“You mean he was talking to the air? His Majesty the Emperor?” 

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The servant nodded repeatedly, examining the surroundings. 


Duke Ximel thought blankly. 


‘It’s not a physical pain, but a psychological reason?’


It would have been less shocking if the body had been sick.


Since the emperor has been rolling around on the battlefield since he was young, it is no surprise that there’s an aftereffect from the battle in his body. 


But for psychological reasons? 


Could it be weirder than usual?


‘Are the ghosts no longer taking care of the Emperor? If so.’ 


Duke Ximel, who narrowed her eyes, grabbed the servant’s shoulder.


“I’ll secretly find out if there’s any medicine that works, so be careful not to leak words to anyone either. I’m telling you to keep your mouth shut. Do you understand?”


“Yes, of course. How dare I talk about this?”


‘However, unlike the previous talk of the Emperor when he was trembling, his attitude is certainly harmful.’


Ximel’s eyes rolled, dizzy as she looked over the servant after saying goodbye.


“Should I take you to the Ximel estate?” 


“For now. But before that, I need to dispatch a servant.”


“Where are you talking to?”


“Menelik County. As soon as possible, tell him I want to see it.”


She wiped her face as if she was tired.






Her eyes hurt from a headache just as the sun was rising.


Luce, who was holding her head and rolling around, knew that if the headache was too severe, it might hurt like an eye would fall out.


She felt as if she was experiencing motion sickness on the rough waves all at once the next day after drinking alcohol.


‘Wow, I’m really going to die like this.’


At some point, Luce’s body, which had been rolling over because she was sick and couldn’t wake up because of the pain, suddenly fell.


‘I’m falling…!’


Luce instinctively rolled up her body and prepared for the fall. 


However, what greeted her was not the cold floor but something warm and solid.


A familiar smile appeared in Luce’s eyes as she narrowed her eyes and looked around with blurred vision.

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“Good morning.”


It was Rev.


He supported Luce, who was about to fall off the bed, and fixed her messy hair. 


“Ah, eung. But it’s not a very good morning. My head hurts.”


Rev’s hand, which was running through her hair, stopped for a moment when she said, “My head hurts,” but Luce didn’t notice.


“There, there will be painkillers in the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. One, ugh, no. Could you bring me two?”




“You should also bring water. About a cup.”


“Eung. Okay.” 


Contrary to the hesitation of his hand passing through her hair, Rev returned very quickly with medicine and water. 


As if he knew she would have a headache and had prepared for it in advance.


Again, Luce didn’t notice it because she suffered from a strange headache. 


“Here. Eat slowly.”


Luce swallowed the medicine and water brought by Rev as if he were a savior, and the muscles in her neck stood out. 


Seeing that, Rev suddenly thought that he was thirsty too.


“Haa, ha. I thought I was going to die, really.”


Because she drank too fast, a trickle of water ran down Luce’s mouth. 


Rev slowly stretched out his hand. Luce hesitated when he wiped the water drop off of her, but she was used to his touch. 


When he touched Luce, who was hot, heat rose from where he touched her. 


Rev asked quietly, trying to hide his shudder.


“Do you feel better?”


“If I feel better as soon as I eat it, it’s not medicine. Wouldn’t it be better if I lay down for a while…?” 


“Eung. You can lie down more. Be comfortable.”


“What is that tone?”


Luce, who was holding her temples tightly, smiled softly.


Rev, who had stiffened at the word tone, moved closer to the following words.


“You talk like I came to your house to play.”




“Since we lived together, we.”

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Rev couldn’t find words to answer for a while in response to an obvious answer.


Luce, who put down a cup of water, raised one eyebrow.


“What’s wrong with your expression?”


Rev himself couldn’t even tell what his expression was.


In their conversations, it was always Luce who answered, but this time, she was looking for an answer from Rev.


Rev, who had been silent for a long time, came up with the best answer at the same time, even though it was very bad.


“No, it’s nothing.”


“It doesn’t look like anything.”


“However, manipulating the memory of the prince has a problem regardless of difficulty. You have to pretend to be someone who has always lived in that village, but that’s not possible.” 


What Radanum said crossed his mind.


In other words, what he said was partly true.


He doesn’t know what his expression is like, but the silence is too long for a casual conversation.


It was time to give his own answer.


And when Rev was about to open his mouth.


“No way. You’re not telling me to pay for the house rent, are you?”


Luce, who glanced at him, rolled her eyes and leaned against the head of the bed.


It was a movement in which the uncomfortable air was swept away at once.


“No, it can’t be.”


Luce flicked her hand. She seemed to ask him to come closer.


Without any resistance, Rev leaned down, and she put her hand on his cheeks.


“I’m always grateful for you letting me stay here. My house was destroyed by the heavy rains this summer, and it’s so old.”




“At first it was really helpless. Where should I go? Should I ask Aunt Dahlia? Or should I ask Vincent? Or should I grab hold of the Lord’s pants? I had no family and no relatives, so what should I do? I wanted to cry, but it was fortunate that you readily helped me. If I did something wrong, I almost spent time on the street.”




“I’ll definitely repay the kindness you’ve shown me. Mrs. Plum said that if I become a full-time pharmacist, you can earn a lot of money. I’ll give you the first salary, Rev, all right?”


Luce is an orphan with no family or relatives.


The house where Luce lived was all destroyed by heavy rain not long ago.


So she relied on her friend, Rev, for a while.


This seemed to be a new memory that Radanum had instilled.


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The hand that touched the stiff cheek gently moved away.


Rev couldn’t speak, so Luce tapped him on the shoulder and wrapped the blanket around her head.


“I’m going to sleep a little longer… I still have a little headache.”


What did Luce forget? And what was injected into the new memory?


Rev had prepared his own backup plan before she woke up.


If she asks A, he should answer B. This should be covered up and that should be inflated.


He wrote the script assuming a lot of situations, but as usual, nothing went well in front of Luce.


However, even though it was an unprecedented level of response because it was clumsy, the magic worked.


Luce’s memory was replaced and the clumsy play succeeded.


Luce was deceived. And—.


‘She didn’t forget me.’


Rev touched the corners of his mouth.


He was smiling.


He was smiling in front of a friend who had lost the memory of her mother, Chelsea, and had come to regard herself as an orphan.


Even though the thing he was most afraid of rubbed his friend’s head and messed up her memories, it made him a little bit happy.


‘I’m terrible.’


However, it was strange that the corners of his mouth didn’t come down while thinking about his terrible side.




Xenon Village was noisy for some time.


The first is because of the farewell party.


“My father said, now my life as a wandherwing knight is over.” 


“It’s a wandering, Angel.”








“…If you go to Menelik County, you should look for a pronunciation teacher first, this is it. “


“I think it would be better if he did that.”


Franz, who held Angel, who was babbling by his side, laughed as if he was embarrassed.


Before he left Xenon for Ximel, he was still called a “wandering knight.”


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It wasn’t that she wasn’t curious about the reason why he changed his mind during the night he spent in Ximel, but Luce shrugged her shoulders as she looked at Angel.


‘Because Franz said he was interested in education. Seeing the stern appearance of the Duke of Ximel, he might have renewed his determination to teach Angel well…’


Although she doesn’t think Ximel’s teaching method is very advisable.


Luce’s impression naturally became rough because just thinking about them makes her face wrinkle.


‘But it’s kind of awkward to add words to parents saying they’re going to teach their children. It’s not something I can interfere with. But well, I think that Knight Franz would teach him moderately.’


“Relax your expression. Is it because you don’t want us to go?”


Tak. Franz’s fingers landed on Luce’s furrowed eyebrows.


Luce, who tilted her head slightly, smiled instead of arguing.


“A little bit.”


‘The first impression was just so-so, but they were pretty decent people.’


Wouldn’t she feel like this if she had a cousin and an uncle?


She felt like she was facing relatives for no reason when she heard that they would be farther away even though she wanted to meet them every holiday.


Franz seemed to feel the same way.


“If it’s meant to be, the day will come when we meet somewhere. You know, will Miss Lucette become a famous pharmacist and make a name for herself throughout the empire?”


“That’s what I want to avoid the most, I want to live a good and long life.”


“Then become a moderately famous pharmacist and make your reputation only in Menelik County.”


Franz, who grinned and brushed Luce’s hair gently with his characteristic clumsy gesture, pulled her hair straight out.


“Ouch, it hurts.”


“What are you doing with just one or two strands of hair? You’re exaggerating.”


At first glance, it was really one or two strands.


However, Luce’s headache was still not healed. When someone touched her head, it hurt.


She tried making painkillers because she thought it was a general headache, and she tried making antipyretics because she thought it was a cold, but it was only a little less intense, but the headache remained.


‘I’m not exaggerating.’


Franz, who had no idea what Luce was thinking, smiled gently.


“By the way, this hair color is unique no matter how much you look at it.”


“Is that so?”


“Beige color is not common.”


Luce glanced down at her hair.


In her memory, she always had beige hair, so she thought there was nothing special about it, but people have been saying this often lately.


It was as if she was recalling something she had forgotten. 

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