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The etiquette teacher, Viscount Colette, closed the book as he watched Prince Delmar yawn for the thirteenth time today. 


It wasn’t for a day or two that Prince Delmar was bored with classes, but lately, it was more.


To yawn openly and struggle with his body in front of him.


It was questionable whether the imperial etiquette taught so far had entered his head, but Viscount Colette was a person who didn’t dare to question the Prince. 


“Your Highness the Prince?” 




“You seem to be busy with something these days.”


So he turned around and said.


Delmar, who was rubbing his eyes, responded by putting a cherry in his mouth. 


“Busy with something? There is no such thing.”


“You seem tired.”


“It’s just… I’m not very interested in what Viscount Collette teaches me.”


The Prince, who criticized the class for being boring in front of the teacher, was a person who didn’t even know how his words were normally used. 


Colette got down on one knee and used the patience he had learned over time. 


“But don’t you know that etiquette is essential in order to do your part as a member of the imperial family?” 


“Knowing the necessity and not having fun are two different things. I really hate it… especially something like this.”


The Prince pointed to the book with a silent gesture and shook his head. 


『Etiquette at the Engagement Ceremony – Total 140 Articles』


It was content that had been taught for three hours today, but somehow it seemed that Colette’s three hours had gone to nothing.


Delmar, who was flipping through the pages, let out a sigh.


“Which part exactly it is?”


“For now, there are too many. I don’t understand how there are 140 rules I have to follow at an engagement ceremony.”


“Shouldn’t you take the lead in inheriting the culture of the Vladin Empire?”


“What is this clause again? Does it make sense that my hair style was decided at the engagement ceremony? I don’t look good with half the hair. In the first place, it doesn’t go over well because it’s curly hair. I want to have a nice haircut that suits me.” 


“That, too, is a tradition passed down from the imperial family.” 


Colette couldn’t understand the Prince’s displeasure while pointing out the etiquette. 


Of course, there were clauses that were empty formalities and ostentation, but they were unavoidable in terms of dignity and legitimacy.

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If he wears his hair as usual and has an engagement ceremony in the same posture as when taking a walk, what is the difference between him and the janitors in the private house?


However, Prince Delmar had a frustrated expression in his own way.


“Is it part of etiquette to ask a question and not listen?”


Delmar, who was annoyed at Colette’s closed mouth, thought.


‘It’s suffocating.’


Delmar, who had pulled Cravat tightly, looked at his burning eyes.


He wants to sleep tight.


Originally, people tend to long for what they have been given and then deprived of, rather than what they have always lacked. 


‘I could sleep really well after taking the medicine that girl gave me at Brother Aurelio’s house.’


A good night’s sleep was like that for Delmar.


How soundly he slept that day, he didn’t even notice that he had returned to his room from Xenon Village. 


Even while heading to the luncheon after being woken up by his mother, Diana, and in front of his fearful father, His Majesty, Delmar was filled with those thoughts. 


Couldn’t he get more of the sour pills the girl gave him?


But after the luncheon, Diana was so angry that he didn’t dare ask for it anymore.


‘I ate a lot of cherries because she made them, but it doesn’t work. I need the medicine she made. If I see it again, I’ll ask, but I can’t.’


Delmar’s eyebrows drooped as he chewed on cherries with the feeling of grasping straws.


‘Since then, Radanum’s room has been completely off limits….’


The fact that there is a prohibition without a promise makes the Prince’s face look ridiculous. 


Isn’t this just like the situation of Aurelio, who lived in the northern tower?


Delmar’s blue eyes, which had been bright, became depressed for a moment. 


“And more than anything, if you teach me this now, I’ll learn it again later, right?”


“What are you talking about? Learning again next time.”  


“I’m only 12 at the most. Now, if I learn about the engagement ceremony, I’ll have nowhere to use it. So isn’t it rather appropriate to learn later?”


Colette, who had a puzzled expression, asked cautiously as if confirming it.


“Have you not heard from Her Highness the Empress Consort?”


“What do you mean?”


“N, no… I made a mistake.”

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Delmar narrowed his brows.


“You mean there’s something mother hasn’t told me?”


“T, that.”


Looking at Colette’s pale face, Delmar thought. 


Maybe the etiquette teacher will change again soon.


“Say it more while you’re at it. If what the Viscount tells me is useful, I will ask not to change the etiquette teacher.” 


Delmar had said this without knowing the fired etiquette teachers’ situation, but Colette had no choice.


Colette, who was in conflict with the feeling of wanting to bite his tongue, repeatedly promised to keep it secret and then opened his mouth. 


“That’s… It is said that Her Highness the Empress Consort presides over the Young Ladies who will become the wife of the Prince, that is, the princess.”


“Huh? already?”


“Yes, that’s what I heard.”


Will I get a wife?


It was something he had never thought of. 


Delmar, who was handing over the engagement etiquette book as if to tear the paper, stopped.


“In normal cases, you have to turn 16 before you get engaged, right? But why am I already doing it?”


“I don’t know the reason, Your Highness.”


“And if the eldest son is alive, isn’t it right to start with the eldest son? Why me…” 


“…What do you mean the eldest son, Your Highness?” 


There is no way that Viscount Colette knew about Aurelio, whose existence was erased as soon as he was born.


Delmar rolled his eyes.


“No, nevermind. You can go.” 


“Y, Your Highness.” 


“I’ll keep everything I heard today a secret, so go out, hurry. My head hurts.”


Even though Aurelio is alive, does he get engaged first?


Didn’t his brother will come back to the palace one day?


But why am I doing it first… and this fast? 


His mind was complicated.

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It seemed that there was one more cause of insomnia. Delmar nibbled his fingernails.


He didn’t notice Viscount Colette, who looked back several times as he left.




Luce woke up from a nap and wondered if she was dreaming.


The sun hasn’t set yet, but has she already arrived at the Duke of Xiimel? 


Who are these people who welcome her?


Luce got out of the carriage and looked around blankly.




Rodante threw a party just by bringing in a magical engineering product that could turn the lights on and off.


‘This is a very developed territory!’


However, the Duke of Ximel was really on a different level. 


Aren’t streetlights that look like gaslights densely installed on the streets, aren’t there fountains with music playing in the middle of the streets, or even!


“Welcome, Lady!”


Media facade?


She thought it was pretty because some flowers were painted on the outer wall of the building, but when she looked closely, they were surprisingly projected with lights.


Even though it is a pretty and colorful technology that isn’t very useful, it means they have enough money to invest in a technology that isn’t very useful.


It was worth knowing at once how developed this Ximel estate was.


In her life, she sees media facades spread out in neoclassical buildings.


Then, while halfway out, the maids pulled Luce.


“Thank you for coming. There’s a dinner party soon, so we’ll help you prepare.”


“No, wait, wait a moment. Am I going alone?”


“Because the Lady has a lot more to prepare than the men!”


What about Rev and Knight Franz?


Looking back, Franz was leaning against the carriage, smoking a cigar, gesturing as if to say, ‘Go quickly,’ and Rev was standing next to the horse.


Seeing it next to the horse’s stirrup, it must be because he’s interested in magic engineering products, right? 


He was looking to the side and turned his head. Their eyes met.


“Hurry up,  Lady!”

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He seemed to be saying something with his mouth, but Luce couldn’t see properly because the maids pushed her around.




“Yes, yes. I’ll go in later, so dress up that country girl.” 


After kicking the attendant out, Franz inhaled deeply from the cigarette smoke.


Whoo, he exhaled and looked to the side.


He thought he was looking at the engineering to adjust the speed of the horse, but as Luce moved away, Rev’s eyes were on the side where she disappeared.


After finishing a cigarette, Franz searched his pockets.


“Do you want one?”




If he doesn’t like it, it’s fine. 


Franz took out a new cigarette and lit it.


“What’s wrong with your expression, Revinas? Are you sick somewhere?” 




“Then you don’t like me following you on your date?”


“Not even that. It will come in handy in case of emergency.” 


Franz smiled broadly at the words that showed no willingness to turn around.


Franz, who was looking at the green-eyed boy through the smoke, opened his mouth.


“Let’s clean up and go.”


He took a step closer.


A cigarette butt was trampled on my heavy toes.


“I know you are noble. I know that I live in hiding in Xenon Village for some reason, and I know that it will be quite a difficult situation if anyone finds out about it.” 


“Yes, so.”


“You don’t ask me how I found out?”


Did he know it when he saw the color of his eyes change, or did he know it when he saw the oddly converging scorecard to the median value? 


Franz, who expected such an answer, was slightly embarrassed by Rev’s answer. 


“Because it is an animal sense for a mercenary to recognize someone who might be his master.” 


He swung his sword aiming for surprise, but it felt like his heart had been pierced.

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