Author: rolypoly

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Diana didn’t like drinking.

At the dinner party, at the celebration, even at the ceremony to commemorate the subjugation of the Country Peter, she didn’t drink alcohol.

Some say.

“It is said that Her Highness Empress Consort spent her childhood in a monastery. So it must have become a habit to lead an ascetic life.”

It was half right and half wrong.

It is true that Diana spent her childhood in a monastery, but the reason she didn’t drink alcohol was because of the emperor.

Her husband, who wielded her with silent gestures and sometimes glances, as well as an inexplicable laugh, always held red wine in his hands like blood.

Diana remembers the humiliation of having to lick the wine falling off his fingertips.

So she hates drinking. To be precise, she hated the memory of a cruel and cold man who was overlapping on top of alcohol.

But today, when she stopped by the Emperor’s bed, Diana had a glass in her hand. 

Diana murmured, staring at the pale pink champagne half filled in her glass.

“At one point, I thought… This was your love. You, who fell in love at first sight with the daughter of a powerless and insignificant family, treat me like this to protect me. You treat me coldly and indifferent on the outside, but you will be different on the inside.”

The reflection of her own face in the champagne was beautiful. 

Just like that day, 16 years ago.

“Are you lost?”

There was a lake close to the monastery. It is said that the moonlight scattering over the waves was very beautiful.

Curious about the place, Diana left the monastery alone late at night.

Diana, on the other hand, first saw a beast running at her instead of a lake with a beautiful moon.

The sharp, ferocious beast’s teeth were about to reach her throat. Diana closed her eyes tightly.

Something hot splashed on her face. There’s a lot of blood on her face, but she didn’t feel any pain. 

Diana opened her shaking eyes and faced a man.

“Come here.”

Blue as a lake, beautiful as a moonlight.

Diana could see what she wanted, even though she didn’t reach her destination that day.

It was a very romantic first meeting.

Diana, who stepped on the corpse of the beast that was about to devour her and climbed onto the black horse of a man, was intoxicated with the romance for a while.

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“But now I know.”

Until she realized that the moon shining on the lake was just an illusion.

“You just needed a woman who was innocent, suitable and unlikely to betray you.”

Life in the imperial palace was no different from being eaten by beasts.

Sitting on the chair that had been the seat of the Emperor, Diana drank champagne.

It was bitter and sour. She felt nauseous. But Diana didn’t stop drinking. It was like she was showing off.

Through the stem of the glass, she could see the Emperor sitting on the bed. He murmurs softly.

“Why do you look like that?”

His eyes, which were blue and cool like glass beads, were looking at Diana.


But it wasn’t Diana’s name he was calling.

When he called out the name of his missing mistress, the Emperor’s eyes were clearly warmer than when he usually looked at Diana with cold eyes.


Diana lowered her glass and laughed.

Her laughter, which had been small enough to be compared to her breathing, grew louder and louder.

She was just her replacement. The Empress Consort who replaced the mistress who left the side of the Emperor.

Scarecrow to replace the woman who was neither naive nor proper and succeeded in betraying the Emperor. 

Is the Emperor’s feelings for the woman love or hate? Or is it both?

Diana, who had been laughing at his boiling gaze, touched her forehead. 

It doesn’t matter what it is.

“Thank you, Anais.”

Diana muttered, sweeping her face.

She poured red wine, not champagne, into her glass. Then she dropped a small pill from the end of her sleeve.

“I mean it.”

And she handed the glass to the Emperor who lived in the past.

It was a night when she threw away her tiara because she was tired and fed up with the ice-like life in the imperial palace. Diana wrote two letters.

One was a letter asking Radanum to meet under a cypress tree, and the other was a letter sent to a merchant crossing the border. 

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Diana had to think of the worst case scenario that Radanum didn’t listen to her and confessed to the Emperor. 

Sleeping pills are too moderate. He might wake up after eating poorly.

The poison is too extreme. What would happen if they were discovered during the imperial checkpoint before they even brought it in?

So Diana had asked for a mediocre hallucinogen. It’s a drug that reminds them of the most fascinating moment. 

If everything was found out and she died at the hands of her husband, at least she didn’t want him to be aware of the situation. isn’t it more convenient to escape than to face reality directly?

It was like that at first. It was definitely for himself to eat.

But on the day she returned from swallowing Radanum’s golden apple, Diana was glad that the work had been successfully completed, and didn’t dispose of the medicine. 

Instead, she thought she would never have done it. 

‘Why did I just think I was going to eat this?’

Isn’t the cause of all this situation somewhere else?

‘Ah, it is impossible because there is Radanum. Because he is a guard dog who obeys and protects the Emperor.’

The blurry plan became surprisingly clear when it reached a dead end.

It was the day she searched the imperial palace and Xenon to find the missing Delmar. 

The destructive thought of wanting to slash the wizard’s back outlined the plan.

‘Radanum is a wizard who is supposed to protect and protect the emperor, so why did he let Aurelio grow up like that? Wasn’t he the one who headed to Xenon to keep an eye on Aurelio? But how… ah. Maybe, if it’s not a real threat…  If the Emperor doesn’t notice and order him, is he only going to sit on the sidelines? Because he’s just a tool for the Emperor to move?’ 

Opening the drawer that day, Diana saw hallucinogens.

Hallucinogens only give illusions.

‘A drug that reminds them of the most fascinating moment.’

So, it’s not a threat.

Diana offered wine to the Emperor, immersed in unfamiliar thrill and joy caused by enlightenment.

It was the first time she had done it without thinking about her future, but the situation after that made perfect sense.

The provocation of the Peter Country occurred, and the eyes of the nobles, including Ximel, were dispersed to the outside, which would have been the most dangerous if the Emperor’s madness was suspected.

There was only one problem, the sudden return of her stepson, Aurelio.

It was difficult to even kick him out, but he had a decisive reason for disqualification—he looked foreign to be of imperial bloodline—and since he had been ordered to silence, she thought it would be okay to postpone his disposition. 

Most of all, isn’t Delmar, who has been immature since Aurelio came, acting diligently?

Take what she takes, and throw away what she throws away. Just like her husband, who is now in her hands, did.

“So, hold on to His Majesty’s past a little longer.”

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Diana muttered, tipping her glass to the Emperor’s lips.

“I still have work to do.”

A number of dizzy images hovered in front of the throbbing eyes.

Things like Delmar, who had grown up before he knew it, Menelik’s Young Lord, who had come to escort the Emperor, the unfamiliar expression, the wizard who offered an apple, and Aurelio’s red eyes, who offered Peter.

Nevertheless, Diana’s lips were raised. She seemed to understand Anais.

Diana could be sure that if she took hallucinogens, she would see this moment when the Emperor swallowed the wine.

‘If I had known it would be this ecstatic, I would have changed my mind a little faster.’

Moonlight fell on the Emperor’s face.

“There is no more innocent and suitable woman who will not betray you, Your Majesty. So please be lonely for a long time.”

Diana, who whispered to his still blue and cold face, left the room. 

“Like I did.”

She never looked back.


Isaac, the owner of 『The Garden of Murat』, glanced up at the attic where his grandfather lived.

The door had been closed for an hour.

With the green-eyed guest.

‘What is Lucette trying to do?’

It was something he had been thinking about all night.

When Lucette asked if it was okay to come here from tomorrow, he blankly agreed. 

But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn’t get a sense of what a good way she said it would be.

Could it be that she was stopping the work of the pharmacist? Or, was she trying to be a companion to his depressed grandfather?

He thought it was the latter.

‘I was so sentimental yesterday. She seemed like a nice person, but I talked about my concerns for nothing. It may have sounded like I was asking for help, but it wasn’t like that.’

He was about to ask, but she smiled and said, ‘Can I talk to your grandfather first?’ and he missed the timing.

He was lost in thought, but suddenly his feet felt cold.

“Argh, no!” 

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He just poured a lot of water into the pot.

It was a palm tree that needed a lot of water, so if it had been a small plant, it would have been a big problem. 

It was when Isaac, who was dumbfounded by his appearance while patting the soil, swept his hair.

“Mr. Isaac?”

The voice he had been waiting for came from right in front of him.

When he looked up, Lucette, who peeped at the door, was asking with a questionable tone.

“Why are you sitting in front of the flower pot…?” 

“Miss Lucette?!” 

“That, your shoes are all wet.”

“Y, you don’t have to worry about it! More than that, please wait a minute!” 

Watching him walk through the watering cans, Luce thought.

Yesterday he was neat, but why does he look so foolish today?

‘Somehow, it reminds me of Elliot working at Aunt Dahlia’s general store.’

Isaac asked urgently, not knowing what Luce was thinking.

“What did my grandfather say?”

“He said it was a good idea.”

As expected, it looks like she chose to become his grandfather’s talking friend.

Isaac’s face naturally turned red because he thought he had caused trouble.

“But Isaac’s opinion is also important, so I’d like to ask.” 

“At least in this matter, my opinion is not important. If Grandpa agreed, then so be it.”

“You don’t even listen to what’s going on?”


Luce smiled mischievously and held out her hand.

“Then, there is no need to change your words. Nice to meet you, Boss Isaac.”


“I’m Lucette, an apprentice who will be the eyes and hands of Grandpa Arthur from today.”

And he squinted his eyes.

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