Chapter 6: Keep in Mind Account Security When Transferring Funds

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Feng Yao finally pulled out Zhang Lu’s cell phone: The latest iPhoneX. She watched the ad countless times but couldn’t buy it. She touched the smooth surface of the phone lovingly, and then glanced at Zhang Lu who was sleeping soundly.

Zhang Lu was still asleep. She seemed to be having a very nice dream, the corners of her mouth even formed a slight arc. Looking at her sleeping face, Feng Yao felt a twinge in her heart, however it was quickly extinguished by her once again.

‘I don’t want to kill her, I don’t.’ She said to herself, ‘I only want to find a way to survive.’

‘But, if I don’t do it today….’ she looked at the empty pill bottle on Zhang Lu’s bedside, ‘If I wait until tomorrow, then there won’t be a chance.’

After consoling herself, she felt a little more at ease, so she carried the cellphone and walked to the bathroom in the room. When she passed by Peng Xuan, she made her footsteps lighter, the old fat woman was sound asleep, her snoring that had been going on for most of the night had stopped.

Sitting on the toilet, Feng Yao turned on Zhang Lu’s cellphone and muted it.

“0 6 1 7.”

She skillfully entered the birthday of Zhang Lu’s idol, the screen unlocked. Feng Yao held her breath and stopped for a moment, all around her there was silence, not a sound to be heard.

The absolute silence wrapped around Feng Yao like a safety suit, giving her more courage. Although she had already made up her mind, her fingers were still shaking a little when she went through it.

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‘I don’t want to kill her, I don’t.” Feng Yao sighed and closed her eyes, ‘Small intolerance leads to chaos and great planning. Small intolerance leads to chaos and great planning…’

She thought of those extremely cool protagonists that killed and gained some strength. Taking a deep breath, she clicked on the app in a panic.

The Ghost Mall was not open yet, it was only open between 8a.m. and 12pm. Recalling that one newcomer with a death wish from last night, a small curiosity grew in Feng Yao’s heart. Feng Yao knew the long-standing routine of hide as a pig, eat a tiger and was not in the least convinced that people who do not actually have anything to rely on would make such a scene.

‘He is probably a veteran and has a good temperament and good-looking. ‘ By this point, Feng Yao let her imagination run wild, or maybe the action of killing her “friend” secretly let her no choice but to find other things to fill her mind with- in order to fill the empty space insignificant guilt could have occupied.

With her mind in a mess, Feng Yao closed the pop-up, “Be wary of internet fraud, offenders are punished severely,” as soon as she opened the shopping mall, and went straight to “My Space.”

In the early evening, she had already gone back and forth with the app enough. When everyone else had been talking about the items, she had already been observing other details. Feng Yao had met a veteran in a her first game, he told her, “The game may have a lot of fancy rules, but they are all superficial. Look deep into the superficial to see its nature, and its escape trick will be in its nature.”

That is why she found inside the app “My Space” Account balance a gray, insignificant and small “transfer” button that looks similar to a refund button.

She took advantage when no one was looking, she had already tried secretly transferring money. Transferring money requires knowing the other party’s cellphone number, name, as well as their receipt confirmation.

In the past game, everyone she met were strangers who met by chance. Some people’s names were fake, not to mention phone numbers.

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But this time, she was really lucky!

‘I only want to survive, and spending 1500 yuan isn’t a difficult thing,’ Feng Yao told herself, ‘The price of the safety items is too low, and the ones I’m looking at in the third category of items don’t add up to 998 yuan. I need to buy the dangerous items to spend all 998 yuan…I’ll only transfer to Zhuang Lu, there won’t be any problems.’

‘Then hide her phone again, and buy the same dangerous items for Zhang Lu….’ She stuffed the remaining ideas back into her head.

The air inside the bathroom became cold, even the mirror had crystallized small beads of water droplets. Feng Yao, whose entire attention was dedicated to the phone, was oblivious to this. The excessive excitement made her body feverish and her hands sweaty, so much so that she didn’t even notice the patches of colors that gradually appeared in the empty mirror.

“Come on, come on,” Feng Yao anxiously waited for the app on her cellphone to come up. She hurriedly went to the transfer page, as if the faster she did it, the more correct she would be. After entering in Zhang Lu’s cell phone, she wrote 500 in the number field and pressed confirm.

However, a pop-up window appeared on the page: “Stay alert to internet fraud, beware of transferring money to unfamiliar accounts.”

Feng Yao impatiently clicked off of it, but a second window popped up again: “Be wary of large transfers, protect your assets.”

“Shit! There’s no end to it!” Feng Yao clicked off of it again.

A third window popped up yet again again: “For the safety of yourself and your assets, please confirm your conscience is intact before you operate.”

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There was a gradual noise in the bedroom separated by the wall. Feng Yao was worried that Peng Xuan had gotten up, and became more and more nervous.

“Go away!” Feng Yao frantically clicked off of the window without thinking.

“A transfer fee of 2% will be charged, please confirm the transaction.”


As Feng Yao expected, the transfer was finally successful. She hastily picked up Zhang Lu’s cell phone again and began to confirm the payment.

“The network speed is too low, the payment is processing.” A window had popped up on Zhang Lu’s cellphone.

Feng Yao, who was sweating profusely, did not realize that the noise did not come from outside the house, but from the bathroom. On the mist-covered mirror, the original fuzzy globs of colors gradually became clear.

It was a mutilated face!

“The transfer has been completed, please give a five-star rating!”

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Looking at the interface that showed completed, Feng Yao let out a sigh of relief.

It’s no big deal, after all, just help Zhang Lu as much as possible… She let out a sigh of relief, thinking about the future regardless of the past. However, it would have been best to transfer the money in a few days, why today all of a sudden…

Why did she lose control of her emotions all of a sudden and felt that she had to transfer money this morning?

Like being splashed with cold water, Feng Yao’s mind flashed back to Zhang Lu’s smile.

The mist on the mirror became thicker and thicker. Feng Yao suddenly raised her head and saw a flash of red in horror.

That is…

She felt something wet and slippery on her face. Feng Yao trembled and twisted the muscles of her face, but she didn’t dare to turn around.

“I’ve come to claim the fee!”

That malicious voice was the last thing she ever heard.

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