“Do you want the usual benevolent face of the princess to be revealed throughout the capital? At a time like this?”

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“… …”

“If you understand, stop making a fuss and get the princess up and go back to her room.”

Betty frowned as I muttered like a warning.

Moments later she raised the fallen Seirin from the floor.

She couldn’t seem to find a place to refute my words.

Seirin leaned on Betty with tears streaming down her face.

Betty wrapped her arms around Seirin’s shoulders and pulled her inside.

“Princess, don’t cry. You’d better go in and get some rest first.”


“I’ll give you honey water. It will give you some strength.”

“Thank you, Betty.”

Seirin went back to her room without resisting, perhaps because she was exhausted from the defeat.

I followed her back to the end, but there was no sign of the evil dragon.

Then Alois glanced at me for a moment and followed them in.

‘Did I mistake Seirin’s condition earlier? Was I so surprised?’

But before I was strangled, I felt nasty.

It was too vivid a feeling to be an illusion.

Then Emelia came up to me.

“How did this happen? What happened to the princess?”

Emelia’s face looked confused.

It must have been the first time she had seen Seirin so agitated like that.

No, maybe it’s the first time everyone has seen it.

I couldn’t easily speak.

It was because I couldn’t explain that Seirin brought in a magician to kill me.

Not only would that put Alois in danger, but there was Chris next to her.

‘I don’t want you to think badly of Alois.’

I slowly explained.

“There was a little argument. It’s not a big deal.”

“What do you mean it’s not a big deal? It’s only because of an argument that brought you to this point……! Your neck is going red!”

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Daisy spat out a tearful voice and looked sadly at my neck.

Even so, the inner thoughts were completely silenced.

It looked like she was afraid that the princess might hear it and cause another fuss.

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It stings when I put my hand on my neck.

Chris stopped my hand.

“Don’t touch it. We’d better calm it down first.”

“I’ll get the ice bag!”

Daisy was about to run right away, so I grabbed her and said.

“No, Daisy. Princess Seirin is awake, so she’ll go back to the Imperial Palace anyway.”


“Yeah. It’s would be even more difficult if you run into the Crown Prince here.”

“Yes, my father asked me to try not to bump into His Majesty the Crown Prince as much as possible.”

Emilia nodded and reached out to the other side of the hallway.

“We’d better go out the secret through the secret passage. Prince Gregory is dealing with him, but he’s so stubborn.”

“He has a rather fiery personality.”

“Let’s get out of here as soon as possible because he might rush into the villa.”

Emelia smiled bitterly and hurried her steps.

I told Daisy before I escaped.

“Daisy, will you go to Prince Gregory right now and tell him that Princess Seirin is awake?”

“Can’t we get you to the room safely and then go?”

Daisy hesitated, wanting to follow me.

It seemed that she was very worried about what had happened a while ago.

Emilia spoke to this.

“There’s no need to do that. I’m going to follow Tiarozety anyway.”

“… … I see. Then I’ll go right away and report it.”

Daisy quickly disappeared, leaving her worries behind.

I slowly headed towards the back door, supported by both Emelia and Chris.

This was guided by the guide.

– As a result of handling the situation well, the element of conflict disappeared. After that, Princess Seirin will move to another castle with Prince Kronos.

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I sighed inside at the words of another castle.

As expected, it didn’t seem like Kronos’ purpose was just to take Seirin.

Maybe it’s all part of the show that they’re going to take Seirin so quickly.

Chapter 12. Lucid Dream

A week has passed since Kronos stayed in Bael.

As soon as Kronos came to Bael, he settled in the castle of Baron Asher.

It is not known when he and Baron Asher started colluding, but it was true that the Imperial Knights led by Kronos were stationed in Bael.

Since then, Kronos has been holding out even though he took Seirin with him.

It seemed like an act to keep Lexion in check.

It could have been intended to secretly pressure the Sparrow family, taking advantage of Lexion’s absence.

I sighed as the situation was getting complicated.

“Was the Asher family originally close to the imperial family?”

“I guess the Princess got close to Young Lady Asher when she came on the trip.”

“Actually Young Lady Asher is close to Emelia. She would have known through her.”

“However, the atmosphere of the nobles staying in Bael is not good because they openly side with the Royal family.”

Daisy replied sullenly.

If it was Sophie Asher, it was the young girl I saw at Emilia’s last tea party.

It seems that she has connected with Seirin through her friendship with Emilia.

Perhaps Baron Asher did not miss the opportunity and was greedy for the purpose of getting ahead.

Since he was a baron in the north, it must have been difficult to refuse the hand the imperial family offered.

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Still, it was a little difficult for the Imperial Knights to be stationed in Bael.

“When will they go back to the capital?”

“I don’t know. They just keep postponing it day by day.” I’m afraid I’ll get caught in pod for nothing*.”

TL/N: Something in another person’s words that is fallacious and illogical and that can be used against them.

Daisy looked worried about the bad atmosphere in the castle these days.

At least, Gregory is acting as a buffer by coordinating opinions between Sparrow Castle and Asher Castle.

It seemed that he had received a request from Lexion in advance.

Because Arnold alone would have a hard time dealing with Kronos.

When I said nothing, Daisy shrugged.

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“But I’m glad Prince Gregory was with Marquis Brandt.”

Daisy’s deep feelings to ease my worries were conveyed.

I answered with a faint smile.

“Because the prince has been special to the duke for a long time.”

“But these days, it seems that the prince visits the young lady too often. I want you to be a little more careful.”

“Be careful?”

“Just.. … I think that the prince seems to have a different heart for you.”


“I’m not in a position to say anything because you’re not even officially engaged to the Duke yet, but ……”

Daisy hesitated to look at me.

She just smiled awkwardly because she knew what was going on.

Moments later, I opened my mouth to reassure Daisy.

“I know what you’re worried about. It would be a problem if the relationship between the prince and the duke fell apart at a time like this.”

TL/N: Like if Tiarozety openly treats Gregory coldly, it might cause things between him and Lexion to be awkward.

“That’s true, but……”

“And I might get caught up in a scandal that I’m going back and forth between the two of them.”

“I’m sorry to trouble you with inadequate thoughts, miss.”

Daisy shook her head, restless.

I too knew well that the current situation was on the verge of a storm.

And I also knew that Gregory’s heart was leaning more and more towards me through the book.

A situation in which the book keeps making me run into Gregory even if I try to avoid contact points as much as possible.

‘There’s no way I can stop Gregory from coming in person. Especially when the book is active.’

In the novel that unfolded, it was even absurd because it was a place where even my mind was cut out* as the book wanted.

TL/N: Like her mind “tailored” the way the book wants it to be- for her to like Gregory.

Because as much as Gregory was inclined to me, I tried to adapt it as if I was also inclined to him.

‘I think the book is getting more and more forceful.’

I said, stretching Daisy’s shoulders.

“Thank you for your concern, Daisy. I’ll be careful not to let anything you worry about happen.”

“Yes, miss. As long as the lady is in peace, that’s all I need.”

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That’s when Chris knocked.

“Miss, it’s Chris Martin.”

“Come on in.”

When my permission was granted, Chris came in.

As Daisy took a step back, Chris handed me a letter.

“The Duke replied.”

“The Duke?”

My eyes lit up when I heard that it was a letter from Lexion.

I was wondering what was going on because there was no contact even a week after sending the messenger.

Chris said with a shallow smile, as if he had understood my thoughts.

“A messenger arrived last night. The expedition is going well without a hitch.”

“What a relief.”

“Read it and if you have anything to say, I’ll send a messenger.”

“Thank you, Sir Chris.”

When I smiled, Chris fidgeted with the back of his head and looked shy.

When I saw Chris, I naturally thought of Alois.

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After the commotion with Seirin that day, Alois also moved to Baron Asher’s castle.

Anyway, on the surface, it was because she was Seirin’s handmaiden.

After that, I thought I would lose contact with Alois, but luckily I got a call from her first.

‘I’m going to trust Miss Tiarozety.’

‘Why did you suddenly change your mind? I haven’t even told you who your brother is yet.’

I was a bit embarrassed by Alois’ words that she would believe me.

However, from the conversation that followed, I could guess why she suddenly changed her mind.

‘No, I already know.’


‘My brother… The knight who saved Miss Tiarozety that day right?’

‘… …’

‘The handkerchief is tattered, but the embroidery is clear.’

Aois’ voice saying that was very calm.

As if she’d organized a lot of thoughts in a moment.

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