There were quite a few customers waiting at the bank.

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Sitting on a chair in the corner with the documents she had to fill out in advance, Luce compared the guideline posted on the wall with the prepared documents she had brought.


‘Aide Yohan took care of all the documents properly. The procedure isn’t much different from what I did in my previous life… Huh?’


Luce, who opened her eyes wide, tapped Dominic.


Words she couldn’t believe, even if she saw them with her own eyes, were written briefly under the guideline.


“What does it mean by blood verification, Dominic?”


「When opening an account for the first time, identification is performed with biometric information. The magic tool detects blood, so new customers wearing gloves must remove them before taking a seat.」


‘What is this?’


Whether Luce was surprised or not, Dominic explained calmly.


“Didn’t you see the newspaper? About the magic tools that were introduced on a large scale not long ago.”


Of course, she had read newspapers in the Lord’s castle, but it was the first time she had heard of it, as Luce had only looked for news related to the imperial family to know the dynamics of the imperial family.


“There have been cases of people secretly withdrawing other people’s deposits by forging documents, or accounts being created without their knowledge and being used for bad purposes.”


‘Do you mean something like phishing?’


In any era, there are criminals, Luce thought briefly.


“That’s why they decided to strengthen the identity verification process. When registering an account for the first time, if blood is recognized in the magic tool, a large amount of money is transferred, or when closing the account, it is verified with pre-certified biometric information.”


“So I have to draw blood every time I come to the bank?”


“When you say that, it sounds very grotesque, but you only have to draw it the first time. At first, you register with high-purity blood to reduce errors, and from the next transaction, you can tell just by putting your finger on it.”


‘Is this over technology, or is it a horror.’


Dominic had a relaxed face, whether he knew what Luce was thinking or not.


Indeed, she saw people taking off their gloves every time they sat in front of a bank teller.


Seeing that all the people sitting in front of the teller took off their gloves, put their hands on the round blue tools, and then hurriedly removed them, it seemed that this procedure applied to everyone.


“Let’s finish quickly and go, let’s fill out the paperwork in advance.”

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Luce, who was filling out the documents with Dominic, paused at an unexpected point.


“What are you doing?”


“I forgot something so obvious, Dominic.”




Dominic, who was looking at Luce’s documents with a questionable face, also narrowed his brows.


“Ah, your last name?”


She filled in everything else, but she didn’t know her last name, so she thought she’d get stuck at the signature part.


Luce laughed as if she were dumbfounded and asked seriously.


“What do you think of making up anything?”


‘That’s right, compared to the land register, it must be the surname of the adult of the house owner.’


“Then how about borrowing a famous person’s last name?”


“People who are famous enough to know their name must already have all their accounts registered. If you get caught, you’ll be caught stealing their name in an instant. “


“Will you help me when I go to prison, Dominic?”


Dominic, who had an unpleasant expression on his face, shook his head gently.


“Should we use my family’s name?


“Ah, can I?”


“My house is also listed in the land register, and the deposit amount is not so large that the bank designates it as a person of interest, so you can ask Aide Yohan to put your name on our family register for a while. If you become an adult after your birthday, you should fix it then.”


She wanted to know how it was different from identity theft or document forgery, but there was nothing she could do.


After becoming an adult, she can register her own last name through procedures, but Luce’s birthday has not yet passed, so that method was impossible.


Luce, holding a pen, asked again earnestly.


“What was your last name?”

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“You don’t know that yet?”


“I always call you Dominic, by your first name, so there’s no need to call you by last name. We’re close.”


Dominic, who was breathing heavily as if he were going to get angry, scratched the back of his neck at the end.


“…Scintillia. The first letter is S, not C.”


“Pretty. Does it have a meaning?”


“It means fire in an ancient language.”


Dominic said smugly.


“It’s a very suitable name to work as a blacksmith.”


Nodding her head and agreeing with Dominic, Luce headed to the counter where there was a seat to hand in the documents.


The bank teller seemed like a man similar to Yohan.


The bank teller, who had a high-pitched voice but was dealing with paperwork in a businesslike way, held out a round blue tool politely.


“If you’re a new customer, you need to register your biometric information. Put your right hand on it, and put your fingertips on the corner. Yes, that’s fine. It can sting a little.”


As soon as he finished speaking, something pricked her thumb.


Luce, who suddenly let go of her hand, shook her hand. There was blood on the fingertips.


‘If the technology is so advanced, can’t they use fingerprints or iris recognition?’


As if it was familiar, the bank teller pointed to the gauze and took care of the rest of the work.


Luce pressed her fingers with gauze and looked at the magic tool.


The inside of the magic stone located in the center shimmered like smoke and emitted a soft light.


‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a magic tool that glows.’


Luce habitually fiddled with the pendant hanging around her neck.


The pointed crocus shape and the rounded pendant felt different on the fingertips.

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The pendant hadn’t shined since that day. So, after Rev left.


“Rev. Rev? Answer me if you hear me… Answer me, please.”


Waiting, giving up. After repeating the expectation and giving up again hundreds of times, Luce abandoned the lingering thought that she would be able to hear the answer.


She threw away her lingering feelings and expectations, but she couldn’t throw away the necklace.


She didn’t wear it because it was pretty or because she might get a call.


‘I’m so used to it now. I feel empty without it.’


Luce, who repeated that she was wearing it because she got used to it, knew how ridiculous this was.


Luce, who was fiddling with the necklace, let out a small sigh.


‘I guess it’s because it’s proof of my childhood… I haven’t said goodbye to my childhood yet.’


Luce’s gaze, which had raised her head in vain, stopped.


“Oh my, what’s wrong with this?”


The magic tool, which was obviously blue, was shining bright red.


She watched from behind, but the magic tools never glowed red.


The bank teller was also very perplexed.


After tapping and shaking it, he said, “Wait a minute,” and ran to his superior.


She heard their conversation at first glance.


“The magic tool that detects blood… is red….”


“Where is she coming… customer….”


“The Xenon village.”


“Ah, the customer from there… often…”


This often happens to people who come to register their accounts in the Xenon village?

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‘Does the magic tool detect where they came from?’


Luce, who was watching for a moment, put her hand on the magic tool.


The reddish tinge in the light, which had been blindingly blue, looked like blood spreading in a bowl full of water.


‘Certainly, this is more like horror than over-technology.’


But for some reason, her eyes continued to wander. It seemed instinctively driven.


While waving her hand, Luce noticed that the red color was slowly moving along with her movements.


“I apologize, the customer. There was a slight error.”


The bank teller returned before she knew it and responded skillfully with a businesslike smile.


“Does this often happen to people from the Xenon village?”


The bank teller, looking at Luce with an expression of when she heard it, moved vaguely as if shaking his head and nodding.


“Yes, since it was fully introduced not long ago, there is still a bit of an incomplete aspect, so it is affected by the state and emotions of the customers. Since the road from Xenon Village to this place is rough and takes a long time, we are speculating internally that the magic tool may be sensing the fatigue of the customers.”


Luce half-closed her tired eyes and blinked, thinking that there was no red light from any of the people staggering out.


“However, there is no problem with registration. Since registration has been completed normally, there will be no such thing as taking too long or experiencing any inconvenience from now on.”


“Oh, yes. Thank you.”


Luce returned holding the temporary account proof documents issued with the statement that it would take about three days to complete the opening.


Looking at Dominic, he seemed to be going through something similar.


However, unlike the magic tool that Luce touched turned red like a ripe apple, the magic tool that Dominic touched was orange like an unripe plum.


Luce, who wiped her bloody fingers, tilted her head.


She doesn’t think it’s because of emotions or fatigue—.


There must be some other reason.


Luce, who was thinking while pressing down on the wounds on her fingertips, raised herself up at Dominic’s back.

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