Rev led a sleepy Luce to bed, covered her with a blanket, and turned off the light while his expression was completely hidden.

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Turning off all the lights in the house, he headed to the second-floor studio.


Since it’s a place without light in the first place, it’s a space where the outside weather and environment are unknown.


Walking into the studio, Rev thought this place was like an egg.


An egg that is calm and quiet but one day has to break and get out of it.


The red light, which was the starting point for the thought, greeted him quietly.


‘Magic Detector.’


It was an engineering product that he had completed before Luce lost her memory.


It was a fractal structure, an engineering product in which several layers of triangular iron materials were overlapped and attached.


This tool, made by implanting magic stones in various places to circulate power through the inner angle of the largest triangle, was to detect mana.


At first, it was a tool made to find out the traces of Radanum that took the magical power from Luce’s necklace.


Knowing that he was leaving this house and wandering around Xenon and Rodante, he didn’t know when and how he would encounter Luce, so he was going to hand it to Luce and see if she had contact with magic, but the primary purpose had already collapsed.


‘Because I cast a spell on Luce by asking Radanum with my own hands.’


Then he had to find a way to use it for secondary purposes. 


Rev, who was about to dismantle the magic stone and rearrange it to another structure, suddenly stopped.


‘I made it glow red when it sense the magic.’


But isn’t the detector shining red all the time in the studio?


He couldn’t have made it wrong. It has been tested and verified several times.


If so, a new hypothesis has been created.


Could it be that there are magical powers all over Xenon Village?


Rev placed the magic detector on Radanum’s magic circle. It glowed red.


He put the tool on the medicine Radanum made for him. It also glowed red.


However, Rev, recalling the fact that it glowed red even in empty space, in the water, and even in the Duke of Ximel, recalled the most powerful but most avoidable hypothesis.


“Take this and walk all the way from here to there.”


He caught a boy running around Rodante’s estate and gave him a magic detector.

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The boy, who was looking at Rev standing at the end of the plaza with a half-doubt, slowly backed away from him. 


One step, two steps, three steps. And when it was twenty steps.


The magic detector in the boy’s hand turned blue.


He caught another child. He wondered if age was an issue, so he experimented with both old and young people.


However, the results of the experiment were exactly the same. The magic detector won’t light up if they are 20 steps away from him.


When the number of meaningful experiments ended, Rev laughed. 


‘The magic found by the magic detector is mine.’


Excluding all the impossible, the remaining one becomes possible.


He has his own magic.


So, the doubts of those who looked down on him with red eyes were true to some extent. 


Thinking of the green medicine and the people of the Imperial Palace who neglected him, Rev swept his face.


‘There’s no way the emperor doesn’t have magical powers.’


They hated him not just because he had red eyes. 


Because he had magic. Because it was a witch’s bloodline.


Rev looked down at his hand, thinking of a portrait of his mother with black hair.


Oddly enough, he didn’t feel any emotions.


His emotions are also hardened.


Rev thought it might have been blunted by long abuse and contempt.


Instead, questions arose. For a person with magical powers, he had never used magic, let alone used anything similar.


If he really came from a cursed lineage and was born with magical powers, shouldn’t he have been mad at least once that the people in the royal family hated him?


However, no matter how much he looks back on his memory, it has never happened. He just hurt himself and hurt himself.


“I understand what you mean. But now there’s no fire, and there’s no one here. The danger is….” 


But when he found out that Luce was in her old house, which had burned down, he felt a little differently.


He was anxious. He was angry. He thought that Luce should never come here again.

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What if that house burned down in front of her eyes one more time?


No. there’s no flammable material. Moreover, it is very unrealistic to catch fire suddenly.


What if that house collapses?


This is possible. Burned and worn out, the situation is understandable even without external factors.


So he thought it would be nice if it collapsed.  


And, it turned out just as he wished.


“Let’s put it on and go to sleep, okay? I want to help you get a good rest.”


Luce often frowned as if she was still suffering from a headache. 


He hoped she wasn’t sick, but unfortunately, medicine was beyond his knowledge. 


Then the easiest way to forget her pain is to fall into a very deep sleep.


Doesn’t a calm, deep, dreamless sleep make a person feel very good?


So he thought that he would like Luce to fall asleep quickly.


It was exactly the third time he had that thought.


Luce’s eyes, which had a somewhat stiff and tense expression, gradually relaxed, and her eyelids closed sullenly.


This, too, turned out as he wished.


It seemed that the red magic stone had sensed him approaching. Beyond the glowing red, it spun around. 


Rev closed his eyes after staring at the glittering magic stone for a time as if it were greeting or coldly welcoming him. 


“It’s over now.”


The time has come to end the life in the egg.


Then he heard footsteps. Rev opened his eyes.


He could see the magic stone spinning around, turning black like blood.


“You made something interesting, Your Highness the Prince.”


He was the one who always called him the prince even though he was imprisoned.


Now, he thinks he knows why he did it.


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Radanum spoke in a voice that was now more familiar than the sound of footsteps, with the corners of his mouth rising steeply.


“But I think the story of the capital that I will tell you from now on will be a little more interesting.”




“I heard you were looking for me, Your Highness Duke Ximel.”


“Count Friedrich.” 


“I’m still the young Lord. You can call it lower than that.”


“Aren’t you the rightful successor of Alika Menelik, the county’s owner, even though it’s the young Lord? So getting used to that title from now on might be good.” 


“…I suppose you know my father is in critical condition?”


“To have something I don’t know.”


Friedrich’s stiff position was released at the same time as the answer. 


As he leaned back on the sofa, his face showed fatigue.


Duke Ximel asked softly.


“Should I assume Count Alika’s illness is hereditary?” 


Of course, the implied meaning was not soft.


She’s pointing out. She doesn’t think it should be released. 


However, Friedrich was also not an easy opponent. 


“I have to tell only good news to the Duke, but it’s a pity. Unfortunately, the disease was all inherited by my late brother. So I’m not sick, just a little tired. The road to the Duchy of Ximel, on horseback at the urgent call, was also difficult.” 


“It seems that the skills of the civil engineers in my estate didn’t fill Count’s heart.” 


“It’s a little disappointing rather than not liking it? Don’t worry too much. Won’t the engineers of Ximel one day catch up with the engineers of Menelik?” 


With a smile like a red fox, he held up a tea cup.


“I’m going to ask why you called me in such a hurry.”


“Have you heard of His Majesty’s illness?”




The red fox spat out while drinking tea looked absurd.


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“I asked if you had heard of His Majesty the Emperor’s illness.”


“No, what on earth are you talking about? His Majesty’s illness? I thought those three words were words I would never hear in my life.”


“I’d like to be honest with you because I’ve known you for a long time. It’s also very recent information.”


“…I, it doesn’t make sense. If you died by biting your tongue, you would die, but where is the best person to get sick? Furthermore.”


Friedrich made a sharp comment as he brushed off the cravat that had been stained red with black tea.


“If the information leaked out to the outside, it would have been a very bad situation, but would the ‘ghost’ have left it alone to spread the rumor in the first place? Don’t you know that he absolutely obeys the Emperor—hmm.”

‘As expected, Friedrich knows about ghosts.’


Duke Ximel waited quietly for Friedrich to realize for himself.


“Is the Emperor’s health so bad that the ghost has to help him in that situation? Can I understand that enough?”




Menelik was a family that started as a collateral branch of the Hadasa family, the imperial family.


Because of their lineage, they pay less attention to the imperial family and criticize it more harshly than other aristocrats.


‘Hate of the same race.’


Friedrich rubbed only his temples, regardless of what the Duke of Ximel thought. 


“How long will it take?”


“What do you mean?”


“How long until the Emperor’s funeral.”


Duke Ximel laughed.


“No matter how much this is a private conversation without anyone listening, let’s look back to see if your choice of words is too direct.”


“This will prevent the conversation that the Duke of Ximel desperately had here from leaking to the outside. It’s only a matter of time before both families come to an end once they find out that this story has been told. Besides, I’m not in a good condition enough to help others. I’m having a hard time because of the candidate for the Imperial Princess.”


“…Isn’t there a Young Lady of the right age in the Menelik family? I remember that there was a Young Lady of the same age as Alois.”


“There is.” 


Friedrich murmured, pouring another cup of tea.


“I will correct it. There was.” 

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