The Nine Cauldrons

Chapter 86

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It was already night time.

Currently, it was very quiet in Gui Yuan Sect, situated in Jiangning County, as everyone had slept. However, candlelight still shone in Sovereign Zhuge Yuanhong's study room.

With his long hair draped over his shoulder, Zhuge Yuanhong wore a loose white long cloak and stood bare-footed. He held a painting brush and casually painted on the paper on the desk. A smile could be seen on his face. It was obvious that he was fully immersed in the act of painting.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"…

Knocking sounds rang.

Zhuge Yuanhong stopped what he was doing and glanced at the painting with a satisfying expression. He then placed the brush aside and said with a grin, "Come in."

The door opened.

The grey-cloaked middle-aged man, who was responsible of welcoming over three hundred warriors into Gui Yuan Sect during the day, walked in with a smile. He glanced at the drawing on the desk and said, "Sovereign, your drawing is becoming more and more livid. You have found an amazing successor for all of your best martial techniques, but you have not found any for this marvelous painting skills.

"I was just simply drawing. It's just for the leisure." Zhuge Yuanhong didn't care at all. He looked at the grey-cloaked middle-aged man and said, "Elder Martial Brother, I have asked you to check Teng Qingshan's background. How's it going?"

"We have checked." The grey-cloaked middle-aged man answered.

Gui Yuan Sect is a huge sect that ruled over the entire Jiangning County. There were intelligence agencies set up in every city and every border. If Gui Yuan Sect wish to know every information about Teng Qingshan, they could find everything within several hours.

"Tell me about it." Zhuge Yuanhong hastily said.

"Sovereign." The grey-cloaked middle-aged man grinned and replied, "Teng Qingshan is definitely a gifted figure! He was born in Teng Jia Village, a village at the bottom of the Great Yan Mountain. We heard that he was able to lift a hundred Jin stone at the age of six."

Zhuge Yuanhong raised his brow as he heard this.

"He already had spectacular spear art when he was ten and killed the Wolf King!"

At age fourteen, he fought against the Wang Tiefeng, one of the three brothers of Wang Clan, and the fight ended in a draw."

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"At age sixteen, which is this year, he killed the Li Yanshan, the Great Master of Yanshan Gang, by himself and was known to be the number one expert of Yi City. Teng Jia Village was also a famous village known to be courageous and strong." The middle-aged man in grey cloak said in one breath.

Zhuge Yuanhong smiled and nodded as he replied, "Yes, his background is very thorough."

"Sovereign, don't you worry. Teng Qingshan's background is very clean. Our men had gathered some information of Teng Qingshan. Teng Qingshan's father is called Teng Yongfan and his mother is called Yuan Lan. There is nothing suspicious!" The middle-aged man in grey cloak said confidently.

"It's just as I guessed!"

With his hair draped on his shoulder, Zhuge Yuanhong walked barefooted to the window and said, "I have never seen Teng Qingshan's spear art! He must have created it himself. There is a very low possibility that a powerful expert had taught him that spear art! Most importantly, his method of utilizing inner strength is too simple. His inner strength cultivation method must be the most inferior type of inner strength cultivation manual."

The different mental cultivation methods, inner strength cultivation manuals, and the sword art could aid one to display especially great inner strength.

For example, the instant attack of the Bending Wave Technique of the "Cang Jiang Sword Art" was ten times stronger than the attack of experts at the pinnacle of the Postliminary Realm. It was so powerful that Teng Qingshan had to defend with his 'Transmutation Unity Qi' spear technique. Of course, he had to do it while hiding his astonishingly great strength.

The reason why the Bending Wave Technique was so powerful was because of the inner strength cultivation manual, mental cultivation method, and the sword art and not a single one could be omitted.

Teng Qingshan's inner strength cultivation manual was not the most inferior type… Teng Qingshan didn't even have one inner strength cultivation manual! He had inner strength because of the cultivation of the Internal Martial Art. The inner strength was just an attribution of the cultivation of the Internal Martial Art.

"Without any teachers, he was actually able to grow even stronger than Yue Song, the best disciple of Brother Wei, when he was only sixteen years old! He was able to defeat Yue Song when he had the most inferior inner strength. He is a truly gifted young man. He is like a crude jade!" Zhuge Yuanhong's eyes gleamed as he exclaimed.

As the Sovereign of the sect, it was fortunate to acquire such a crude jade.

"Sovereign, when do you plan to accept Teng Qingshan as your disciple?" The middle-aged man in grey cloak asked.

Commander Zang Feng was a disciple of Zhuge Yuanhong! The female Commander was also Zhuge Yuanhong's disciple! Not only was Zhuge Yuanhong an extremely powerful expert, he was also a great teacher. Indeed, ot one of his disciples were weak.

"No, I don't plan to make him my disciple." Zhuge Yuanhong shook his head as he said.

"Er..Sovereign, why?" The middle-aged man was astonished.

Because the relationship between a teacher and disciple was exceptionally close.

The status of Teacher was almost equivalent to the status of parents.

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If Zhuge Yuanhong made Teng Qingshan as his disciple, it would give Teng Qingshan a sense of loyalty and obligation for Gui Yuan Sect.

"Teng Qingshan is as gifted as Yun. However, most importantly, Teng Qingshan had the right mindset and temperament!" Zhuge Yuanhong explained, "Although Yun is gifted, he can't stand the loneliness of an expert. The truly powerful ones must withstand this loneliness! However, we cannot forcibly change one's mindset and temperament. If we had done that, it could create the opposite effect. Therefore, we can only wait patiently."

Zhuge Yuanhong has high expectations for his son.

"However, Teng Qingshan is different. He displayed a maturity beyond his years! He was as steady and calm as the great mountains. He was able to maintain his composure even when the six thousand Black Armored Soldiers showered him with compliments and praises. His calmness was terrifying! With his talent and his mindset and temperament, as well as his Innocence of a Newborn… he can grow and improve without a teacher."

"It's best to create your own path in life. I just need to guide him slightly and let him do everything by himself." Zhuge Yuanhong said with a smile.

The middle-aged man in grey cloak nodded, seeming to be deep in thought.

"He is a crude jade! Gui Yuan Sect had existed for over a thousand years but never had there been such a gifted and talented figure in this sect. He might be one of the pillars of Gui Yuan Sect in the future. We must carve and polish this crude jade." Zhuge Yuanhong said emotionally.

The middle-aged man replied in disbelief, "Sovereign, did you say Teng Qingshan will be one of the pillars of Gui Yuan Sect? Are you saying that he will attain the Innate Realm?"

On the Land of the Nine Prefectures, there were powerful ancient sects that have existed for over thousands of years.

The ones who truly supported the sect were the Innate Experts!

Zhuge Yuanhong looked at the night sky through the window with unfathomable emotions shown in his eyes. None could tell what he was thinking. He then spoke, "One can only attain the Innate Realm when one has achieved the Unity of Spirit and Qi. This is something that only happens by chance. Therefore, I can't say for sure that he will achieve the Innate Realm. However, if you asked me who is the most promising one among the talented young disciples of Gui Yuan Sect, I would say it is definitely Teng Qingshan!"

"Alright, Elder Martial Brother. You have been busy for the entire day. Rest earlier." Zhuge Yuanhong said calmly.

A middle-aged man in grey cloak then left the study room.

The candlelight continued to shine in the gloomy study room.

Zhuge Yuanhong places his hand behind his back and gazed at the night sky. He then muttered, "Teng Qingshan has a very clean background, but why do I feel that he is very mysterious. What is the issue!" There were only a few people he couldn't see through.

He then walked behind the desk and sat cross-legged on the mat.

With a wave of his sleeves, the candlelight went out.

"Creak!" The door of the study room closed by itself.

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Zhuge Yuanhong closed his eyes and sat close-legged in the dark.


As the first glimmer of light shone in the sky, the camp of the Black Armored Army became noisy. There were over six thousand Black Armored Soldiers and food was provided for everyone of them. The single soldiers ate in the canteen area while the Black Armored Soldiers took food from the canteen area and ate with their wives and children at home.


The Black Armored Soldiers were allowed to bring their families to the camp.

Since becoming a Black Armored Soldier was a lifetime obligation, Gui Yuan Sect was considerate enough to allow the soldiers to bring their families along.

The entire canteen area was four houses that occupied a huge space. Each house had a width of ten Zhang and the length of thirty Zhang. There were four troops of Black Armored Soldiers and these four houses were enough to accommodate the six thousand Black Armored Soldiers.

"Haha, Brother Qingshan!"

"Brother Teng, you are here!"

"Lord, why did you come when we have already finished our food!"

Many people, including the Centurions and ordinary soldiers, greeted Teng Qingshan fervently as soon as he stepped in. Because of the time spent together at the celebration feast last night, many people viewed Teng Qingshan as a good brother.

"What are we eating this morning?" Teng Qingshan soiled and walked over.

The Black Armored Army had very good food.

There were buckets of buns, eggs, egg pancake rolls, dumplings, meat buns, et cetera… After all, the Black Armored Soldiers could eat a lot and there were many people, so there were obviously lots of food.

"The food is better than the food in our village." Teng Qinghu took a bite of the egg and two bites of the meat buns and continued munching on happily.

"Eat more do you have more strength to do the morning exercise." Teng Qingshan said with a smile.

"Qingshan." Teng Qinghu suddenly said with a frown, "Although I am the Sergeant, I am not in your team. I am part of the spearman unit and you are the Centurion of a group of spearmen. Can you ask if it is possible to transfer me into your group?"

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When Teng Qingshan heard this, he thought about it and felt that what Qinghu has said was indeed a problem.

Back then, he was assigned to the first troop under the Third Lieutenant. Although his cousin was also under the Third Lieutenant, he was not in his team of hundred men.

After all…

There were only a few Sergeant positions available. It was a competition. The winner could only be assigned to the empty spots.

The sergeant position in Teng Qingshan's team of hundred men was already occupied, therefore, Teng Qinghu wasn't assigned into his team.

"This is just a small matter. Let me ask later. I should be able to let you join my team." Teng Qingshan said.

"Hehe, it's better to join your team." Teng Qingshan said with a laugh.

Soon, the two finished their breakfast and headed towards the school grounds with the great number of Black Armored Soldiers in a vigorous manner.


With each team of a hundred men occupying one big rectangular area in the school ground, the Black Armored Army began their training.



The one hundred soldiers under Teng Qingshan's supervision all wore heavy armor and practiced their spear art. In a battle with numerous soldiers, there was no need for complicated and excellent spear art. A simple act of piercing was enough. All they needed was strength and speed!

Teng Qingshan watched and supervised carefully.

Suddenly, Teng Qingshan glanced at another team of hundred spearmen nearby. Teng Qinghu was in that team.

"Brother Tian Dan." Teng Qingshan walked towards Tian Dan, the Centurion of the team Teng Qinghu was in.

Of course Teng Qingshan knew Tian Dan. Both him and Tian Dan worked for the same Lieutenant and had gone drinking last night along with the other Centurions.

"Brother Qingshan." Tian Dan gripped the long spear and approached with a grin. Teng Qingshan said in a very straightforward manner, "Brother Tian Dan, I need your help with something."

"What is it? Just tell me. I will help you if I can." Tian Dan said straightly.

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