Chapter 35 – Let’s Be More Proper, Mister Ex-Husband

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“Huh?” Erun frowned as Gloria’s indifferent expression turned bloodshot. His face was still grim, but there was confusion in his green eyes. If she was the Gloria he knew, she would have apologized or bowed her head by now, but now that she was smirking like that and slowly stretching out her hand, he felt somewhat flustered. Stroke~ She felt soft blonde hair between her fingers. The subtle scent of Erun that rises whenever it’s stroked gently.

‘How much was I comforted by this gentle scent, as soft as a warm blanket. And you happily relied on your smile.’ Gloria opened her mouth to face Erun who was silent.

“Do you remember, Erun? You and Kaien and Diana and I were truly good friends. There was a difference in status, but our hearts were always connected.”

“Your Majesty.”

Erun closed his eyes as her hand moved as if stroking a pretty thing. Invited by Gloria the four used to play hide and seek in the secret garden of the Imperial Palace. The three of us made flower crowns, put them on each other, and played knights and princesses while Kaien watched from the shade of a tree. He didn’t know what Gloria’s intention was to suddenly mention their childhood memories, but Erun listened quietly. She continued speaking, glaring at him like a beast, while he let himself be gently touched.

“Why should I have a traitor by my side who is trying to get rid of us so mercilessly?”

“Your Majesty? Ahk!”

Pak! Erun shouted at the strong force that seemed to rip out his hair as soon as she finished speaking. The court ladies tried to come in at his cry, but Gloria shouted.

“Don’t come in! Those who disobey my order will be punished with death!”

“Your Majesty! Why are you doing this?” At her command and the pain that felt like his scalp would be torn off, Erun grabbed her wrist and shouted. Her wrist held by one hand was extremely thin, but for some reason, though he pushed her arm with all his might it did not budge.

‘Crazy! Where the hell does this power come from?!’ Erun groaned, contorting his face, and tried to push her away again, but Gloria didn’t let go.

Slam! Erun’s head, which was shaking to and fro, was smacked onto the table. The court ladies outside the door were flustered at the sound of furniture falling to the floor loudly, but Gloria didn’t care. She lifted Erun’s head by the hair. Then his distorted expression caught her eye.

‘What a crumpled look on that handsome face!’ Gloria said to Erun, who was staring at her while stuck on the table.

“I tried to endure it until the end, but as expected, hitting you at that time was not enough. If it’s for me, you can take a couple of fists, isn’t that right, Marquis?”

“The Fu.. ahhk!!”

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“It’s really disgusting. How many people have you harmed behind this good-looking, -kind natured- appearance?”

“I don’t know what you heard from the Duke, but I did nothing, Your Majesty.”

He could feel the salty taste of blood as his head hit the furniture, but Erun didn’t take his eyes off her. Gloria giggled at him as he breathed roughly.

‘If I could grasp even the tiniest sign of contrition my heart would feel a bit better. But this man- until the end…!’

Erun was taken aback by her cold-blooded laughter, and soon he opened his eyes wide at Gloria’s cold words.

“If you marry me, will you kill me and become emperor?”

“It’s a setup! How would I ever dare to kill you?!” Erun was greatly flustered and shouted at Gloria.

‘Damn it! What the hell is this? How the heck did this woman figure out what I haven’t told anyone?!’

Gloria narrowed her eyes at him as he cried out his innocence to the end. The corners of his mouth were torn and blood was dripping, and the head that had been caught was lying on the table with his upper half untangled. Green eyes were full of confusion and resentment, and anger and shame at the situation. As Gloria remained still at his cry, Erun shouted with more emotion, thinking it was the right time.

“What’s wrong with you these days? Can’t you see me, Erun Lebossi, who has been with you since the first day we met?”


“Please… please, Your Majesty.”

As Gloria remained silent, Erun’s face contorted. His voice was pitiful, and tears flowed nonstop over his white skin. Erun’s behavior appealed to emotions enough to make one’s heart flutter. Gloria unknowingly loosened her hand holding his hair.

“Your Majesty…”

As she pulled out, Erun rose and reached for her.


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But Gloria, who slapped Erun’s hand violently, glared at him with a poisonous look.


Her action, staring at him from a few steps away, made his whole body stiff. Hate, sorrow, contempt. The woman who he thought would never know these negative emotions for her entire life was nowhere to be found. There was only an emperor who glared at him like he was the enemy.

‘No way… Did she notice?’ Erun’s heart dropped as thoughts of the incense candle suddenly crossed his mind. ‘Did she realize that I spent a long time killing the late emperor?’ However, that assumption was soon rejected. He didn’t tell anyone, and he didn’t even put the incense in his name. It was a gift to the late Emperor in the name of trash that would serve as his steppingstone and that he would one day get rid of.

Gloria glared at Erun with a horrible cold gaze. ‘Your face is showing all the things you’re thinking as if it’s the greatest unfairness!’ She bit her lip hard, showing hostility toward him. Even though Erun was bewildered by her hostility, he tasted the feeling of a certain emotion being shattered.

“Erun.” Every time she looked at him he cracked at the gentle appearance of Gloria who greeted him with a smile like the warm spring sunlight. He knew he would make that face cry someday. And there were many times when he imagined that he would fall into despair.


Wip~ Erun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand. Sticky red blood on the white skin. He asked Gloria, who showed the will to live with a genuinely spiteful face.

“Do you… do you hate me?”

“I despise you.”

Empress Gloria grinned at his question. He clenched his fists at her mischievous smile. Gloria said to him with a cold gaze that seemed to freeze her opponent.

“Actually, I have to be patient. I indeed have to endure it, but every time I see your face, I can’t stand it anymore.”


“Even if I turn everyone against me, I will surely make you crawl on the floor.”


At the sight of Gloria revealing her intent to kill and take revenge with bloodshot eyes, Erun widened his eyes and hardened his body.

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‘How the f-? Why? You shouldn’t know anything, how the hell?’

Confusion arose. He thought he’d play with her in moderation and throw her away when the time came. However, it was a big shock when his fiancée, who had been so docile, showed such a murderous gaze.

‘I never thought you would betray me.’ Erun’s face turned blue at the sight of Gloria staring at him as if saying so, and he felt a chill run up his spine. His eyes, with his hand on his forehead, trembled relentlessly. He had to judge the situation rationally and devise the next move, but Erun’s mind was a mess. While they were facing each other over the table, suddenly there was a commotion outside.

“You can’t, Duke. It was Her Majesty’s strict orders!”

“Please be patient, Your Highness the Duke!”

“Your Excellency!”

Sharp screams and urgent footsteps were heard. At that, Gloria looked towards the door.


Her venomous voice calmed. Erun felt her actions with burning anger.

‘Why, why are you ignoring me!’ Erun did not hide his crumpled face. Pushing the table aside, he reached out toward Gloria.

I’m the only one you should see.

You are my fiancée. She’s my woman then why…!

‘Why. Why do you always have your eyes on that bastard!’

Grrrt! Erun, unable to contain his anger, clenched his teeth. Reflexively at the sound of his teeth grinding, Gloria turned her gaze to him.


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“Why. Why are you…”

Gloria froze at Erun’s violent action, grabbing her arms tight as if to break them. He glared at Gloria’s pale white face with his blood-red eyes and shouted like a beast.

“Why don’t you look at me! Why are you looking at that bastard instead of looking at me!”

“This crazy assh–!”

It was Erun who grabbed Gloria and screamed like a man controlled by madness. She showed her disillusionment and tried to shake him off, but Erun had turned into the beast who had lost his sanity and did not fall easily.

“Why aren’t you looking at me!!! Why..!! Ahhk!”



As soon as she heard the heavy sound, a piece of pottery flew into the back of Erun’s head. Gloria raised her hand to cover her face. She thought she felt a light breeze, but at the soft feel of the texture and the power of a grip holding her tightly, Gloria’s eyes widened. Two strong arms were hugging her as if they would never let go. A warmth wrapped around her body and a soft breath tingled her ears.

“Are you alright, Your Majesty?”

Gloria’s blue eyes began to shake at the stiff but urgent voice and the man’s worried gaze. At the sight of the handsome man whose face was numb to the point of being heartbroken, she said with a satisfied smile.

“As expected, it’s you who I want.”

At the words full of satisfaction, Kaien Ludenberg said with a smile.

“I am.”

Kaien grabbed Gloria’s red hair with his black-gloved hand and kissed it. Dark desire and strange obsession shone in his amethyst eyes.

She swallowed hard at Kaien’s gaze.

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