[Tiarozety’s POV]

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The sound of military boots rang loudly and dust rose on the floor.

On both sides of the procession, Bael residents waved handkerchiefs to see them off.

It was an important subjugation where life and death were at stake.

Everyone’s faces looked grim.

The subjugation expedition headed for the Karaha Desert.

It was because a report came in a few days ago that the roar of an evil dragon could be heard there.

Gregory said.

“I’ve decided to join Sir Aiden at the halfway point.”

If the Karaha Desert was the destination, the expedition in the Hawk Mountains was closer than here.

“Aren’t you there in advance?”

“First of all, I have to explain the situation here. We also need to look at the situation at Hawk Mountain.”

Gregory replied in a tense tone.

In fact, individual battles were meaningless in a situation where communication stones were not working well due to the aftermath of the evil dragon.

There must be a limit to sending dispatches in advance.

I opened my mouth politely.

“I see. Is the expedition aware of Zion’s condition?”

“I told Sir Aiden roughly. I told him to inform only those who can be trusted.”

“They must have been very surprised.”

“Only the lady.”

Gregory’s low voice tickled my hair.

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Since Lexion did that, Gregory hasn’t been as playful as before.

As if he was determined to live properly, he began to do his job in silence.

It was also a bit unfamiliar to me for him to be serious about everything.

It was certain that Lexion’s absence had awakened Gregory.

The fall of the emperor’s intelligence and Kronos must have had an impact.

‘After the subjugation, Gregory will return to the capital.’

Now that Kronos has become a half-baked brother, the current throne was now empty.

It was a war now, so the discussion on the spot would have stopped, but it was unknown after that.

Perhaps Seirin and Gregory could have fought an untimely battle in the process of deciding on a successor.

Of course, it seems that Gregory will not push Seirin and become emperor.

I said to Gregory.

“I’m sorry about Crown Prince Kronos. I missed the right time.….”

It wasn’t my fault that he went crazy, but it could have been different if I had cleaned it up then.

Of course, I think it’s fortunate that Lexion was able to escape because I didn’t do it.

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‘If I had purified him myself, I would have regretted it.’

Morally, I apologized because he was a member of Kronos’ family.

At that moment, I felt Gregory’s eyes linger on me.

After a while, Gregory put his hand on my head and said.

“There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. It’s his own fault. Don’t mind.”

“But he’s your family after all.“

“Family. Yes, family… So I’m the one who should feel responsible for this situation, not you.”

“How is it the prince’s fault? It was just an unavoidable accident.”

Gregory laughed lightly at my answer.

“Lady, do you know we’re saying the same thing to each other?”

“Now that you mention it, it is. As expected, I guess I didn’t have to say that.”

Gregory quietly apologized as he messed with his hair.

“I’m sorry for hiding what Seirin did.”


“As you said, we’re family…… I knew Seirin was wrong, but I couldn’t stop her properly.”

Gregory’s voice sank.

There was a sense of remorse for himself who was silent even though he knew Seirin tried to kill me using Alois.

“I wish I had stopped her when I noticed… …”

“It’s natural for your arms to bend inward. Besides, when a family gets involved, everything gets complicated.”

If it is difficult to intervene in other people’s affairs, wouldn’t it be unjust if it was family?


Gregory called me quietly, and I followed up with my feelings.

“Of course, I think it would have been nice if you had told me in advance.”


“I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed in the prince, but I understand.”

“I’m sorry.”

Gregory was visibly depressed when he was told I was disappointed.

However, it seemed that the answer was enough to say that he understood.

“I promise I won’t act like a fool again.”

Gregory spoke quite seriously and tightened his grip on the reins.

“I won’t let you down again.”

I felt a little bewildered by Gregory’s declaration.

At the same time, it seemed to have an awkward atmosphere, so I straightened my waist for no reason.

It was because it became uncomfortable to lean on Gregory.

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‘A trailer is to present one of the many possible scenarios.’

‘Is the book trying to manipulate me by penalizing me when I don’t follow the trailer?’

‘That’s it. The book is using you to create the ending it wants.’

‘But the me in the book and the real me are different.’

‘But I’m different from the real me in the book.’

‘That’s the margin of error. It’s proof that books can’t control the world. Kun may be competent, but he’s not a god.’

Alois explained that the trailer was just one way that could have been done.

It is also said that it is in the desired direction of the book.

Since books cannot move the world on their own, they are trying to create a butterfly effect by using a person called ‘me’.

I couldn’t comprehend it until I tried to understand the book.

It was the worst situation for the world to suffer because of a few selfish people.

I had a headache and smoothed my hair as I had more thoughts.

‘I’m glad I have lucid dreams. At least we can find out where Lexion is hiding at the moment when we need it.’

Just in case, I haven’t used lucid dreaming since.

It was the last resort to find out the location of the book.

Then Gregory pulled me back and leaned me against his chest.

“If you keep your upper body straight like that, your back will hurt.”


I stayed still, fearing that I might be misunderstood that I was rather conscious of removing myself.

But the atmosphere was already moving awkwardly.

After a while, Gregory cautiously said.

“Just in case, if you find Lexion, don’t act alone.”

“… … .”

“I’m afraid you’ll endanger your life again like last time.”


“I have no intention to disturb you. But if Lexion is in an irreversible state like Kronos….”

Gregory’s grip on the reins grew stronger.

He was hesitant to speak, so he couldn’t follow through.

I beat Gregory before he spat out.

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“If it’s irreversible, give up Zion?


“No, I can’t give up. Even if Lexion becomes a fool, I’ll be next to him.”

“Lady, that’s not what I meant… … .”

“Zion would be so pitiful if I gave up on him too.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t imagine it.

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But I was willing to throw my life away if the worst came before my eyes.

The only reason I have lingering feelings for this world is Lexion.

Also, Lexion will not be a fool like Kronos.

Since he became the evil dragon, when I meet him, he will either die or live.

And I thought that if I couldn’t save Lexion, I would die along with him.

‘What is the point of life without Zion?’

I have no intention of returning to the original world anymore.

I have no desire to be rewarded.

That reward, anyway, was assumed by the book at will.

All I wanted was not to go back.

‘I want to be happy with you.’

Like Tiarozety’s last will.

I wanted to be happy. With Lexion.

It was then.

Gregory’s breath drew closer to the crown of my head.

It’s like a kiss.

“What about me?”

Gregory’s voice trembled lightly.

He held my shoulder with one hand.

Gregory’s actions made me stiff.

Then Gregory relaxed his hands and whispered softly.

“Why do you feel sorry for Zion only?”

It was a funny thing.

The day has come for Gregory to show me his true face.

Gregory did not want others to see him as pitiful.

So he openly hated those who pretended to be pitiful.

Because he thought it was nothing more than self-pity.

Objectively, Gregory’s life was unhappy.

However, Gregory did not face it and only covered it up with bravado.

His unfortunate childhood, his family’s abuse, and the dark past and present surrounding Gregory were all things he always avoided.

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“The prince has Seirin.”

“I, I…”

Gregory hesitated, then spat out an afterword.

“I want you to be by my side.”

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“It’s impossible.”

I dismissed Gregory’s words and pulled away from him.

“I can only see Zion . .”

“Yes. I know there are many things between you two that I don’t know about.”

“… …”

“But you don’t know about the future. If there’s even one empty spot next to you…”

“It’s not going to happen.”

I shook my head and said firmly.

If the day comes when the seat next to me is empty, it will be my due date.

If there is no way to save Lexion, I will gladly roll down into the mud with him.

I did not tell Gregory of these many resolutions.

For him to understand, my situation and Lexion’s situation would be full of questions.

“I’m sorry.”

At my answer, Gregory let out an airy laugh.

He said, leaning back towards me quietly.

“All right.”

“… …”

“As expected, it must be too late to intervene between the two.”

“I’m sorry.”

“But if you need any help later, ask me. I am ready to grant you any ridiculous request.”


“It also means that you can use me as a shield.”

Unlike before, it was a calm and clear voice.

It seemed that he had been able to control his emotions.

It was like trying to change the atmosphere.

I playfully responded to his efforts.

“That’s a little burdensome.”

He laughed lightly at my bold answer.

“I’m telling you to feel pressured, so of course.”

“Then I’ll decline…….”

“Eyyy, can’t you play a joke?”

Gregory interrupted me saying I would refuse.

After that, we didn’t have the same conversation as before.

TL/N: Team Lexion 4eva but I felt a twinge of second male lead syndrome here hahaha. Poor Gregory! I’m glad he seems to have gotten it out of his system and accepted it though.


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