Chapter 11

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“You are going to Caruso?”

My father asked me back in a confused voice.

“But, you did not like the sea? You did not even go on the family vacation before because you said you were gaining weight.”

Hearing his words, I blinked my eyes.

Was it Evelyn in the original?

I had no memory of it because I never paid her attention to Evelyn, who was nothing more than the mean half-sister of the heroine. However, that was it, and improvisation is improvisation.

“Oh, that was what I have been doing for my beloved father and mother to spend quality time together.”

“I did not know you cared about us so much.”

My mother’s hard answer made me nervous.

If mother and father oppose all the way to the end, the plan would go awry from the start.

“Anyway, it’s true that you do not look well these days, so I will let you go.”


Unexpectedly, mother graciously accepted the request without any objection.

“Instead, you need to rest well and come back in good health. Duke Cassius would be much more fond to see you in good health. Got it?”

“Of course.”

I forced a smile as I replied.

Now, it seems that my mother was trying to coax me somehow to develop my relationship with Cassius.

“By the way, why are you taking that stupid thing?”

“I am afraid I might have an accident while I am away.”

Mother let out a sigh.

“Yes, you have a point, do as you say.”

“Thank you.”

“When are you planning to leave?”

“Tomorrow morning.”

Caruso, the closest sea from the Capital, was only a three days drive away by carriage. With a beautiful white sandy beach and a large port, it was a place where all the Omani people of the Empire gathered.

‘Easy to hide, easy to board a ship.’

If the voyage was long enough, I was going to take a ship to cross the ocean. So, when we arrive, we will take a ship again.

Ophelia might be puzzled, but in the end, she will obey my insistence. As always.

Father frowned.

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“Tomorrow? What do you mean?”

“It’s for my health, so I am going to go as soon as possible. There is nothing I can do if I stay here, anyway… I will come back in good health and do my duty.”

“Duty—I really like that word.”

Mother suddenly intervened. “Can I take your word for it, Evelyn?”


I had no intention of doing the duty, still, I nodded my head.

If only I could escape from Cassius’ grasp, I would tell any lie. I even feel like I could sell my soul to the devil, but that is a lie.

“I will write to you often. If you want to see us, please come anytime.”

…Although I will not be able to see you since we will be on the ship.

“All right. I will go see you, Evelyn.”

My father responded with an emphasis on the word ‘you.’

I bit my lip.

It was no wonder why mother hates Ophelia. In fact, I could fully understand if mother hated me. After all, I am the daughter of a late ex-wife.

When mother gives birth to a son, my position as the heir would be shaken.

For that reason, there was even a clause included in the pre-marital agreement between mother and father that if, in the event of mother’s pregnancy, she would send her child to her relatives as an adoptive foster child.

The fact that she had cared for Evelyn all this time was enough to make her look like a saint.

But, my father…

Oh, by the way, didn’t he seduce an innocent woman to give birth to Ophelia?

Nevertheless, it was in my immediate interest to have an attitude that I am the only child until the end.

Still, I could not help but feel a strange twist in my stomach from time to time.

And so, after politely greeting my mother and father, I hurried down the hallway.

There were many things I had to do.

‘I have to pack my bags. I will be wandering the sea for a long time, so I have to pack my belongings and weapons… Is there any weapon for self-defense that Ophelia can use?’

Pondering deep in my thoughts, I did not realize how much I had walked.

Someone suddenly called my name.

“Miss Evelyn.”

It was the butler’s voice.

The old butler of the Garneid family was a typical butler in a romance fantasy. Strict and naggy, though more loyal to my family than anyone else.

So, later, when Count Garneid was burned alive, he jumped into the fire to try to save at least one of us and died together.

I frowned.

“What is going on?”

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“I have heard that you are going to Caruso for a vacation.”

“That was fast. I did not think the news would travel around that quickly.”


The butler looked like he had something to say.

I shrugged my shoulders. Since I do not have much time, it is better to listen quickly.

“Say it.”

“Young Lady, I know you have a lot to worry about these days. Is it something to do with Duke Brudenell?”


“I guess that was right.”

Seeing my reaction, the butler replied calmly.

“It’s off-topic, but please allow me to say one thing. I cannot think of anyone other than the Young Lady who will lead Count Garneid in the future. So… please be careful.”

My eyes widened

The butler must have thought that Cassius was planning to propose to me!

In a way, of course, he must have thought that way. The fact that the unmarried duke comes to an unmarried young lady without any special reason originally meant such a cause.

However, the problem was that Cassius Brudenell was obsessed with Ophelia, not me.

I sighed inwardly.

“Do not worry, butler. That is not going to happen.”

“You can hide it…” Said the butler solemnly.

“But, the count must be led by the Young Lady. Just remember that.”

“All right.”

I nodded slowly.

Originally, the butler and Evelyn did not get along very well. It was not surprising since Evelyn in the original story was a complete scoundrel.

Although after I transmigrated here, I have faced various problems as the successor of the Count, I confessed my troubles to the butler and asked for help. In the process, I thought that he had become quite friendly, though I did not know that the butler would have this kind of favor with me.

It seemed as though the butler cared for me more than I thought.

‘Well, if I could live as a young lady and become a countess someday, there would be nothing more to ask for…’

But, since I am destined to die half a year later, I have no choice but to struggle to survive right now.

“I am relieved. Have a good trip in good health. And…”

Before leaving, the butler whispered quietly to me.

“Everyone thinks you are crazy, but I prefer crazy girls since they are stronger.”

“Thank you, butler.”

I smiled softly.

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This gave me one more reason to survive.


* * *


The next morning.

Ophelia and I headed to Caruso in a luxurious carriage.

“I was so excited that I could not even sleep. I cannot believe I am going to the sea with my sister!”

Saying that, her eyes twinkled with expectations of the vacation.

To be honest, I was not much different either.

Just the thought of finally breaking free from Cassius Brudenell gave me a lot of joy.

Perhaps it was not an exaggeration to say that she slept poorly, as Ophelia fell asleep as soon as she entered the carriage within just a few minutes.

Smiling faintly, I put a cushion to support the child’s back.


Meaningful sleep talk flowed out of Ophelia’s mouth.

‘Cute thing…’

I held my chin in both hands as I gazed at her.

Her face was so pretty it was understandable that such a beauty radiated brightly.


Whether you are a woman or a man, you will be amazed at Ophelia’s beauty.

Ophelia’s beauty was at the level that was not enough to be expressed in words, like how beautiful her hair is with dazzling brilliance, her forehead and nose were like a piece of art, and her lips, which seem to be lightly draped like petals, were innocent.

Of course, the descriptions I just mentioned do fit her.

However, Ophelia’s beauty cannot be explained simply by its visible characteristics. Like Cassius, she had a charm that mesmerized the beholder.

Although, in a pure way.

If Cassius was as dangerously seductive like the night, Ophelia shone and glistened brightly like the sun everywhere.

Obviously, that would be the case—

—Because that was what the author intended it to be!

Unfortunately, in the end, Ophelia and I were all just a bunch of characters playing in the hands of such a writer.

‘… It is a useless idea.’

Well, thinking about something that has already happened and I can’t help it, does not really matter now.

So, like Ophelia, I decided to go to sleep as well.

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It would take three days to reach Caruso. Upon arrival, we also had to board the ship, so we have to stock up on our stamina.

Because Ophelia and Evelyn had a chance to get motion sickness easily.

Still, wouldn’t it be much better to suffer with motion sickness than to take the route of the devastated heroine or her older sister’s route?

And so, I quickly fell asleep.

How long has it been…?


The carriage suddenly shook violently.

Startled, I jumped out of my seat in surprise.

“Sister…!” Ophelia said as she clung to me with a frightened face.

I hurriedly looked out the window.


Men wearing black masks, holding sharp swords, surrounded the whole carriage.

They were robbers.

As I was about to take a closer look at them, Ophelia whispered as she lifted her blanket.

“Sister, hide under the blanket! I will protect you!”

“…You do not have to, Ophelia.”

I sighed exhaustedly.

“Didn’t we bring a lot of valuables? They are probably aiming for that. If we just hand them over, they will simply retreat.”

“A-aren’t you scared?”

“Well… I am a little scared. Yes.”

Unlike Ophelia, who was restless, I just sat quietly while swearing inwardly.


There was a reason why I was not at all concerned about Cassius’ intervention while I was on my way to Caruso. It was because I was not running away with Ophelia in secret, I was going on an official vacation for my health.

No matter how powerful the Duke is, he could not stop the carriage of the Count family.

Though… what if robbers come into play?

What if the Duke of Brudenell accidentally rescues the helpless countess girls?

It would be a different story.

I tightly bit my lip.

I was not worried at all, since all of these robbers are the servants of Cassius Brudenell, anyway.

I groaned inwardly and gazed up at the carriage ceiling.


All I was worried about was Cassius Brudenell.

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