15. The World After the Ending

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TL/N: Last novel chapter!!!!!!

The moment the book disappeared, the world sensed that the evil dragon was gone.

The evil dragon that plagued the empire for a long time passed away.

There was no need to announce the news.

As the evil dragon disappeared, the thoughts of the evil dragon that had been infesting the continent disappeared all at once.

As the evil dragon’s thoughts disappeared, the invasion of the beasts also decreased.

Animals and people who were attacked by evil thoughts passed out all at once, and the monsters stopped attacking and returned.

Those who barely survived saw the phenomenon and knew it intuitively.

The evil dragon is finally dead.

The dreaded war between the evil dragon and the empire ended like this.

After that, people’s cries were heard everywhere.

There were also those who cried from thrilled tears to bitter tears due to the death of people around them.

Nevertheless, everyone was happy.

It was thanks to the thought that it was safe now.

That’s how peace came to the continent.

* * *

Saving Lexion didn’t mean everything was over.

There remained a problem of explaining and reporting on this matter step by step.

Fortunately, neither of them was embarrassed by Lexion’s appearance as Alois had told Gregory and Chris.

Rather, it seemed that they were happy that I had brought him back.

I worried about how to explain that part, but it saved me a lot of trouble.

Gregory looked rather dazed, but first, we had to discuss the next thing.

The moment the evil dragon disappeared, all the evil thoughts of the evil dragon around them disappeared.

I’m sure Aiden, who was in the Hawk Mountains, felt this.

In addition to explaining to them, the people of the empire and the northerners also needed an explanation.

I’m sure everyone will be happy, but half doubtful.

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Gregory asked.

“What are you going to do if there’s no evil dragon’s body?”

“In the first place, evil dragons were magical creatures made out of malice. It wouldn’t be a problem if it disappeared as it is.”

The body of a magical creature, such as a demon, had the property of disappearing over time.

Occasionally, rare stones are left behind and sold at high prices, but that was not common.

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I went on talking.

“Anyway, all the evil energy around us has disappeared. There’s nothing you can’t believe.”

“But there a great war broke out when we were so careless. If there is no evidence, there will be people who’ll get anxious.”

Gregory had a troubled look.

Even during the Great War 100 years ago, people believed in the safety net called “seal” and behaved complacently.

As a result, it was not known how many were killed or injured.

Some of the older people still remembered the nightmare of that time.

Therefore, something symbolic was needed to calm the people’s anxiety.

Then Alois said.

“Let’s do this. Why don’t you enlist Miss Tiarozety as a hero?”


When I asked in surprise, Alois nodded and continued.

“If we make the dagger used by Miss Tiarozety into a holy sword, there will be no problem.”

“… …”

“It explains that the hero who was chosen by the holy sword defeated the villain.”

“You want to create symbolism with the existence of the dagger with me.”

“Exactly. People will be busy admiring it when it is accompanied by a plausible hero story.”

Alois grinned and accepted the words.

Then Gregory showed reluctance.

“But to falsely mislead the people of the Empire….”

Gregory couldn’t finish his sentence and looked troubled.

He seemed to have decided that it was not something for the Arden Royal Family to say.

Because in the beginning, they were the ones who first tried to kill the hero who sealed the evil dragon and changed it to the credit of the empire.

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Alois said to Gregory.

“It’s not necessarily a lie. Anyway, it’s true that Miss Tiarozety got rid of the evil dragon.”

“… …”

“I just exaggerated a little and gave it meaning. I don’t think it’s a problem”

Then Chris, who was by his side, gave his opinion.

“I feel the same way as Alois. If you need evidence, you have no choice but to make it and show it, right? “

“Sir Chris is talking my language.”

Alois grinned and tapped Chris on the shoulder.

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However, when Chris looked at her expressionlessly, she scratched her cheek shyly.

At that time, Lexion, who had been listening quietly, opened his mouth.


“Maybe we can use this opportunity to raise the status of Esol.”


“You know, Greg. Politics cannot be led by honesty alone.”

At Lexion’s advice, Gregory bit his lower lip.

It was because there was nothing to refute.

The war had just ended.

The people of the empire were in extreme exhaustion and sorrow to be convinced of the whole truth.

TL/N: Too tired/sad to comprehend the full story

In a situation where emotions were at their peak, telling the origins of the evil dragon or Lexion’s work would only backfire.

If you can’t tell the truth, it’s better to reveal only the necessary truth.

At least it’s not meant to harm or benefit the other party.

Moreover, he was now one of the few remaining direct lineages of the imperial family.

He could no longer decide his opinion with his personal beliefs and pride.

Because his decision changed the future of the empire and represented the position of the imperial family.

I spoke to Gregory, who hesitated.

“I think there should be some compromise if it is something that cannot be explained or understood anyway.”

“……Yes, you’re right, lady.”

Gregory answered slowly and tousled his hair.

“Instead, you may be tired from this incident.” (G)

“I would be happy if I could calm the chaotic atmosphere of the continent.” (T)

I answered with a confident look.

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Now, this was my world is my hometown, and my home.

If there was a collapsed place, it was natural to use the necessary resources and repair it 

If you want to clean up a messy room, you shouldn’t put off picking up trash, sweeping, and wiping it.

Having roughly arranged our position, we headed to the Hawks Mountains to join Aiden’s group.

Lexion moved in front and Gregory and Chris covered behind.

It was roughly shaped.

Because there might be a beast who escaped by any chance.

How long did we walk?

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Alois, who was on the move, groped here and there with a puzzled face.

It seemed that something had been lost.

I approached her and asked her implicitly.

“Did you lose something?”

“What should I do? I don’t have the handkerchief.”

Alois murmured in contemplation.

She asked for help in a low voice in case Chris would hear it.

If it was a handkerchief, it seemed to be a token of the family she shared with Chris.

“Since when has it been gone?”

“I don’t know. I just felt my arms like a habit, but I don’t have it.”


“It must have fallen from my arms in the sandstorm. What do I do about this?”

Alois looked back and was confused.

She seemed hesitant about going back.

Of course, even if she went, it was obvious that it would have already been swept away by the sandstorm and buried in the sand.

Even if you go, it will be difficult to find.

Alois was flustered and rubbed her face repeatedly.

“Without it, I can’t explain it to Alec… …”

It was then.

“Are you looking for this?”

Chris approached at some point and held out a handkerchief to Alois.

Alois opened her eyes as soon as she saw the handkerchief.

“Th, this is….”

She didn’t know that Chris would have taken it, so she made an even more foolish expression.

I was looking at Chris in surprise too.

Chris wouldn’t not know the meaning of the handkerchief.

‘You look calmer than I thought.’

There was no confusion on Chris’ face, as if he had already organized his thoughts.

Rather, only Alois seemed to be in a state of confusion.

‘I thought Sir Chris was more relaxed with Alois….’

I glanced at Alois.

Before I knew it, her face was completely white.

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Chris said with a stiff face.

“I took it because you dropped it when you were performing the spell in front of the sphere.”

“Th, that’s….”

“I’m sorry that I couldn’t give it to you immediately because you seemed nervous.”

Chris handed her the handkerchief and tried to go back.

It was a reaction too casual to have noticed the family.

I glanced at Chris.

At first glance, his earlobes twitched shallowly.

It was a reaction that comes out when he was awkward or shy.

‘Sir Chris must be at a loss as well, the situation right now.’

Indeed, he couldn’t help but be surprised at the fact that the comrades who had been fighting together during the war were a family that had been separated a long time ago.

That’s why there’s a more rigid reaction.

‘Sir Chris has a poker face in this situation. Well, it did make it easy to lash people with words in the past.’

I shook my head thinking about how Chris gave me a hard time before my regression.

He used to make bloody threats with an expressionless face, so it was all the more convincing.

Chris seemed sufficiently surprised, It’s just that it doesn’t show.

On the other hand, Alois, who was unfamiliar with Chris’ personality, seemed to misunderstand his reaction.

Alois urgently grabbed his arm.

“Chr, Sir Chris!”

Chris looked at Alois with a puzzled face.

“What’s wrong…”

Chris was about to speak.

“Sorry for hiding it! Don’t be mad!”

Alois apologized in a shrill voice.

All of a sudden, tears were flowing.

Lexion, who was in front of me, heard the sound and stopped and turned around.

‘Sir Chris found out.’

When I tipped off by forming the words with the shape of my mouth, Lexion nodded as if he understood.

Then he stopped moving and waited.

Gregory, who was behind him, had a puzzled look on his face.

However, he just watched the two of them as if he knew it was not an atmosphere to step up.

Chris was flustered and said as he supported Alois.

TL/N: Cat’s finally out of the bag!

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