, I feel like I’m getting gray hairs these days.”


“What do you mean gray hairs? There’s no such a thing.”


“I’m glad if I don’t.” 


“Then are you trying to change your feeling?” 


“That’s how it is.”


It was an intimate conversation between mother and daughter.


“What color is this?”


“Rainbow color.”




“It’s a joke. It’s light brown.”


“It must be pretty. I think it would suit mom well.”


“You should do it, too.”


Chelsea’s tone of voice telling Luce to change her hair color really sounded like nothing.


However, Luce’s position was different.


Does she no longer think of her father with red hair?


Luce, who was carefully putting it on, asked cautiously.


“Can I really change to brown?”


“I bought too much hair dye, so I think there will be some left anyway, so you should do it, too.”


“No, not like that… You said my red hair was pretty. Like father.” 


Chelsea, who was silent for a moment, answered briefly.


“Did I say that you were pretty because of the color of your hair?”




“I said everything was pretty because you were a pretty daughter.”


Luce thought Chelsea was trembling at the end of her sentence because she was embarrassed.


“Does mom know how to say something like that?”

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“You’re a little arrogant. Are you talking to your mom like that? Are you done?”


Her hair was short, so it was over quickly.


Chelsea stood up after dyeing her hair and sat Luce down.


“I don’t like light brown hair. Can I not do it?”


“It’s a waste of hair dye. You do it, too.”


“Why don’t you just throw away what’s left? Mom has a strange way of wanting to save things. So why did you buy so much in the first place?” 


Just like her daughter was good at babbling, so was her mother good at changing the subject.


Convinced that she was too, Chelsea dyed Luce’s curly red hair.


It’s red hair, so the dye will work well.


It may come out much lighter than light brown. The more different it is from the original hair color, the better.


“I know that on the day I come back, I will cut off that tongue first.”


Friedrich will definitely come back in the near future.


He pretended not to, but his attitude and tone were clearly different from usual.


There is something urgent if she sees that the acting pretending to be cultured is broken at once with just a few words. 


He definitely needs Luce. 


It couldn’t be normal for Luce, who was of Menelik’s blood but had grown up as a commoner for 15 years.


She couldn’t tell for sure, but it didn’t matter what it was.


‘I can’t send Luce.’


She can’t send her daughter to something that will be thrown away after they use it.


Of course, she wouldn’t fool the Menelik family with a few drops of hair dye.


Chelsea gritted her teeth as she applied the dye to her daughter’s red hair. 


“How prepared can I be to be a maid who seduces the Count’s Young Master, who is naive and innocent?”


Look exactly where I’m going, Menelik.


She was determined enough to make a cracking sound.




Luce called her in an affectionate and somehow moist voice.


“…I support Mom no matter what you chooses. You know, right?” 


Chelsea murmured as she looked down at her daughter, who looked exactly like her husband.


“I know.”


My good daughter.


Chelsea didn’t say a word the entire time she applied the hair dye. 

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