Chapter 56

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As soon as I arrived in the room, I opened the book.

In the book that I opened after a long time, the story was centered around Gregory.

I quickly scanned the contents of the book.

After a while.

“Are you really coming?”

I cried out as I saw that it ended with Gregory having just boarded the ship via Hakun.

As Lexion said, he was coming to Bael with Seirin.

‘But what about sightseeing at this time? And from the capital to Bael.’

It was definitely a different development than before.

Moreover, Gregory is said to have received an order from the emperor, but it was not written down what it was.

Seirin was supposed to have made plans for her trip, saying she wanted to meet a friend in Bael. 

If it were her friend, it would probably be Emilia.

‘I was supposed to come here for an engagement, but the purpose of her visit changed as I became the main character.’

Lexion followed me into the room as I stared blankly at the book.



Without realizing it, I hid the book behind me. 

His gaze rested on the book for a moment and then held out something.

“This fell off.”

It was a hairpin.

It must have fallen on my way when I came here in a hurry.

“Oh, thank you.”

“What’s the matter? Going off in such a hurry.”

As I thanked him, he asked, glancing behind me.

I shook my head in response.

“Oh, I just couldn’t remember the scriptures all of a sudden, so I came here out of curiosity.”


As I was about to get the hairpin back, he raised his hand.


“Stay still. I’ll do it for you.”

He came close to me and swept my hair back.

Then he carefully positioned it and inserted the pin.

I didn’t know where to look, so I bit my lower lip tightly.

Then Lexion whispered softly.

“Titi, what do you think of Gregory?”


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Why are you asking about Gregory all of a sudden? 

When I looked at him puzzled, he added cautiously.

“Because Greg is coming, your expression changed.”


Because he’s the main character of this novel.

I was just worried that it might cause an accident.

I hesitated, unable to answer.

It was then.

Suddenly the alarm went off in the book.

– The preview has arrived!


Why did a preview show up at this timing?

I glanced up at Lexion.

He still seemed to be waiting for my answer.

In the meantime, the book spread out in front of me and began to recite the preview.

[Gregory Aden Wexler arrives at Bael with Seirin Aden Verbel.

Seeing the friendly appearance of Lexion and Seirin, Tiarozety falls into depression and Gregory comforts her. 

After a while, a party is held to welcome them in Bael…]

This stage seems to be a love front.

Although Tiarozety’s unrequited love position was continued, it seemed like a plot to deepen her emotional line with Gregory. 

‘I’m sure I’ll be involved with Gregory at the party.’

I frowned at the thought of being a nuisance.

Then Lexion opened his mouth.


“Oh, I’m sorry.”

It was only then that I realized that I had been thinking about something else in front of him.

He asked me what I thought about Gregory.

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“I just remembered being teased last time. I don’t have any particular feelings.”

“…I see.”

Somehow, it became an excuse.

Then Lexion opened his mouth.

“Then can I ask you one more question?”

“Of course.”

“What do I mean to you?”


“You don’t have any feelings, like Gregory?”

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Lexion asked me, looking me in the eye.

The distance was still close.

I don’t know how to deal with him when he comes in like this.

But I didn’t want to hurt him either.

I quietly made up my mind and answered. 

The only truth I can tell you right now. 

“You are a precious person.”


“As you can see, Lexion is my benefactor. I’m very grateful that you accepted me as a person who has nowhere to go.”

Lexion’s eyes shook shallowly.

After a while, he asked quietly. 

“Does that mean I’ve become your place to go back to?”

“Yes? A place to go back to?”

“I asked if Bael was a comfortable place to stay.”

Lexion’s question was very abstract.

I thought carefully about his intentions. 

Then suddenly, I remembered that everyone asked me if I was okay with living here.

Lexion asked with a bashful smile and I wondered if it was an extension of that. 

“Of course.”


“I like Bael.”

Lexion’s eyes shook violently at my answer.

He licked his lips, unable to speak.

Curious about that, I slowly tilted my head and looked at him.

He was smiling.


“I see. Thank God.”

“What’s good about it?”

Are you just saying things that I can’t understand today?

When I asked a question with a skeptical face, he grinned and replied. 

“I’m glad this place is restful to you.”

“Lexion is bland too.”

“Titi, I guess I learned from you.”

“Now you even blame others.”

He laughed out loud as I pouted my lips.

I liked to see him smiling, so I floundered.


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After a while, Gregory and his party arrived at Bael.

Lexion welcomed them.

“Welcome, Greg.”

“New faces I haven’t seen before, have you?”

Gregory smirked at Lexion and patted him on the shoulder.

Seirin, who was next to Gregory, greeted lightly.

‘Thank you, Sir Lexion, for gladly letting me come when I said I would come suddenly.”

“No. You worked hard to come, Princess.” 

When Lexion responded politely, Seirin hesitated.

Gregory turned his face to me and asked. 

“Hi, lady”


“Oh, I guess you’re not very happy to see me.”

“No way.”

“What’s wrong with your face?”

Gregory asked, poking me in the face.

It seemed that I was caught in my act.

As I tried to back off in disgust, Lexion grabbed him.

“Don’t do that to anyone. It’s very rude of you.”

“Why, it’s best to see handsome faces up close. Isn’t that right, miss?”

Gregory asked, asking for consent, but I shook my head vigorously.

Gregory then smacked his lips and stepped back completely.

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry.”

“The place where you two will stay is the Villa of Sparrow. Oscar will guide you.”

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“What? It’s not your usual castle?”

Seirin’s eyes widened as she was surprised to hear that it was a villa.

I also looked at Lexion in wonder.

It was quite a long distance from the castle.

To the extent that we hardly ever run into each other even while walking.

Lexion replied lightly.

“In the case of the castle, the knights often train, so I decided to take you somewhere quiet because it would be noisy.”

“You don’t have to… …”

Seirin murmured with a regretful face.

Gregory said with a big smile.

“It would be nice if it was a villa. He’s very considerate, isn’t he?”

“Then where should I go to meet Sir Lexion?”

Seirin asked with a face full of strength.

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Lexion’s gaze turned to her.

“If you had contacted me in advance, I would have omitted the schedule… …but as you can see, you suddenly came, so I couldn’t postpone the schedule.”


Seirin sighed in embarrassment.

Lexion continued.

“If you want to go sightseeing, feel free to ask Oscar. He will give you a good look at the geography here.”

“I see.”

Seirin muttered without hiding her disappointment. 

I was puzzled by Lexion’s words 

‘I’m sure you said you got a call from Gregory the other day…’

In addition, Lexion’s attitude toward Seirin was very cold.

It was a businesslike tone, as if to draw a line and warn her not to cross over.

As if Seirin felt it too, her expression was very dark. 

Gregory also took a quick look at Lexion as if he had noticed something strange.

However, seeing that he was not questioning whether he had contacted him in advance, it seemed like he was planning to wait and see.

Then Seirin’s gaze then turned to me.

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As I stared blankly at her, she pointed at me and said.

“What about you, Miss Tiarozety?”


“Is Miss Tiarozety staying at the villa?”

“No, she’s staying in the castle.”


“If you ask why…”

As if Lexion had been asked a ridiculous question, he did not continue to speak.

At this time, Oscar, who was watching the situation, spoke.

“Miss Tiarozety has a chronic illness, so she has been assigned to the castle where servants are always on standby “


“Yes. In addition, counseling treatment is being conducted at the same time due to the aftermath of the Esol disaster, so we are inevitably taking care of her in the castle.”


“On the contrary, the villa has just been built, so it’s more pleasant than the castle. I’ll keep an eye on you, Princess, in case there’s any inconvenience.”

Seirin was silenced by Oscar’s kind explanation.

Having said that, she couldn’t express her dissatisfaction.

The atmosphere was quite cold. 

Seirin clasped her arms without saying a word.

Gregory clapped his hands to see if he wanted to change the atmosphere and said cheerfully.

“Okay. Whether it’s the castle or the villa, what does that matter? Rather than that, why don’t we have a party to celebrate our arrival?”

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