Gabriel, who initially had no last name, was the b*stard son of a collateral royal family.

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Originally, he wasn’t supposed to be allowed anywhere close to the heir to the throne, but a chance encounter with Lucifer Bynell gave him access to the palace. Meanwhile, Lucifer Bynell was glad to have made a friend who was in difficulty and gave him all sorts of special favors.

…Little did he know that the favor would turn into poison.

Gabriel Vecchio was only ten years old when he used an insidious spell to swap his own sickly body with that of Lucifer Bynell.



⌈ Gabriel, who had taken over my body, seemed to think that he had always been me. ⌋



I swallowed dry saliva.

If they were ten years old, it wouldn’t be too unreasonable. The status of being an illegitimate child and the status of being a prince of a country… If he finally got to live in the body he’d always envied, it was only natural that he’d feel a little delusional.

However, Gabriel clearly told me that he rebelled because his parents forced him to switch his body…

The letters written in blood continued to describe Gabriel’s misdeeds.

Gabriel’s ultimate goal was to ascend the throne.

As he tried to kill other princes to accomplish that purpose but was thwarted each time by Lucifer. In the end, the angry Gabriel locked Lucifer in this space and left.

The last paragraph describes how to kill him.



⌈ The reason he doesn’t kill me is simple. If he were to kill the body he was originally born in, he couldn’t move to another body again. Normally, when I was weak enough to die, he would take me to the doctor to be treated… ⌋



⌈ …So, to the nameless person who will read this, please kill me. You don’t have to tell my parents. It’s enough for me to know that that vile human being will never be able to take another human being’s body again. ⌋



After reading to the end, I slowly turned my head.

Even though he looked like the Gabriel Vecchio I knew, his shell-like eyes stared back at me.

‘If he dies… Gabriel would die, too.’

When I looked at him again, his health didn’t look too bad.

It was just that he was extremely skinny, and the conditions he’d been in were humiliating as a human being. However, he was in a state where he was unable to resist at all, so he was an easy opponent whom I could kill if I wanted to.

…Kill him, kill Gabriel, and I’d be free.


‘He’s not the person who should die.’

I approached him.

“I’ll untie you.”


“Do you know how to get out?”


I observed the shackles to which he was bound.


He was so skinny that I could easily take off the shackles on his ankles without having to unshackle them. The next moment, I swallowed dry saliva.

It occurred to me that maybe this person could have gotten out, but he didn’t.


“…Don’t you want to get out?”

A different reaction came back this time. It was a reaction of vehement refusal as he shook his head.

I was slightly relieved. It seemed that it wasn’t like he hadn’t left on purpose. Besides, it wasn’t too hard to get out, carrying an extremely skinny man. Of course, while the stench was pretty bad, I’ve seen worse.

For example, the body of someone who was already dead.

After that, I hurriedly took him to the bathroom and gave him a quick wash before giving him a new set of clothes. Well, they were women’s clothes, but wouldn’t they be better than what he was wearing anyway?

Lucifer Bynell was so skinny that even my clothes looked baggy on him.

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“I’ll bring you some food.”

When I left him in my room and tried to walk out, just then, Lucifer picked up the pen on the desk and started writing something.



⌈ Thank you ⌋



I swallowed dry saliva.


I wondered if this guy knew that the only reason I was being nice to him was because I thought he was a good hand against Gabriel Vecchio.

Of course, there were other reasons, too…

“Hide in the closet for a while, just in case Gabriel comes back.”

Lucifer listened to my words obediently. When he first left the room, he could barely walk, but now he seemed refreshed and revitalized.

I hurriedly packed the leftovers from the dining room and returned.

Seeing that Gabriel hadn’t been seen all day, I figured that he had gone outside. Still, there was nothing wrong with being cautious, so I decided to keep Lucifer sitting in the closet. I then put a pen and paper beside Lucifer as he nibbled away his food.

“Do you know the way out?”

He hadn’t answered earlier, but maybe he’d changed his mind this time. Lucifer shook his head.

“What about Gabriel’s weakness?”

This time, he pointed his finger at himself.

“How long does Gabriel usually come here?”

Scribble, scribble.



⌈ Once a month. He came by the other day and checked on me. ⌋



If so, we could breathe a little easier.

I swallowed a sigh. I may have saved this poor man’s life, but it didn’t change my situation one bit.



⌈ Please kill me. ⌋



I shook my head.

“Killing you doesn’t mean Gabriel will die, too.”



⌈ But he won’t be able to move into another body. ⌋



“…Don’t you want to meet your parents? I’m sure you must have other family members.”


I flinched at the eyes that stared at me as if I was being serious.

Right, he was now in Gabriel’s body.

So even if he went back to Lucifer Bynell’s family, he would be treated like an illegitimate child who was once a friend of their son.

“…I’m sorry.”



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⌈ I’m more sorry for not being helpful. ⌋




I opened my mouth resolutely.

“There’s still something else you can help me with. When you were brought here… do you remember? Did you go through a long tunnel?”



⌈ No. ⌋



With that one word, my heart skipped a beat.

The long shaft was the path I traveled when I was dragged by Gabriel. It meant that he would’ve come in through a different, much shorter exit.



⌈ It was like a maze. ⌋




By any chance, did you see a trap or something like that?”



⌈ There was nothing like that.. ⌋




That was the answer.


I whispered in a quick voice.

“You can go there! Both of us can escape.”



⌈ Still, it was a complicated maze. ⌋



“We just need to mark the path.”



⌈ It’ll take a long time. ⌋



“But don’t you think it’s better than doing nothing?”


And a scribbling sound.



⌈ If you find the way, I’ll stall the time. ⌋


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“All right.”

I nodded.

While it was questionable how he was going to stall the time, he must have had his own ideas.

It was time to explore the maze.




˚ ・: * ✧ * :・ ˚




To conclude, it was successful. The maze was complicated only on the surface, but the way out was actually not that difficult. It was almost embarrassing that I’d been so intimidated all this time.

However, if there was one problem…

‘…We need to get out while Gabriel is underground.’

It would be a disaster to go outside excitedly thinking Gabriel was nowhere to be seen, only to find him returning with supplies.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I asked Lucifer the same evening of the day I found the way.

“You said you could stall him, right?”



⌈ Yes. ⌋



“What’s the method?”

There was just silence.

“Please tell me. I’m planning to leave tomorrow.”

Lucifer wasn’t surprised by my words.



⌈ I’ll stay here. ⌋






⌈ That way, I can stall him. ⌋






⌈ After leaving, please come back with your troops. ⌋



I swallowed dry saliva.

I knew in my head that Lucifer was right. Gabriel couldn’t kill him anyway, so the maximum would be confinement.


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“…Really, can’t we get out of here together?”



⌈ I’m fine with this. ⌋



Lucifer smiled silently.



⌈ Because there’s hope now. ⌋






˚ ・: * ✧ * :・ ˚




“Is something wrong, Eve?”

“Not really.”

“Your face doesn’t look good.”

Gabriel looked at me with a worried face.

“Do you want me to bring a doctor?”

“Can you bring someone here?”

I frowned.

Was this area more crowded than I thought?

Gabriel laughed.

“Don’t worry. I’ll shut his mouth once they’ve finished examining Eve.”


I clenched my lips.

In the past, I would have thought it was money to silence, but now…

‘…He’s going to cut off both their tongue and hands.’

I picked up the tray with the food and stood up.

“I have no appetite. I’ll go back to my room and eat the rest.”

“You can do that.”

Gabriel nodded approvingly at my words.

As I hurried back to my room, Lucifer was half asleep in the closet.

I set the tray of food down next to him.

“He’s eating right now… you can wait a little later before stalling him. I’ll leave now.”

Lucifer looked straight up at me as I finished my words. Even though he didn’t say anything, I could clearly read every word in his eyes.



⌈ Good luck. ⌋



Yes, I needed luck.

A lot.

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