As time passed and the meeting ended, we returned to their respective positions one by one.

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I approached Aiden, who seemed to have a lot of thoughts, with his head bowed.

“Sir Aiden.”

At my call, Aiden raised his head slowly.

Aiden muttered with a mournful face.

“I don’t know if it’s really okay like this.”

“Everything will be fine. Don’t worry.”

“I’m sorry. If I hadn’t sent the Duke alone that day, this wouldn’t have happened…”

Aiden frowned, unable to continue his words.

It seemed that he blamed himself the whole time for letting Lexion start alone.

I patted his shoulder and said.

“It’s not Sir Aiden’s fault. Don’t feel guilty.”

“It’s not even completely over yet. Let’s not lose hope.”

“Miss Tiarozety…”

Aiden looked somewhat moved when I expressed my hope with a smile.

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I spoke bravely on purpose.

“I will bring the duke by all means. So Sir Aiden, please protect this place.”


“You know Sir Aiden is the most reliable here, right? To the extent that the Duke entrusted Sir to my escort.”

“I knew that too. It’s a bit of a waste for me to be an escort knight.”

“You’re being too modest. It’s not a little.”

As I hesitated, he put on an embarrassed expression.

“It was a skill that I couldn’t not know. Because you’re so reliable and strong.”

“I’m glad you trusted me.”

He coughed and was embarrassed by the repeated praise.

Aiden’s expression softened before I knew it.

The stiff atmosphere collapsed.

“Ah by the way, this.”

I took out a handkerchief from my arms and held it out to Aiden.

It was a handkerchief that Daisy requested.

I said as Aiden just stared at me with his eyes wide open.

“Daisy asked me to give it to you.”


Aiden accepted the handkerchief with a dazed look at the word Daisy.

He fidgeted with the embroidery on his handkerchief and licked his lower lip.

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He seemed grim, but also seemed to be shy.

Aiden asked cautiously.

“How’s Daisy?”

“Well hmmm, maybe by now she’s on the edge of worrying about the safety of Sir Aiden and myself.”

“I guess so.”

Aiden smiled as if he could see it.

“Of course, I think she’ll be more worried about Sir Aiden than about me.”

At my joke, Aiden blinked widely.

Soon Aiden, whose face turned red, swept his face with his hands.

“Miss Tiarozety, that’s a misunderstanding… !”

TL/N: ye shure boi shure whatever you say

“At least Sir Aiden’s feelings don’t seem to be a misunderstanding.”

“What the heck, did you catch me?”

Aiden fiddled with the back of his head, probably feeling embarrassed.

His face was still flushed.

He fiddled with Daisy’s handkerchief again.

“Let’s not die and go back alive to see Daisy. There are a lot of things you haven’t talked about yet, you two.”

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At my words, Aiden lowered his head.

“I was going to confess when I went back.”

“It’s very late, but Daisy will probably accept it.”

“Does it look like that to you too?”

Aiden gave a slightly expectant look.

What is visible in the eyes of a third party seems uncertain to the person concerned.

Seeing how he wants confirmation.

I replied with a smile.

“I thought you two were already dating.”


Aiden was startled and put his index finger to my mouth.

I burst into laughter because Aiden’s innocent look was cute.

“Don’t laugh.”

Aiden, who was blushing, was restless.

I said, barely holding back a burst of laughter.

“Can I be the maid of honor?”

“Are you already thinking about us getting married already?”

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“I think Sir Aiden is already thinking about his children and grandchildren.”

“Lady… … please.”

Aiden groaned as he rubbed his face again.

At last, the true face was about to turn red again.

I thought I should stop teasing and backed away.

“I’ll be back safely.”

He responded to my greeting, by placing the handkerchief in his pocket.

“I’ll be waiting here praying for your safe return with the Duke.”

* * *

The four spies first set out for the Karaha Desert in the name of a secret mission.

On the way to the Karaha Desert, an individual stronger than the monsters we encountered before was blocking our way.

It was a sign that we were closer to the evil dragon.

We stood in our respective positions and played our parts.

With Gregory and Chris at the forefront, they grabbed the monsters blocking their way and cleared the way.

Alois protected me by assisting me with magic.

After so many days, it was when I got used to teamwork.

In accordance with the time when there were few beasts, we took a break with Alois’ concealment spell.

Soon we will arrive at the Karaha Desert.

I was nervous about getting close to Lexion.

As I was fiddling with the book in my bag, Alois approached me.

“Are you nervous?”

“A little bit.”

I answered lightly, scratching my cheeks awkwardly.

Before going to the Karaha Desert, I was going to use lucid dreams to find out the location of Lexion.

And if possible, I was going to go alone with Alois, avoiding Gregory and Chris.

It was because there was not enough time to explain the situation to the two of them, and the risk of being caught by Kun was high.

I looked behind me and asked.

“What about Sir Chris?”

“He’s standing guard in front of you. The prince went on patrol.”

“Maybe now is the right time.”

“That’s right.”

After briefly exchanging glances with Alois, I took out the book.

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While I was lucid dreaming to find the location of the book with Lexion, Alois also decided to peek into the dream.

It was in preparation for any possible trickery of the book.

Alois applied a spell directly to the book so that it would not recognize our conversation.

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Subsequently, a double magic formula was overlaid so that she could enter lucid dreaming.

After finishing the work, Alois tilted her head while looking at the book.

“Eung? By the way, was the original cover color like this?”

“Ah, it was originally black, but it turned red after returning.”

“No, that’s not what I meant,  but it feels like a newer book than before.”

Alois tapped on the cover.

“It was originally a bit whiter. Like an old book.”

I followed Alois’ fingers and moved my gaze to the book.

Of course, it felt more faded than before, but it was far from white.

I felt something strange, but I couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

So, as I moved my lips and hesitated, Alois spoke.

“Well, I must have been mistaken at first glance.”

It didn’t seem important, so she let it go.

“Ah, yes.”

“Then I will stay away. Just to distract Sir Chris.”

When Alois got up from her seat, I nodded lightly.

After a while, left alone in the tent, I spoke to the book.


– Did you call, Traveler?

The book flashed and answered.

“I want to use lucid dreaming.”

– Whose dream do you want to peek at?

“Lexion Sparrow.”

– All right. You go straight into the dream.

Sleep came to me with the guide’s cheerful guidance.

* * *

When I opened my eyes, it was a wasteland.

The sandy wind pierced my ears harshly.

‘Is it the Karaha Desert?’

I’ve never been to the Karaha Desert, but the place that unfolded in front of me was definitely a desert.

Soon after, I felt a gust of wind cutting through my skin.

I flinched and fiddled with my fluttering silver hair.

‘Oh, why am I like this?’

I was sure that I would enter Lexion’s dream.

However, it was embarrassing to enter the dream as it is.

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It was exactly like the first time I had a dream.

Unlike then, there was a difference in that the body moved freely.

I opened my mouth thinking that something was wrong.


– … …

– … …

There was no answer even though the book was floating.

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I spoke again and again with an anxious heart.

“Guide, answer me.”

But the guide didn’t answer.

It was as if my voice could not be heard.

‘What happened?’

I looked around, wondering if I had fallen into a trap, but a voice pierced my ears.

– Can you hear me?… my voice… …


I didn’t know where the sound was coming from, so I kept circling the stretch.

It was just me and the book in the desert.

After a while, the voice was heard again.

– You can hear me, my voice.

“Who are you?”

– I’m sorry to come so suddenly. I’m in a hurry too… 

It was a monotonous voice.

It was unclear whether it was a woman or a man, but it did not appear to be a man.

In an instant, an unbelievable thought passed by.

I wonder if it’s Sullivan.

“Don’t tell me…”

– You want to save Lexion Sparrow.


– I’ll show you the way. The only way to succeed.

My mouth naturally opened at the sound that pierced my brain.

Giving directions means knowing the way.

And knowing the way was not simply a matter of geography.

It was insight.


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