“Actually, among the servants, there was a lot of talk between the duke and the young lady.”

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With those words, Vector glanced at me and continued.


"That… This is the first time the Duke has been so kind to a woman.”




“Besides, the duke suddenly left for the capital and brought back the young lady with him, so speculation started…”


Vector's voice gradually diminished.


I asked quietly.


“So what was the bet?”


“I placed a bet on whether or not the reason the Duke went to the capital was to bring Miss Tiarozety or not.”


“Why the hell is everyone even betting on what they’re curious about?”


Daisy asked in an angry voice.


“I just… I thought the Duke had brought his bride.”


Vector slowly looked at me and didn't know what to say.


In the end, the bet was made between the servants and for Lexion and me.


‘Well, everyone must have been surprised that he went as an escort.’


When I was silent, Vector said sullenly.


“I’m sorry if I offended you.”


Then he bowed his head in a low posture.


I didn't know what to say, so I stayed still.


Then he added,


“But I think my guess is still valid. It may not be for the lady, but for the Duke it is almost certain.”


“How are you so sure?”


“I heard something…”


“What did you hear?”


“Ah, that… I heard that the Duke is making an important announcement to the elders council this week.”


Vector was drenched in sweat and continued his speech.


“Just because candidates for the Duchess are being debated on the agenda of the Council of Elders… I thought the Duke would talk about his engagement to the lady.”


I spoke calmly to the word Council.


“It may not be me though, right?”

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At this time, it was a time when the issue of Lexion's marriage was often discussed.


But even so, the nominee for Duchess would be Seirin, not me.


In response to my rebuttal, Vector later revealed his opinion.


“That is correct, but… Anyways, there's still some time left, so if you wait a little bit, the Duke might say something soon...”


But he couldn't finish what he had to say because Daisy spoke bluntly, cutting off his words.


“What are you waiting for? In the end, you still placed a bet!”


“Well, I didn’t mean to bet with bad words, though!”


“Vector, are you really crazy? That's not important.”


“Oh, this time I was really sure! I will hear directly from Theo... Ugh!"


Vector did not continue and covered his mouth with his hand.


When the name Theo came out of his mouth, Daisy's face grew even more grim.


‘If that’s what Theo said, it would be right to discuss the duchess situation at this Council meeting.’


He was also a person who knew Lexion's every move better than anyone.


‘By the way, has it already happened?’


Even before my return, he had bothered Lexion about the duchess problem for the Council at this time.


Seriously, even before I came here, Seirin had already lived in Sparrow Castle, so it was probably just the right time.


‘Because when I came, Seirin had come down.’


In the novel, Lexion was instructed to find his candidates on his own because he could not overcome the sanctification of the elders.


In response, the elders recommended Princess Seirin, who had come to Bael.


In fact, considering the relationship between the Duke of Sparrow family and the imperial family, it was best for the two of them to marry as a couple.


Of course, before returning, the imperial family only allowed the engagement and postponed the marriage.


But in the end, the two of them got married because the subjugation of the evil dragon was offered as a condition of marriage.


The biggest problem in Sparrow Castle right now was the imperial control that was getting worse day by day.


Not only did he reach the status of a transcendent at a young age, he was called the protector of the north, and he was a duke who even built up virtue.


They judged that Lexion's abilities were a threat to the imperial family.


Also, because the jealous emperor felt him as a threat, he trained Crown Prince Kronos hard.


‘The reason Kronos felt inferior to Lexion was because of the emperor’s maddening envy.’


Recalling the emperor I had met in the past, I shuddered.

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As the emperor's jealousy grew day by day, the elders of Sparrow suggested that Lexion become his son-in-law.


Of course, Lexion wasn't the kind of person to be treated lightly.


However, from the perspective of her elders, they had to prepare for the next Duke of Sparrow, so they pushed his engagement even more.


'The place was reserved for Seirin.’


Even if Lexion has a crush on me now, it was much better for the Duke of Sparrow to let that go.


Besides, if I kill the evil dragon, I will return to my world, so I shouldn't leave any regrets here.


‘Let’s not do anything that’ll hold me back.’


I thought firmly, trying to ignore the change in my pounding heart.


“Maybe it’s not me, but there’s a right person out there.”


“How are you so sure?”




Because I saw it.


I swallowed back those words and smiled softly.


I've already seen it in the books, and I've seen it with my own eyes once.


It's all about the two of them getting engaged and being in love.


I couldn't mess up Lexion and Seirin's flower path because of someone like me.


It's because they're the ones who will suffer if they go against the ending set for them.


Suddenly, Lexion's confession came to mind.


‘I want you to see only me in your eyes, just as I was blind to you. To the extent that I want to live alone in a place that no one knows about with you.’


No, Lexion.


There is no place like that in this world.


I belatedly answered his confession in my mind.


Then I coldly cut off the lingering resentment.


Okay. In the first place, in this world, there is no route for you and me that’ll end well.


So this hope will only lead to greater disappointment.


"Well, not really.”


At my words, the atmosphere in the room calmed down.


Then Vector greeted me awkwardly.


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“Then I will find out and contact you, miss.”


After Vector retreated, Daisy glanced at me, but she didn't speak to me.


After that, for a while, I was blankly in control of my troubled mind.


* * *


(3rd person pov)


A terrifying silence swept through the hall.


It was because Lexion declared a bomb just before.


Everyone looked at Lexion with a bewildered expression.


The Duke, who had always taken a conservative stance, made a rather radical decision.


It was the same topic that he ignored every time before even talking about it.


Arnold, the Chairman, asked, barely calming his excitement.


“Sir, are you serious?”


"Isn't that what you've been hoping for?"


"Oh oh! Finally…!”




In response to Lexion's brief reply, some elders exclaimed and muttered.


Some rejoiced, and some sighed with a hardened face.


Arnold was the former.


He was one of those who were more active in this decision than anyone else.


But the Duke didn't want it before, so he just silently looked for other alternatives.


‘What is the reason for your sudden change of heart?’


Arnold was inwardly cheering at the Duke's decision, but he was also puzzled.


Obviously, it was because the Duke had no intention of implementing it until recently.


Then an elder said to the duke.


“Sir, what do you mean, independence? Are you serious?”


When one person asked, they exchanged opinions with each other in an orderly manner and quarreled.


Soon, the public hall became noisy with people murmuring.


All this was because the Duke declared independence from the Aden Empire.


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It was like saying that he would no longer be a subject of the Aden imperial family.


It was a decision that would cause a big stir in the international situation in the near future, even if they did not become independent immediately.


Still, the imperial family tried to interfere with every move, so the elders were looking for a way.


One of them was the recommendation of the duchess that they were going to talk about today.


If it leads to marriage with the imperial family, they will no longer be wary of the Duke of Sparrow.


‘If this happens, there is no point in recommending Princess Seirin as the Duchess.’


Arnold smiled contentedly.


Now is the heyday of the Duke of Sparrow.


It was good to take this opportunity to further solidify the Sparrow family and expand their power in the long run.


To be honest, the imperial family's interference was going too far.


The duke did not want it, so he dragged it slowly, but not anymore.


If he has hardened his heart, he can gradually distance himself from the Empire and prepare to establish a kingdom.


‘Maybe the day will come when he will realize that dream in the future.’


Arnold looked excited, then took a quick peek, then coughed a couple of times to silence the crowd.


Then Arnold said to the Duke.


“It was also what we wanted. However, the imperial family's backlash will be severe."


It was a statement to see the intention of the duke.


Arnold was sure the Duke wasn't trying to make a decision without a plan.


Arnold had been watching the Duke since childhood.


He never jumped into something he wasn't sure about.


So, again, there must have been something to be sure of.


Lexion smiled coolly at Arnold's remarks.


As he looked at that smile, he trembled.


“I know. But someday I will have to do it, so it’s not something I can avoid."


“Does that mean I can understand that you have something in mind?”


At the Duke's answer, Arnold delved a little deeper.


At this, Lexion looked at him indifferently.


After a moment of silence, the duke let out a gentle voice.


“Sooner or later, the evil dragon’s thoughts will spread throughout the country.”

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