“…I want it.”

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I closed my eyes tightly.

The words I wanted to say swirled in my chest, but the only thing I could get out was the one he demanded. And that one word was enough. Cassius sucked my lips as if he were swallowing them.


He uttered my name as if it was the most exalted being in the world.

“Ca, Cassius.”


On the other hand, I uttered his name out of my mouth while gasping for air, like someone with only the word Cassius in my head. A watery sound filled the air as he supported me with one hand and began to unbutton my chest with the other quickly.

As I opened my eyes and gazed at his face, I didn’t hate the lust I felt over the golden eye.


It only reaffirmed the fact that I, too, was feeling the same way.

I stopped Cassius’s hand.

“I…I’ll do it.”

He nodded.

I swallowed dry saliva and slowly began to remove my thick, cumbersome clothing, piece by piece.

Suddenly, he let out a laugh.

“How many layers of clothes do you wear? Isn’t it hot?”

“I don’t usually get hot easily. I tend to get cold more often.”

“Then, I’ll have to stay by your side.”

Saying so, he gently touched the top of my head. Before I knew it, I was only wearing one slip, and after slightly raising my head towards him, I uttered the words I had prepared.

“I’m cold.”

No other words were needed. It was because, with those words, Cassius gripped my shoulder with frightening force.


A muffled voice tickled my ears before it went down lower.


I held my breath as my toes curled up on their own. It was because of the unfamiliar sensation that I had never felt before.

And, Cassius…

Well, I don’t think I need to tell you what happened next?


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˚ ・: * ✧ * :・ ˚




As someone gently shook me awake, I opened my eyes sheepishly and glanced up at who it was.

Of course, it was Cassius Brudenell.


The next moment, my face flushed and heated up as the events of last night flashed through my mind.

Cassius was really…

He didn’t disappoint me. In other words, it meant that the same techniques that made Ophelia’s mind go halfway around the world in the original were generously presented to me as well. Of course, I lost my mind as well…


Let’s stop here.


I mumbled, my voice sounding half asleep.

“I’m thirsty.”

“Here you go.”

At my words, he smiled and offered me a glass of water. For some reason, it felt as though it had happened a long time ago, as he was perfectly dressed now.

“…This is really too much.”


“I look like this…”

“The most beautiful creature God ever made, that’s how you describe it.”


My face turned bright red.

“Are you embarrassed?”

He continued to tease me, kissing me on the forehead. Somehow, where he touched me felt like it was burning, so I only gulped down some water before hiding myself under the blanket.

“Come out.”

Cassius laughed and tugged at the blanket.

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“We have a lot of work to do today, Evelyn.”

“What do I have to do?”

I mumbled under the covers.

“I just got back…”

“But our wedding is just 15 days away. Don’t you feel like we should start preparing now?”


Feeling awakened, I jumped and sat up with a jolt.

“I beg your pardon?”

“I said the wedding is in a fortnight.”

“Cassius, what is this…?!”

His twirling face explained everything.

This madman—!

“I could have refused.”

“Then, it’s just a matter of canceling it.”

“You’re going to cancel the wedding arrangements? How much money did you…”

Before I finished my words, I shut my mouth.

Haven’t I seen clearly over the past how futile it was to discuss money with Cassius Brudenell? On the other hand, he made a pitiful expression like a puppy soaked in the rain. I mean, for him, it was rather a pitiful expression.

“Evelyn, I didn’t want to disappoint you, and of course, I wanted the wedding to be the most spectacular it could be, so I made arrangements ahead of time. I’m sorry if you don’t like that.”

“Yes… That, thank you.”

I sighed before continuing my words.

“Still, can you also think about me, who has to prepare for the wedding as soon as I get back?”

“If you don’t want to, we can put it off. You can even put it off until a few years later.”

“No, that’s not…”

At those words, he quickly intervened.

“Then, I understand that we’re getting married in fifteen days.”

I nodded, still feeling bewildered. Well… it was a marriage that would happen someday anyway, so I figured it wouldn’t be bad to do it now. Furthermore, considering the declaration of pregnancy, it seemed right to marry him as soon as possible.

‘Wouldn’t it be better to say I had a miscarriage during the abduction?’

I slowly slid off the bed and grimaced at the dull pain.


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Taking my hand, he supported my back.

“Are you okay?”


Even though I said that, there was a hint of laughter in my voice.

“Let go of my hand, too. I think I need to wash up first.”

“Let me help you.”


“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable if I could help you?”

As Cassius’s soft voice reached my ear, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. At the same time, a shiver similar to the thrill I felt last night ran down my spine.

“Thank you, but it’s okay.”

I laughed.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to walk again after that.”




˚ ・: * ✧ * :・ ˚




As Cassius said, I had a lot of decisions to make.

A lot!

Unlike with the wedding proposal, I paid close attention to the elements necessary for the wedding. At the time, I just wanted to get it over with and move on, but now, it was different. I would be marrying Cassius Brudenell… in just fifteen days.

Naturally, the first thing I did was to call Ophelia.

“…Getting married in fifteen days?”

Ophelia shrieked.

“Sister, isn’t it too fast?”

“It wouldn’t be faster than you.”

Saying so, I smiled and hugged her.

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“However, David and I… it was a situation where we had to get married right away, but it’s not like that with sister. Besides, when you’re married, you won’t be able to come over to my house as often!”

What Ophelia said was right.

I have no intention of neglecting my duties as Duchess, though that would reduce my time with Ophelia. Still, I had a solution in mind as well.

“You know, Ophelia.”

“Yes, sister.”

“What do you think about being my exclusive handmaiden? Then, you can always be with me.”


Ophelia’s eyes widened.


“Of course.”

I smiled and nodded.

In any case, a person couldn’t be the Duchess’s exclusive handmaiden unless they came from an acceptable aristocratic family anyway.

The current Duchess of Brudenell, who would be called esteemed Duchess once Cassius and I got married, also had a countess as her handmaiden. So, wouldn’t it be better to be with Ophelia than to have someone else as my handmaiden than someone who had a title but no connection to me?

“That way, you’ll always be with me, though of course, if Viscount Marquell doesn’t mind…”

“David lets me do anything I want.”

Ophelia said in a tone full of conviction.

“Of course, I have no objection to becoming sister’s handmaiden.”

“That’s a relief, then.”

“My sister’s handmaiden…”

As she hugged me tightly, a delightful scent flowed from her before I pressed my lips to Ophelia’s forehead, close enough to feel her breath.

‘That’s right, who cares whose soul it is.’

No matter what anyone says, I’m Ophelia’s older sister and she was my dear younger sister.

Ophelia chatted with me for a while, then eventually returned home with her characteristic lively expression. As I was seeing Ophelia off to the end, I was startled by the sudden presence.

“Cassius, you surprised me!”


With his lips still sealed, he stared at me in silence.

“What happened?”

Nonchalantly, I just assumed that he was just acting as usual… if it hadn’t been for what he said the very next moment.

“Why don’t you kiss me on the forehead?”

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