The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 427

Chapter 427: Vermillion Metal Tiger Roar

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“Three Days! It’s so soon?” The Dreamy Cloud Martial was astonished.
The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal had no idea that Teng Qingshan had always been worried about his hometown, the Land of the Nine Prefectures. Neither did he know that Teng Qingshan could return to the nine prefectures once this dispute with the Tianfeng Martial immortal was solved.
“Older Brother Mu, does the Tianfeng Martial Immortal use any finishing blows?” Teng Qingshan asked, following the saying, ‘Knowing yourself and knowing your foes well will allow you to come out unscathed through a hundred battles.’
“Finishing blows... Oh, right. Qingshan, let me remind you.” The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal said solemnly, “If you control different types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth, it will be slightly troublesome to use them.”
“Troublesome?” Teng Qingshan frowned.
With a serious expression, the Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal said, “Yes, very troublesome! Different types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth will be in conflict with each other! The move that you performed last time is named, ‘Vermillion Tiger Roar,’ right? This move evidently contains the Fire Elemental Dao. Since it contains the Fire Elemental Power, it is naturally quick and swift. However, if you were to use both the Fire Elemental Power and the Metal Elemental Power, the two types of Power of the Heavens and the Earth would collide with each other, diminishing the power greatly.
“Half of the 40% of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth would be neutralized.”
Teng Qingshan couldn’t help but feel shocked when he heard this.
He was just a Novice Emptiness Realm Expert. Thus, it was true that he had no experience in the controlling the two types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth.
“You should try it out yourself.” The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal smiled and said, “When you think you are confident enough to fight the Tianfeng Martial Immortal, then go. Actually... with your ability now, it is already impossible for the Tianfeng Martial Immortal to kill you. Therefore, do not worry.”
Teng Qingshan grinned and responded, “It’s the same principle. It’s also impossible for me to kill him.”
When two Emptiness Realm Experts fought, the one who had attained the Emptiness Realm Culmination could naturally defeat and kill the Novice Emptiness Realm Expert with ease.
However, if the Novice Emptiness Realm Expert wanted to escape, the expert who had attained the Emptiness Realm Culmination might not be able to stop him.
“Previously, the Tianfeng Martial Immortal jeered from the skies above the Dreamy Cloud Ancient City and called me a scaredy cat. He said that he will be overseeing Tianfeng City and that he’ll be waiting for me. He also said that I won’t have the courage to go!” Teng Qingshan grinned and said, “Even if I didn’t manage to kill the Tianfeng Martial Immortal this time, I will make him the laughingstock of this world.”

The last time, the Tianfeng Martial Immortal was too arrogant. If Teng Qingshan managed to defeat him honorably within several months, then the Tianfeng Martial Immortal would surely be embarrassed.

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“However, I must ponder on how I should perform the both the Metal Elemental Power and the Fire Elemental Power at the same time.”
Although he had achieved breakthrough again and again, finally being able to comprehend the Metal Elemental Dao was a happy thing. However, Teng Qingshan didn’t cause a commotion and only had a lunch banquet with the Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal, the Great Elder Mu Wang, and the others. After the lunch banquet, Teng Qingshan began pondering upon his own spear arts.
A strong gust of wind blew past, rippling the surface of the lake.
Holding the Reincarnation Spear in his hand, Teng Qingshan stepped onto the surface of the lake like a celestial being.
“I’ll just give it a try.” Immediately, he pulled with his right hand and grasped the spear with his left, turning the spear shaft. Under Teng Qingshan’s control, both the Fire Elemental Power and the Metal Elemental Power revolved along with the shaft of the Reincarnation Spear, drilling through the heavens and the earth like an electric drill. Immediately, the Reincarnation Spear transformed into a gigantic vermillion and golden electric drill.
Teng Qingshan exerted a burst of his physical strength, and the Power of the Heavens and the Earth as well as the Supreme Force whirled up from the shaft to the speartip, condensing the power as it continued to turn. As Teng QIngshan exerted an explosive strength, the tip of the spear burst forward!
“Pew!” At the tip of the spear, the air twisted, causing the space in the vicinity to shake.
“Rumble~~~” A series of explosions rang out as the several-dozen-Zhang wide lake exploded, splashing up an endless amount of snowy white sprays.
“As expected.”
Teng Qingshan frowned and said to himself, “Older Brother Mu was right. When the Fire Elemental Power and the Metal Elemental Power combine, they will resist each other. I did control it all, but a great amount of energy was exhausted in the process of the conflict. Although I am able to control 40% of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth, I am only able to display 35% of it… In addition to my physical strength and attacking power which was increased through the technique, Vermillion Tiger Roar... I am only able to display 55% of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth.”
This difficult problem stumped Teng Qingshan.
How could he make the two types of power into one without causing any conflict and unnecessary exhaustion? How could he make this technique execute the greatest power?! Day after day, Teng Qingshan pondered this arduously.
“How should I use this technique?” Teng Qingshan wondered.
“Qingshan, eat. Why are you just staring into space?” At the table, Li Jun couldn’t help laughing. Teng Shou, Yang Dong, and Fu Yuping all snickered. Ever since Teng Qingshan comprehended the Metal Elemental Dao, he had been very absent-minded, and no one knew what he was thinking.
“Oh.” Teng Qingshan regained his senses and grinned. He immediately stop thinking and focused on eating his lunch.
“Ah Dong, how is your practice of the Twelve Forms of Xing Yi?” Teng Qingshan asked.

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“Senior Brother said that I am not doing well,” Yang Dong answered in a helpless tone.
Teng Qingshan looked over at Teng Shou, who answered quickly, “Teacher, I told him that the tiger form is the most important of the twelve forms. Without it, he won’t be able to practice the Godly Tiger Form Technique. However, Ah Dong has only learned to imitate the tiger form. His moves don’t show the true concept of the technique. On the contrary, he loves to practice sword art.”
Yang Dong didn’t dare to respond.
“It requires talent to cultivate the Internal Martial Arts.” Teng Qingshan smiled as he flicked a glance at Yang Dong. “Practice for one more year. If there’s still no progress in regards to your cultivation of the Internal Martial arts, I will let you practice the Inner Strength.”
“Yes, Teacher.” Yang Dong immediately felt very happy.
Teng Qingshan grinned and explained, “The Internal Martial Arts has high requirements in regards to talent and aptitude. Amongst several people, it’s likely that only one can succeed in cultivating their inner strength. However, in the cultivation of the Internal Martial Arts, it’s likely only one out of a hundred people can succeed.” During the era of abundant Spiritual Qi, people possessed more aptitude than the people in Teng Qingshan’s previous world.
“It’s not weird if you aren’t able to succeed in the cultivation of the Internal Martial Arts. Everyone has their own path to walk. I can’t force you two to walk the same path,” as Teng Qingshan said this, he himself was stunned by his own words.
“Everyone has his own path to walk? You can’t force them to walk the same path?”
Teng Qingshan’s eyes dimmed, but they soon brightened again.
“Haha…” Teng Qingshan burst out in laughter.
“Qingshan?” Li Jun was surprised.
“Teacher?” “Uncle?” Teng Shou, Yang Dong, and Fu Yuping were all very astonished.
“Go ahead and eat first.”
Teng Qingshan couldn’t bother with anything else. He took the Reincarnation Spear in his hands and leaped to the lake’s surface. The surface of the vast lake was very suitable for Teng Qingshan to practice fist art. He didn’t need to worry about destroying buildings and constructions.
“I am a fool. I have been thinking in the wrong direction from the start!”
On the surface of the lake, Teng Qingshan was extremely excited as he exclaimed, “The Fire Elemental Power and the Metal Elemental Power are originally two different types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth. How is it possible to merge them while preventing them from resisting one another? Different people have different paths. I can’t force them to walk the same path. It’s the same principle!
“These two types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth cannot be forced together.”
A million thoughts flashed through Teng Qingshan’s mind as he said, “I think I should use their mutual resisting characteristic and utilize the two types of power in a clever way.”

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At this level, the moment he found the correct train of thought, it was very easy to find a solution!
“Isn’t this much easier?”
Teng Qingshan was exhilarated.
Teng Qingshan shook the spear shaft again and performed the Vermillion Tiger Roar once more. However, this time, the Metal Elemental Power and the Fire Elemental Power formed a spiral structure. The two types of power were like two dragons playing with a bead as they spun around the shaft and twisted around each other simultaneously, all the while not touching one another.
TLN: something like this
The powers continued to spiral and condense.
As they spiralled to the tip, the Metal Elemental Power and the Fire Elemental Power finally met for the first time. These two types of Power of the Heavens and the Earth had originally resisted each other. However, they had just moved along the the helix structure and condensed at the highest point of the tip. Moreover, the two different types of Power of the Heavens and the Earth were now merged. Like dynamite, the two types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth exploded!
This was the instillation of two especially powerful and integrated forces.
The incredible piercing strength burst forth, raising up endless ripples and sprays.
“Haha, it worked.” Teng Qingshan laughed. “This move is slightly tricky, but the helix structure can allow the two types of power to spiral and twist upward without touching one another.”
Teng Qingshan smiled.
With the addition of the two types of the Power of the Heavens and the Earth, Teng Qingshan made an improvement to the Vermillion Tiger Roar and created a new move—Vermillion Metal Tiger Roar! The two types of Power of the Heavens and the Earth weren’t consumed but instead became even more powerful during the last moment of the thrust!
“Tianfeng Martial Immortal… Didn’t you ask me to challenge you?” Teng Qingshan was anticipating the fight even more.
It was 12th of August, but late autumn had already arrived. In Tianfeng City, the coldest city of Duanmu Continent, the temperature was, as expected, extremely cold. There was even a heavy snowfall. The endless snowflakes fell continuously from high altitudes, and the snow piled up to one’s thighs!
“Whew~~~ Whew~~”
The cold wind blew, and the snowflakes continued to fall.

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The Rising Sun Restaurant in Tianfeng City did not sit any guests on the second floor or the third floor. The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal, dressed in a black leather coat while carrying a gigantic wolf-head war saber, as well as the Great Elder, Li Jun, Teng Shou, Yang Dong, and Mu Yunji were all gathered on the third floor.
“The heavens probably know that there will be an apex battle today, which is why they sent down such a heavy snowfall” The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal remarked with a laugh.
“Yes. A combat between Martial Immortals hasn’t happen for an extremely long time in Duanmu Continent,” Mu Wang said in surprise.
At this moment, Li Jun couldn’t help but ask, “Why hasn’t Qingshan appeared?”
“We just departed yesterday. Qingshan has Blue Luan. He can come here at anytime.” The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal grinned. Today was the day when Teng Qingshan would challenge the Tianfeng Martial Immortal... So, the Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal brought Li Jun and the others along. The Dreamy Cloud Martial Immortal was confident he would be able to keep the ones beside him safe from the Tianfeng Martial Immortal.
The Tianfeng Martial Immortal and the Steel Sword Martial Saint were the only two on the second floor of the Tianfeng Palace at the Helian Residence.
“Eh, Old Man Mu, why have you come to Tianfeng City?” The Tianfeng Martial Immortal sat cross-legged quietly as he stared southeast, puzzled. He was looking in the direction of the Rising Sun Restaurant.
If an Emptiness Realm Expert appeared within an area of 34 Li, both Emptiness Realm Experts would be able to detect the each other’s presence.
“Eh?” The Tianfeng Martial Immortal looked up in the sky.
“What’s wrong, Teacher?” The Steel Sword Martial Saint asked in confusion.
The Tianfeng Martial Immortal’s eyes flashed as he said, “He is here.”
“He?” The Steel Sword Martial Saint froze briefly.
At this moment, a loud and energetic voice resonated down from the sky and into the entire Tianfeng City, “Helian, didn’t you ask me, Teng Qingshan, to come to the Tianfeng City to challenge you? I am here... Do you have the courage to accept the challenge?”
“Do you have the courage to accept the challenge?” “Do you have the courage to accept the challenge?” “Do you have the courage to accept the challenge?” ….
Teng Qingshan’s voice resonated incessantly throughout Tianfeng City.

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