I climbed on Sen's palm and looked around.

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Since Kyle is busy searching with his eyes wide open, this girl should head straight over to his study. Earlier, I couldn't take a good look on the way here because I was in a hurry to run away, so I should take this chance to learn.

That way tomorrow, I can use "Summon" at the storage room and wear Kyle's clothes that I hid, then I can go to the opposite room from the study.

The point is that I can only specify the location for "Summon" to be within 10m radius. Of course, I have to get more clothes. It's so damn cold, it isn't called the North for a reason.

"Sen, where are you going?"

A maid who was moving a laundry basket called Sen. The place I was hiding in, seemed to be where the servants do the laundry.

"I found it!"

Sen lifted me up proudly, and I carefully held onto her palm with my body in case I slip. Hey, don't raise me up so high, I can't see anything.

"I guess it wasn't that shy. It even seemed nice. It's so cute looking around trying to find the way back."

After hearing that, the maids gathered around her and said, 'I envy you,' 'It must be cute,' 'I want to raise one too,' and etcetera. If you wrote their words and arranged them in one line, it seemed like it would even reach Busan.

I burrowed my face in Sen's palm feeling ashamed.

'... Was I too obvious while looking around?'

I'll get weary if I'm too self-conscious.

"Can you take me with you?"

A maid who seemed to be close with Sen approached me with her eyes shining. How dare you put your spoon into someone else's bowl. No, hmph. Is this decision up to Serena?

― Squeak [ Get lost! ]

She was visibly embarrassed when I started squeaking and stretching out of Sen's palm.

"Ack! What's wrong with it? Wasn't it very quiet just a while ago..."

― Squeak! Squeak! [ You foolish human! You want to share the merit, how greedy! ]

Were you fated to be Serena, the best woman in the empire? Of course, I must've messed up that fate but anyways... Why do you need Kyle's favorable impression!

Right then, a low voice rang behind us.

"Cashew Nut."

"G-grand Duke!"

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This ghostlike bastard. He found me so easily.

Kyle's eyes which were tinted with red turned to look at me, then he frowned slightly... That action made everyone feel more intimidated. Seriously, his looks are enough to win a battle.

Hey! Why won't you smile. Didn't you find me already. I don't even have a single scratch on my body. Don't make the atmosphere too heavy, don't you feel sorry for these maids.

Speaking of them, among all the maids, only Sen wasn't shaking with fear, and even turned towards Kyle.

"Your Highness, I've found the beast as you've commanded."

Kyle tried to reach out to me but stopped when he saw me sitting comfortably on Sen's hand.

"... I guess it's comfortable staying with you."

"That, Your Highness..."

"Will you come to my study with me?"

Sen looked down at me for a moment, stroked my back with her thumb and nodded. The other maids have went back to their original positions and could only glance.

After arriving at the study, Kyle tried to put me inside the hamster house.

Of course, I tried my best to resist. You said we would sleep together today! How can you give me freedom then take it away like this, you cheating bastard!

Sadly, Kyle seemed to have misunderstood my actions.

"It seems like it really likes you."

"I guess it does, Your Highness."

Sen smiled slightly, with a hint of embarrassment and happiness. However, she still put me firmly inside the hamster house.

"You have to go in. It's bad to leave the house so recklessly. You made His Highness worried."

But, I'll be back after 30 minutes anyways. I was just taking a quick walk.

"I'll make it up to you."

Kyle said after closing the ceiling of the hamster house. Sen only stared at him, so he added.

"I thought it would be hard to find. I had that hunch after the magicians said they couldn't track its mana. But thanks to you, I was able to easily find Cashew Nut..."


"Tell me what you want. I swear on the name the Grand Duke of Blake, I will grant you anything you wish."

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Sen's eyes turned to me, who was leaning on the wheel. She seemed to be troubled.

Her eyes were filled with both longing and resignation then it turned to melancholy for a moment, but it quickly snapped back to her usual look.

"It's alright, Your Highness, there's no need."

Sen replied in a firm voice.

"What I wish for is something Your Highness cannot grant, so I'll handle it myself. Please just know that I have done my best, and if there comes to be a day in this castle where I face injustice, I just hope that Your Highness is willing to lend a hand."


Kyle leaned back onto the sofa and spoke slowly.

"Is there a wish that cannot be granted within this territory of mine?"

Hey, don't fight with a maid and her wish. I mumbled while washing my dirty paws in the water bowl.

'... By the way, what could Sen's wish be?'

To marry Belial? Anyway, I don't remember what the ending of the story was but I remember these two were in love with each other. And isn't it a common ending for novels for the leads to live happily ever after. This ending is basically a national rule.

But... It's impossible to fall in love with Belial here in the north, which is a long way from the Imperial City, maybe her wish is to raise her status?

Then a system window popped up.

[ Revenge. ]


Sen's wish is revenge?

[ Serena's only wish is revenge. ]

Not Sen, but Serena's.

The system was still calling her Serena and not Sen.

Does that mean, she's still fated to be Serena.

Even if the fate of transmigration was changed, the part of her becoming empress seems to not have changed. This made me feel strange. I blinked and looked up at Sen.

'What the hell happened to you.'

It felt really strange to think that the novel I read is someone's vivid life and not just a few lines typed on paper.

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"By the way."

Kyle called Sen's attention quietly and she looked back at him calmly, not afraid of his aura a single bit. Seems like her liver is big.

*Koreans equate the liver to what English equates the heart to bigger heart / liver = more courageous*

"Your face looks familiar."

Sen flinched and her shoulders stiffened, her strong appearance seemed to crumble right there and then. Her green eyes which had been calm all this time shook and her lower lip turned pale for a moment.

But she quickly recovered, she turned her head towards me and closed her eyes tightly. The moment she opened them, she smiled and it looked so natural, making me think twice whether the expression I saw earlier was a moment of illusion.

"I'm not even a maid that's in charge of Your Highness, how could I look familiar?"

"But... It seems like we have met before?"

​Your Highness, the Grand Duke, that's such an old-fashioned comment.

Sen replied with a meaningful smile.

"I am one of your subjects. Besides, I'm a maid working in this castle, so it's natural that my face is familiar."

"Yes, I suppose so."

Kyle seemed to move on without much thought on the problem.

Come to think of it, Kyle was quite obsessed with Serena in the original version of the novel. But what was the reason? There must have been a good reason to be obsessed with someone who you could not even see in your territory...

It was not easy to remember all the content of the novel because there was so much happening, it's a good thing that the system helps most of the time.

"What's your name?"

"Sen, Your Highness."

"Alright, Sen."

Kyle thought of something then looked at me.

No, don't look so friendly, maintain your dignity as a solemn and grand person. Don't suddenly open the door and lift me up and shower me with kisses.

"I'll cut back on your work a little, so can you come and check on Cashew Nut from time to time?"

Sen was undeniably shocked at the unexpected request.

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"Cashew Nut, this magical beast?"

*might use demonic & magical interchangeably since sometimes the characters mention the word in obvious demeaning tone and sometimes it's neutral like this one.*

"Yeah it seems to like being around you. Originally, I was the only one it met here at the study all day, and it must have felt lonely because I was away preparing for the festival. I think it might have run away in frustration..."

Well, that's not such a bad decision. I'll take it.

The first part of the original revolved around Serena, Belial and Kyle. Right now, since Belial is at the Imperial City, it can't be helped that I can only increase the miracle value by changing Kyle & Serena's fates.

Unfortunately, I have to spend most of the day as a hamster so it's better if they are the ones to approach me.

Sen turned towards where I was again, and I slowly approached the wall that was near her and put my hands up against it. I didn't forget to wink either. I used up all my sincerity for this fanservice.

"... I'll do it!"

Sen called out as if she was possessed.

"I-I mean, I've never taken care of a mouse, no a h-hamster, but I've raised a dog before... I'll study hard to learn how to take care of it! I-"

"It's not just a hamster, it's a magical beast."

Just like this, Sen became my second guardian.

Both of you please get along well. Don't be too obsessed, okay? Don't fight each other for my affection alright?

After Sen left the study, Kyle looked at me in the hamster house for a long time. He looks like he was dying to take me out, but wouldn't dare to do so hastily.

'Were you that shocked to lose me once.'

But I couldn't help it either. If you came back to a strange man on the bed naked, and the hamster was gone, the situation would be a lot worse.

Then a rumor will spread that Your Highness, who is not married, has a taste for men. Of course, I couldn't let that happen.

In any case, it's a difficult situation, I also would not take out a hamster outside of the cage if there's a single chance it might run away again.

Should I pretend to be depressed for a while. No, this isn't my fault, it's all because of this "Summon" skill. Why didn't you explain the details of the skill to me first!

[ (อิ_อี;;;) ]

'Anyways... Tomorrow, it should be fine right?'

The clothes were hidden well, so I'll use "Summon" in that location and take a look at the situation in the castle. It's time for the festival anways so it wouldn't look weird to see a stranger walking around.

'Before that... I'll have to get some pants and shoes.'

If I keep walking barefoot all this time in this freezing weather, all my toes will fall off.

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