“Are you serious right now?”

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Huang Lu exclaimed.

Lin Huai thought for a bit, before shrugging, “Well, I don’t have any more constructive suggestions… I can accept being put in the same room as anyone. I don’t mind.”

Huang Lu:…

Lin Huai, “I’m skinny anyways.”

…does this person’s brain have some problems? Huang Lu pursed her lips.

Of course, she didn’t consider the aspect that “skilled experts will be fearless”. 

Up until then, Chu Tian had been silently staring at Lin Huai.

Given that the matter has already been settled, a few people have decided to form teams based on the factors of gender and skill level.

Finally, the rooms were allocated in the following arrangements. The sales manager, Huang Lu, the white-collar worker Ni Xiao and the trendy girl Ye Keke were placed in one room. The two senior high school students and the middle aged teacher, Peng Xuan were allocated into the same room as each other.

After forming a team with the seemingly most reliable Tang Wen, Yu Fu looked towards the remaining few people. 

Finally, he extended an invite to Chu Tian who seemed to have the highest battle strength, “Why don’t you room with us?”

“No need.” Chu Tian said.

“You sure?” Yu Fu said, “Us three…”

“I have to share the bed1 for a full four days, I’m going to choose a few who are more pleasing to the eye.” After speaking, he pointed to Lin Huai and Ye Xian, “Us three a room, what do you guys think?”

Ye Xian endured it time and time again, finally saying, “This tone of yours, do you think you’re choosing imperial concubines.”

Lin Huai hesitated to speak, his eyes stared at the wrench in Chu Tian’s hands, “I don’t…”

“You don’t want what?” Chu Tian leaned on Lin Huai’s shoulder, glancing at him, “You don’t want to room with me?”

Lin Huai was silent.

“It’s up to you.” He shrugged his shoulders.

“You better have thought about it carefully.” Chu Tian deliberately said, “I’ll take good care of you.”

Lin Huai stared at him, Chu Tian was full of smiles, “I don’t have any other hobbies, I just like to carry newcomers.”

Ye Xian: … 

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His face distorted in bitterness. He always felt that the style of this round of game is not quite right. Chu Tian turned around and patted his shoulder, “Little bean sprout, don’t be afraid, with just these few catties of ribs, let alone ghosts, even this brother of yours wouldn’t want to eat.”


“Ghosts are not scary at all, they’re nothing more than a type of organism that we cannot understand with our current level of science and technology. As long as scientific means are used, we can destroy them.” While speaking, he raised the wrench in his hand, “For example#@¥%#%¥…”

Ye Xian, “How can this be counted as scientific, this clearly is just violence. Also… why are you so proficient ah?”

Every bloody statement he (CT) made, Ye Xian’s face would pale a bit more. Not knowing why, he felt that this grandiloquent and violent young man in front of him, when compared to ghosts… was still a bit more scary.”

Lin Huai squinted and suddenly laughed, “You’re quite experienced ah. How many times have you done it? Huh?”2

He looked up at Chu Tian, their gazes intersecting.

“I learned it with my dad in Hawaii. There, I also learned soccer, operating planes and yachts…” Chu Tian bent his fingers one by one, “Oh right, according to my plentiful experience of using a wrench to make a headshot, the weak section of a ghost’s brain is…”

While speaking, he suddenly stretched his fingers towards Lin Huai’s head, “Let me have a look, it seems to be here…”

“What do you mean by this?”

Lin Huai slanted his head away, his voice was extremely cold. After realising that he had lost self-control, he changed his expression, “You’re not suspecting I’m…”

“No purpose.” Chu Tian withdrew his hand and laughed, “Just making a joke. Why are you so nervous?”

Lin Huai looked at him with wariness yet the chestnut haired young man only shrugged his shoulders and crawled off the sofa, walking towards the window. His eyes carried with it some remaining laughter, his brown hair resting on his forehead and his amber eyes seemed like two deep springs of abyss.

His turned his back to Lin Huai.

Lin Huai:…

After experiencing years of foul winds and bloody rains3, Lin Huai now only wants to live an ordinary and peaceful life.

There’s no doubt about this.

Now, his name is Lin Huai, 20 years old, living in the campus dormitory of S University and single. Aside from his studies and work, he often went to the library and participated in group activities. Everyday he’ll be out and only return to the dorms when it’s 10pm. He doesn’t smoke, only occasionally drinking coffee and milk tea. He sleeps at 12am and has to sleep for at least 7 hours every night in order to reach synchronization between himself and the body. Before sleeping, he’ll definitely read a ghost story and then face the mirror for 15 minutes, practicing his smile.

Even the coach said that Lin Huai was absolutely ordinary. Aside from occasionally scaring people, going back to his previous inclinations when pitted by TaoBao sellers, he has always maintained his peaceful living. He doesn’t even like hands, unlike Yoshikage Kira who was obsessed with collecting beautiful hands. 

Even if he followed the invitation letter to this game for the sake of his curiosity and search for stimulation, he still did not want to disrupt his current living style.

So, in the end, who is that ghost?

It won’t actually be…

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“… It wouldn’t actually be me, right?” He muttered, “What is this called? Deceiving a ghost… deceiving me in for slaughter? But there’s no benefits, why would I work (kill) on the behalf of this system, hmm?

Thinking this way, the corners of his lips hooked up.

Huang Lu had always paid attention to the situation on this side.

Between Lin Huai and Chu Tian, an exciting round of contesting wills seemed to have occurred… she frowned.

“Chu Tian is suspecting him?” She thought, “But since he suspects him (LH), why would he (CT) want to invite him to live in the same room? Is this not asking for the ghost to possess him?

Lin Huai is very suspicious yet that Chu Tian… seemed unusually familiar.

She always feels as if she had seen this person somewhere but can’t remember exactly where.

“What’s your opinion on this game?” She walked over and said, “As a newcomer, you…”

At last, she decided to probe Lin Huai.

“This is a conspiracy.” She heard Lin Huai’s voice.

Huang Lu, “?”

“An evil spirit, for the sake of advertising it’s own APP, set down this conspiracy without care of involving innocent people.”

Huang Lu, “… what the hell are you talking about?”

“Nothing.” Lin Huai was expressionless, “I just feel… I’m so wronged. Ai.”

Huang Lu:……

“Fck! The app is here!” Ye Keke who’s eyes were glued to the phone screen suddenly screamed.

“Fck!” The scene styled young man also swore, “That app really fcking downloaded! Laozi’s phone memory is so full that even Arena of Valor can’t update, yet it was actually downloaded!”

The app was blood-red with a ghastly white “Buy” word.

Chu Tian also took out his phone, “This icon design is really simple and brutish.”

“Speak a little less, won’t you?” Feng Yao said with an ashen face.

She held her phone, secretly glanced at Zhang Lu who stood next to her.

The front page of the app only had two colours, black and white, containing the items that were available for purchase. Lin Huai clicked open the APP, flicking from the first page to the last page. 

“Water Ghosts’ Hair Tonic, The Painted Skin Foundation…” He wondered, “What even are these…”

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He opened and read the item description.

Water Ghosts’ Hair Tonic: Still worried about balding? Still doing all nighters because of programming? The Water Ghosts’ Hair Tonic brings for you another type of experience, giving you inescapable hair that all would admire! PS. They4 are a little clingy.

The Painted Skin Foundation: Dewy liquid foundation that flows to cover your whole body, and  finding another skin will never be a problem again.

Little Sister’s Beloved Doll: The doll carried around by the little sister.

Mouth-watering Biscuits:One bite after another, an irresistible taste

“What kind of bizarre things are these?!”

“Tsk, these actually are all supernatural things… the old man really didn’t lie to me.”

“Nevertheless, it always feels like I’ll be strangled by the hair if I buy that Water Ghosts’ Hair Tonic…”

“The foundation looks even more scary, your whole body will become skin, won’t it…?”

While everyone was muttering their complaints, Lin Huai quickly scrolled through and slightly sighed.

He felt as if he had landed amongst a conspiracy.

‘I have to find the actual ghost’, he thought.

This wasn’t because he had already completely turned over a new leaf. When it’s necessary, he would also dirty his hands in order to ensure his own safety. He simply couldn’t tolerate…

His own reputation being falsely used by another, trapped because of another’s existence. 

He still wants to live a peaceful life.

“Our revenants provide worry-free same day delivery with a 7 day return guarantee.” Chu Tian viewed the delivery page, “Oh, this revenant’s customer service is still quite good, even faster than the Eastern Post.

“If it was Double Eleven5 right now…” The flamboyant young man suddenly had a thought, “Wouldn’t the deliveries be delayed?”

“You’re still hoping for them to delay delivery on Double Eleven?” Chu Tian was a little amused by his words, “Just think about it. Maybe everything will go on sale during the Double Eleven and we won’t be able to spend our 998 RMB. Though, little punk, you have to remember to purchase some more makeup remover on Double Eleven. Your face seems like it’s been covered by three layers of paint.”

“B*tch Chu, how come your mouth’s so vile.” The punk waved his fists in anger.

Ye Xian was a little speechless. He then glanced again at Lin Huai who was enthusiastically browsing through the columns of products and their descriptions with an earnest expression, suddenly feeling that his two roommates were no different from being birds of a feather.

Everyone was talking all at once, with the discussions continuing all night before dividing the goods into three categories.

Category One: All the items that can definitely not be brought, such as the Water Ghosts’ Hair Tonic and the Painted Skin Foundation.

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Category Two: Items that are safe to be purchased, including all kinds of daily necessities.

Category Three: Items that are unknown with names that are also not very clear such as Ex-girlfriend’s Bewildering Wraith, etc.

Category One items had the highest price. The price for Water Ghosts’ Hair Tonic can reach to 5006 at least and is usually in the 500-700 range. Category Two items were cheaper than the norm and to spend the 998, one would have to at least buy tens of thousands of items. Category Three items had no set price range and mixed in among them was a 500 RMB lucky bag with unknown contents that rejected refunds with only one purchase per person.

Regardless of the schemes in one’s heart, at the very least, currently everyone could barely maintain a peaceful and helpful atmosphere. Feng Yao said, “I have participated once before with Lulu and have a rough understanding towards this kind of reasoning. It seems that if we add together the prices of all the Category Two items, the total is only around 3000 RMB which is far from enough to reach the condition that everyone must purchase 998 worth of products…”

But it also was enough to guarantee safety for the first two days, as long as one’s hand speed is fast enough.

“Category Two items are low in price, Category One and Category Three items are expensive. This is forcing us to buy from Category One and Category Three.” Tang Wen said.

Ni Xiao said, “In other words, for the first few days we should try to buy from Category Two, evaluate Category Three and isolate those from Category One. Is this right?”

Everyone seemed to think deeply about this, only Lin Huai frowned.

A few people were completely absorbed in the discussion yet Ye Xian sat to the side, not participating in the conversation. He had a nagging feeling that something was not quite right but he couldn’t pinpoint it exactly.

This is Ye Xian’s second game. In his previous game, he and a few other people entered a ghost school and was barely able to escape from the hands of a red revenant female ghost after exhausting tremendous amounts of strength. The game does have a trick to it. Back then, an experienced veteran had told him, the rules are restrictions but also protection.

‘Rules are restrictions but also protection.’ Ye Xian silently analyzed this phrase inside his mind.

But what if the rules were understood wrongly? He subconsciously fidgeted with his fingers while thinking. Not to mention, in this game there was still a deceptive ghost misleading the information.

Just the same as wanting to do well in comprehension, one must understand the question well. “Reach great heights to analyze themes”, Ye Xian thought, if I understand the question wrong, the end is waiting for me…

Right when he was thinking of this, he suddenly heard a notification from Lin Huai’s side, echoing “your item has been ordered.”

Ye Xian:…


T/N: Can also mean to be married //v//


E/N: The tone of a jealous wife… O.O Out of context it would sound quite…


T/N: fig. reign of terror


Feminine they


T/N: a sales event similar to boxing day sale, etc


T/N: All prices are in RMB

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