Chapter 101

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Kronos said.

“As I said before, there will be no benefit to staying here.”

“Right, I replied that I was not staying to gain a profit either.”

“I think you’re becoming more and more like Lexion. I don’t like it when you’re being needlessly faithful.”

Kronos squiggled one eyebrow and stared at Gregory with contempt.

He tried to avoid meeting Kronos as much as he could with his head down.

“The noble Crown Prince does not show any loyalty at all, so this decision was made as a servant with the relationship with the Sparrow family in mind.”

When Gregory was overly talkative, Kronos snorted.

“Hmm, you talk slickly.”

At the end of the sentence, Kronos’ eyes turned to me.

“You still get nervous when you see me, don’t you? Why are you clenching your fists?”

Kronos pointed towards my fist with his chin.

Since I was holding the purification stone so that he could not see it, I casually stretched my hand and attached it to the hem of my dress.

“I’m sweating.”

“Why are you sweating? Do you feel guilty about something?”

Kronos came close, speaking languidly.

“No way.”

When I denied it, he whispered in my ear.

“Your escort went up the stairs earlier. Why? Are you taking advantage of the banquet to take the magician?”


I didn’t know when I was caught.

As I looked at him with trembling eyes, he whispered with a low smile.

“From Esol to the magician. Lexion is greedy, isn’t he?”

Gregory intervened while I was speechless with goosebumps.

“Kronos, don’t threaten her.”

“It’s not a threat.”

Kronos smiled coolly and walked away.

I stared at Kronos, stiff.

I got caught.

If Chris had already come into contact with Alois, things would be very complicated.

My lower lip trembled as I felt my hairs stand on its ends.

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It was when I tried to cover my mouth with one hand to avoid showing embarrassment.

‘What’s wrong with this?’

The ring, which was turned inside the palm, was not only sparkling, but also vibrating.

As I tilted my head at the oddity, Kronos said goodbye.

“Then enjoy the party. I also prepared a special event for the night.”

Kronus smiled cheerfully and slowly disappeared.

Then Gregory grabbed me by the shoulder and asked me softly.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think things got messed up. We need to find Sir Chris.”

“Oh, come to think of it, where’s Sir Chris?”

As Gregory looked around, I drew closer to his ear and whispered.

“He went to find Alois Beth. Kronos has found out, so we need to get him back before he approaches Alois.”

“……Lady, you knew everything. That Luna Diason is Alois Beth.”

Gregory’s face darkened.

That meant Seirin trying to kill me, and that included all the evidence he destroyed.

Gregory bit his lower lip as I stared silently.

Then Seirin said.

“Shall we go to the terrace now?”

“All right.”

I followed Seirin casually, and Gregory followed silently.

When we arrived at the terrace, Gregory said.

“I’m going to change.”

“What’s wrong with your clothes?”

“I spilled sauce on my clothes while eating finger food earlier. You two continue talking.”

When Gregory left in a hurry, Seirin made a puzzled face.

“Anyway, sit down, Miss Tiarozety.”

“Ah, yes.”

I nodded calmly and walked to my seat.

Then suddenly.

‘Oh, when did it stop?’

Belatedly, I noticed that the purification stone was no longer vibrating and stopped.

‘I didn’t hear anything about vibrations.…. But why did it suddenly stop? Besides, the twinkle has faded.’

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If it’s true that the evil dragon is controlling Seirin, it should have kept flashing, but it was strange.

Betty said as she looked around to see what to do.

“I’ll get you something to drink.”

Then, she nodded and left, leaving me and Seirin alone on the terrace.

It was a situation where her knight and my knight were guarding outside.

Even if there was a commotion inside, Seirin would have already been purified by that time.

When it was only the two of us left, the guide exclaimed cheerfully.

– Purify Princess Seirin with a natural handshake. Refusal will result in a penalty.

Seeing the penalty being talked about after a long time, it seemed to be necessary content for the development.

‘You should avoid penalties while Lexion is away.’

It was because Lexion could be in danger.

It was when I was about to offer Seirin a handshake as the guide requested.

She spoke to me.

“When I met Miss Tiarozety, I found out that not everything in the world is the same.”

At the same time, the purification stone sparkled stronger than before.

I looked at Seirin with a nervous face.

Then Seirin continued with a light smile.

“I won’t come back to Bael. I don’t want to disturb you anymore.”


“I don’t need to do that anymore.”

Seirin, who smiled brightly, was somehow strange.

It wasn’t long before she said.

“Shall we shake hands before we go? The next time we meet, we can see each other smiling.”

If I refuse that hand, I’ll get a penalty.

I had to make contact to use Asta anyway.

I nodded lightly and grabbed her hand.

Then, silently, I uttered ‘[Asta]’.

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As expected, the thoughts were purified and I felt a sense of satisfaction as usual.

Seirin flinched and tried to release her hand, but I grabbed her and stopped her.

“Ti, Miss Tiarozety, wait a minute…… Whoo!”

Seirin gasped and exhaled a painful breath.

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“It’s all right, Princess. It’ll get well soon.”

I didn’t stop Asta while holding her as she was about to collapse.

Seirin stared at me with watery eyes.

After a while, the purification came to an end.

It was then.

At the same time as the last thought came, it was accompanied by a distinctly different pain than before.


Startled, I tried to remove my hand, but it was absorbed quickly.

I lost strength in my legs and I sat down.

After that, Seirin lost consciousness and collapsed in front of me.


My whole body was shivering as if a hot fire was rising from within.

At the same time, my fingers felt like they were going to break.

‘Hey, what is this…….’

I stared at the vibrating purification stone.

The moment the purification stone couldn’t stand the wave and broke.

My consciousness was darkened accordingly.

* * *

Immediately after Tiarozety lost consciousness, the active book flashed.

After a while, it seemed like the activated book disappeared.


A faded white book fell next to Tiarozety with a dull noise.

* * *

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was darkness.

It was a different feeling from the time when I entered a piece of the evil dragon’s thoughts.

‘Where am I?’

After looking around for a while, the book appeared late and said.

– Congratulations. Purification was successful. As a reward for absorbing the evolved evil dragon’s power, Tiarozety is able to intervene in the evil dragon’s dream.

‘Ah, this is the dream of the evil dragon.’

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I thought I was trapped because I couldn’t see anything, but it was a relief.

“What does it mean to be able to intervene?”

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– Unlike before, when you had a limited glimpse of the evil dragon’s consciousness, you can use the dreams to grasp the evil dragon’s information.

“Can I also locate the evil dragon?”

– Of course. You can see not only the location but also what the evil dragon has done.

“Then all of a sudden, I lost consciousness… ….”

– This is because you entered the hidden episode “Lucid Dream” in exchange for absorbing the evolved power.

“Hidden episode?”

– That’s right. After the end of the episode, you can use the lucid dream ability on a limited basis.

“What is a lucid dream?”

– A lucid dream is dreaming… …

“I’m not asking for the dictionary meaning. What kind of ability is it?”

TL/N: lololol

When I cut off the words of the guide who was trying to recite the dictionary, the guide said.

– It is the ability to peek into their unconsciousness and dig up information through the dreams of the evil dragon and their families.

It means that if I put my mind to it, I can see through the thoughts of the evil dragon and his family.

‘The more I use Asta, the stronger my abilities become.’

“What do you mean by limited availability?”

– Currently, Tiarozety’s ability is limited to the number of times and dreams. The limit is three times, and when you enter the dream, the dream proceeds randomly.

“Random means that I don’t know whose dream I’m in?”

– You’re right. Some restrictions may be relaxed when accepting the main episode, which will proceed after the hidden episode.

The guide immediately answered my questions and sparkled.

“Then do we have three episodes left except for this one?”

– That’s right. This stage is a tutorial for understanding lucid dreaming. If you do not want to proceed with the tutorial, you can skip it.

I was troubled when I heard that I could skip it.

Even the simulated stage was in the dream of the evil dragon or the family of the evil dragon.

Without it being counted, I couldn’t just throw away the given opportunity.

TL/N: Meaning this tutorial is excluded from the 3 uses she gets.

‘But everyone must have been surprised that I collapsed……. I’m worried about Sir Chris, too.’

After much contemplation, I made a decision.

“No, I’ll go without a skip.”

Since I came in, I was going to proceed quickly and go back.

– Then we will start the episode of [Lucid Dream].

At the same time as the guide’s cheerful alarm, my vision opened up.

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