“I know you’re not sleeping. I heard you whining.”

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As if it were her own house, she heard the sound of someone opening the door without permission and sitting in a chair.


…Strictly speaking, it was her own house.


It’s pointless to try to avoid being caught.


Sighing, Luce lowered the blanket that covered her head.


“Hello, Princess Alois. How did you get here at this late hour?”


She said it emphasizing an enviable and ambitious perspective, but Alois didn’t seem to care.


She was about to stand up and greet her politely, but her pale hand waved.


It seems to mean that she doesn’t have to do that.


“To say thank you.”


“What do you mean by thank you?”


“The boy you saved that day. That’s me.”


Luce needed time to sort out what she had heard.


….wasn’t this a secret?


‘Your parents called me through all kinds of cumbersome procedures to see if I knew about this or not? Can you tell me this right away? Is this also part of being polite?’


Alois lifted her head as if to show off to Luce, whose head was frozen.


Looking at it, she is also wearing the same large glasses as then.


Perhaps because it was dark, her scarlet eyes looked red.


‘Ah, that’s why I mistook it for red eyes.’ 


“You don’t have to prove it. It’s just that I’m so confused.” 


“Which one?”


“The reason why you came all the way here at this time, and the fact that you told me about it are also the same. Isn’t that a secret? Can you talk to me?”


“Lucette, you have something to do with that secret, too. You need to be properly thanked, you.”


Since the story was only told to the Duke’s husband, Alois probably didn’t know her circumstances well. 


Luce spoke kindly. 


“No, it’s all right. You don’t have to. Rather, only for Knight Franz—” 


“I know you lied.”

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The dinner wasn’t good. 


Alois, who spoke in such a tone, broke Luce’s thought for the third time. 


“I’ve heard and seen everything, me. As soon as you say “now,” the blackout goes off. So, you’re the one who saved me by causing a power outage. Not Sir Franz.”


She almost screamed.


Luce’s hand that had covered her mouth slowly went down.


Luce, who was biting the soft flesh in her mouth until it bled, asked in a low voice.


“…Do you want anything from me?”


The opponent responded calmly to Luce’s gamble.


“You’re quick to understand. Yeah, there’s something I want. To be exact, I want to ask you something.”


“What is it?”


“About your friend Revinas.”


No matter how much she thinks about it, it seems wrong to go to bed early today.


In a distant feeling, Luce smiled.




“I want to open an account.”


“Yes, an account.”


The night shift at the bank was very tiring.


It’s not uncommon for drunken guests to come in and make a fuss, and there are those who secretly try to take advantage of the lack of surveillance or commit robbery.


In a position where they should always be alert, guests who visit wearing a hood are the first priority.


The banker, who glanced over the glass board with his hand on the ring bell, handed over the document.


Seeing that she obediently accepts and fills out the documents, is she a regular customer?


But why is the appearance like that? 


Whether the teller was suspicious or not, the customer quickly scrawled the paper and returned the paper.


“Did you check with the trust? The consignor and the beneficiary are different. Is that correct?”


“Yes. I can choose the date when I can receive it, right?”


“Yes, of course. When would you like to do it?”

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“…I’ll do it on December 25th in 3 years. The day the beneficiary becomes an adult.”


It seems that she is not a strange person, seeing as she calmly answers the questions. 


Thanks to that, the banker calmed down a bit and started processing the paperwork.


While checking each one, she hesitated at the beneficiaries.


“Excuse me, customer. The beneficiary only wrote the name. You must also enter your last name.”


“Rumor has it that there is a way to confirm direct blood ties through blood.”


“Ah, it would be very convenient if we also brought in that magic tool, but unfortunately it hasn’t been long since it has been distributed. It is difficult now.”


“Still, if it’s a trust, the amount won’t be small, but it’s better to make sure. Even if a magic tool to confirm blood ties is introduced, it is basic to write the name of the beneficiary properly. It’s not a perfect technology yet, so there were occasional cases of impersonating relatives or blindly checking all accounts one by one. Please.”


It’s because she’s scared.


The customer, who looked at the banker shaking like a squint, gave his eyes to the document.


『Consignee: Chelsea Diez』


『Beneficiary: Lucette』


The customer slowly picked up the pen.


『Beneficiary: Lucette Menel—』


No, that’s not going to happen.


Menelik should never be next to Lucete’s name, even if it is to prepare for one.


The customer who crossed out wrote the name again.


She pressed it with all her might.


『Beneficiary: Lucete Scintilia』


The customer, who had been looking at the name for a while as if it were a face, pushed the document again.


The banker, who breathed a sigh of relief, took care of the work quickly.


“What would be the amount of money you would like to…deposit…?” 




How the hell did she bring this? A bag the size of a woman’s torso was placed in front of the banker’s eyes.


The banker, who was almost shaking more than trembling, made sure that everything in the bag was gold and weighed it.


It was a considerable amount.


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If she’s a person who does general work, it is money that she can touch after working for more than a few decades.


Is she a person who does something very dark? Or the owner of a great store?


Hearing her voice, he doesn’t think she’s that old—.


“Aren’t you dealing with it?”


“Oh, I’m doing it!”


She is a person who feels strangely like a beast.


The banker, who concluded that it seems to be the former, completed the process the fastest this year.


The banker sighed in relief as he watched the woman leave after checking the receipt, but his hair suddenly stood up. Because suddenly the woman turned around.


“I will ask you one thing.”


“Y, yes!” 


“It’s secure, right? So, I am asking if the recipient of the account is not exposed to the outside world.”


“Yes, we are the most secure bank in the Vladin Empire…  There is no such thing as that.”


“No matter who comes? It’s the same for high-ranking aristocrats, right?”


“Unless His Majesty changes the law, I assure you that no one will know…” 


“All right. Good work.”


It is undoubtedly the former.


The banker, who had been drained of energy, fell on the desk as it was.




Even if it’s someone the size of a woman, can she knock on the door on this night? 


Wouldn’t it be better to ask a passing attendant?


Franz, who had been wandering around the hallway with all kinds of thoughts, decided to admit that he eventually jumped into complicated things.


‘There’s nothing good for the attendants to find out that Princess Alois is here. I’d rather solve it on my own.’


She was a princess who sat without expression throughout the banquet.


However, such a princess sneaked into Lucete’s room in the middle of the night.


No matter what, it’s clear that she’s holding on to something. 


Isn’t he here as their guardian? He has reason to knock on the door.


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Franz, who had been hesitant for a long time, finally knocked.


Knock, knock–.


“Yes, who is it? Are you Louise?”


“No, this is Franzin.” 


“Ack, knight! I am taking a bath!”




“Do you have a hobby of taking a bath with the lights off?”


“My house doesn’t have a bathtub, so I secretly tried to use it while I was here…”


The situation is rather awkward.


It would have been a disaster if he opened the door.


Still, if she were awake, there is no way she didn’t know someone was coming in, so it is a relief.


He asked to confirm.


“You’re alone, right?”


“Yes, of course. Who would I be with? You’re not trying to come in, right…? I’m going to scream.”


“Oh, that’s enough! It won’t go in!”


It’s weird.


Could it be that the location is distorted because it was viewed from outside the window?


Is there a secret passageway where Princess Alois sneaks in and out? Did he see that wrong?


Franz, who tilted his head, decided to step back.


He came as a guardian at most, but wouldn’t it be very difficult if he was misunderstood?


“He’s gone.”


As Franz’s footsteps moved away, Luce lowered her head from the empty bathtub.


“You’re a good liar.”


“Yes, I can’t help but survive as a commoner.”


It was when Luce, in a way that made fun of herself, raised her body.


“…I envy you.”


Under the moonlight, Alois’s complexion looked tired and pale.

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