It tasted sweet and refreshing. She wasn’t very knowledgeable about alcohol, but it was clear that it was expensive.

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It’s just.


“This is non-alcoholic, right?”




“Does yours have alcohol?”


“You’re still underage, Luce.”


Contrary to her expectations, she was drinking sweet sparkling grape juice, but she didn’t feel bad.


When he told her she had to follow the rules like that, she thought that Rev was still the same person, even though his personality had changed a little.


He is kind, friendly, and has an incomprehensible way of thinking, so sometimes he makes noise and sounds scary, but in the end, he is the only friend she can rely on in this world where there is no one to rely on.


“I believe in Rev. To what extent, I believe that when it rains, he will put an umbrella over me first rather than a book. I believe that if I lie on the cold floor, he will cover me with a blanket and bring me a pillow. I also believe that we try hard to keep our promises to each other. More than anything.”   


A friend she can trust not to leave her side in the end.


“I thought of the old days as I prepared today’s meal, Luce.”


“What do you think?”


“The words you said, the expressions you showed.”


Luce was very pleased with his words.


‘As expected, I guess he was thinking the same thing.’


The sense of difference she felt disappeared somewhere, and the continued conversation was peaceful. 


“Do you remember the last time we went to a festival together? It was really fun back then. It was fun to visit Rodante’s estate, and it was fun to hunt for treasure. The funniest of them all—” 


“When I almost participated in the Miss & Mr Rodante Contest?”


“Yes, that’s it!”


Is it because alcohol is alcohol, even if it is non-alcoholic wine?


“I sometimes think of the lemon ice cream I ate that day. I don’t know if it’s a stall for the festival, but I can’t find a place to sell it after the festival. There will be another festival next year, so will I be able to try it then?”


“Maybe you can.”

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“Do you have the snowball you got as a prize at the festival?”


“Eung. I saw it every day. You gave it to me. Just as you wear that necklace every day.” 


Luce looked down at the twinkling pendants around her neck.


She received a crocus necklace as a gift during the festival and a magic tool Rev made himself. 


Among them, Luce muttered while fiddling with the crocus necklace.


“About Crocus. Mrs Plum told me it was a very unique plant.”




“Ah, so Crocus is Saffron.”


Mrs Plum approached as Luce, who was looking through the herbal book, muttered.


She shook her head and pointed out the illustration.


“No. The crocus that blooms in autumn is Saffron.”


“Then are there other crocuses?”


“There is a crocus that blooms in spring and a crocus that blooms in autumn. Autumn crocuses are also called saffron, as you said. It’s also used as a spice and antipyretic that lowers body heat. But not spring crocuses. It is toxic.” 




“They look similar and have the same name, but strictly speaking, they are two different plants. Be careful with handling. There has been a case of poisoning after picking spring crocuses and adding them to bread after hearing that crocuses are saffron.”


“They say that what blooms in spring is poison, and what blooms in autumn is medicine. They look exactly the same.”




“There must have been many cases where people ate spring crocuses and got poisoned without knowing the two were different. Maybe that’s why the language of flowers is also very dual. There is also a flower meaning youth without regret, joy of faith.”




There is also a flower meaning that says, “You regret loving me.” Doesn’t that sound like something Crocus would say to people who thought it was saffron?”


Rev, who had been listening to the story for a while, nodded slowly.


“Eung. That’s right… I wouldn’t have given you that gift if I had known the meaning of the flower.” 

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“No, I don’t believe in such things.”


Luce, who was mixing cards, waved her hand.


“And even if it has a meaning, since there are many flower languages, you just have to believe in something else. I like the flower language of the joy of faith, so I’ll think of it that way.”




“Do you want to play one card after a long time?”


After receiving seven cards, Rev raised his arm.


“First of all, Heart 2! Eat two.”


‘It looks like there are no attack cards?’


“Heart 3. Is there a reason you like the joy of faith the most?”


“Heart K, diamond K, diamond 7. I’ll change it to clover. Well… It’s hard to trust someone other than myself. I can’t trust my family, so it’s good to have someone I can trust.”


“Clover 6. Do you want someone you can trust?”


“Clover 9, clover 10.”


“One card.”


“Oh, what a waste! There’s only one left! What was the question?”


“Do you want someone you can trust?”


“It’s not what I want. Because I already have someone like that.”


She was in a situation where only one heart 10 remained in her hand, but as she ate one, it became two.  


Luce smiled after confirming the card she had eaten. It was a spade A.


The question returned to Luce’s ear as she leaned back in her chair, thinking she would easily win this round. 


“Spade 10, Spade J, Spade Q. Who is it?”


‘Three at a time?’


“Ugh, I don’t have it. I’ll eat one. Of course it’s you. You’re someone I can trust.”


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“Diamond Q. How much faith do you have?”


It sounded like Franz.


“I will eat one more. I hear that word often these days. Should I tell you in percent? And if you have hearts, give it some hearts.”


“…I’ll take one too. in any way.” 


‘Now Rev’s hand has four cards. No diamonds, no attack cards.  I have four, but I have two Spades A, two Hearts, and a diamond, so it’s enough.’


“Diamond 5. About 90%?” 


“Spade 5, Spade 6. What about the other 10%?”


“Oops… Let’s fill that up during the time we’ll get to know each other.”


‘There are only two left for Rev. Let’s play the spade now.’ 


“Spade A!”


Rev stared at the card.


“You have to take five.”


“If it’s time to get to know each other, is it valid even when either side is away?”


“Are we wasting time now?”


Rev only shrugged his shoulders.


Since Luce was going to win anyway, she agreed to show some kindness.


“I just think of…when either side is absent. There is a saying that if you are out of sight, you are out of mind, but I don’t think that’s the case. You know that there are times when we need to be a little apart to become more affectionate to each other, right?”


Rev’s eyes widened, and then he smiled.


“Then that’s a relief.”


“What’s so fortunate…? Well, anyway. It’s been quite a while since I’ve been at your house. I’m grateful for your consideration, but no matter how much I think about it, I don’t think it’s the right thing to do.” 


“It doesn’t matter.” 


“It’s matter for me. There are more and more things I have to pay you back in the future.”


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She said it playfully, but Rev was serious.


“If you want to talk about moving, it really doesn’t matter. It’s really fine.” 


“It also matters to me. Sometimes I don’t want to eat and brush my teeth, and sometimes I want to skip the shower for a day, but I can’t do that with you. You know what I mean?”


“That’s all right.”


“It’s okay to do that.”


“Because I don’t feel that way. Anyway, I looked for a house, but someone stole it in the middle when there was a good sale, so I couldn’t find a house. As if someone was watching me sign the house.”


‘As I was passing by, I noticed that all the houses that were contracted for didn’t even have lights on.’


Objectively, they were all good places, so she thought someone might be targeting them, but it was strange that they didn’t live there. 


Are there any speculators? 


“So I wondered if I should build a new house at this time. Coincidentally, Mrs. Plum said there’s an architect she knows, so I’m going to ask for an introduction.”




“To talk about this… I would live separately from you, but I wanted to say that it wasn’t because I didn’t like you or because it was uncomfortable, but because I wanted to be friends with you for a long time. I told you earlier that the more distant you become, the more affectionate you become.”


“That’s what you meant.”


“And speaking of this, it seems to be going very far, but it’s not that far because I will build a house in the Xenon Village anyway. Think of it as going from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Even if I move, I will see you every day, have meals together often, and spend my birthday with you like this. I’m going to the festival next year too!”




“That won’t change. Trust and friendship can be fulfilled even if either is absent.”


Rev, who closed his eyes for a moment as if thinking, nodded his head at the last words.


“Okay. Thank you for saying it like that.”


“Me too. Thank you for understanding.”


“No, I am grateful.”


Rev smiled and held up the card.


Is it time to eat? Did he forget?


Luce, who was trying to stop it, doubted her own eyes. 

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