I sighed inwardly.

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‘As expected…’

Gabriel Vecchio was not as simple a man as he may seem on the surface. Apparently, he also got on this ship because of some complicated internal circumstances.

For a moment, a crazy thought ran through my head that he might be a subordinate of Cassius Brudenell…

‘No, I do not think so.’

I hurriedly erased that thought.

There are various circumstances in the world. Just because there was something to hide, it did not mean that it was necessary to associate with Cassius.

I changed the subject swiftly.

“I was just curious, so you do not have to answer.”

“…It’s, uh, Eve…”

Gabriel was trying to explain something.

Nonetheless, it was not worth pricking my ears. At the same time, a customer rushed into the store.


I greeted them brightly.

When Mrs. Ned found out that I was good at the job, I was practically running the store because she did not show up at the store anymore.

“Girl, bring me the most expensive one.”

Should I even call him a customer…?

Everywhere I looked, a drunken man waved his hands towards me, smelling like alcohol.

I barely picked the contorted expression on my face.

Even though it was dangerous to get drunk on a boat, the boat was overflowing with alcohol. Still, with money, they could drown themselves in alcohol.

Kegs were the first thing to fill when docked at the port, so that pretty much said everything.

So, these drunk customers often came to the store.

‘I guess they will just mess around with a lot of stuff and go away without buying it.’

I sighed and took out the fist-sized owl-shaped jewel ornament that Mrs. Ned had told me to show instead. At first glance, it looked very expensive, though it was actually a counterfeit. At first, I thought it was a scam, but soon I realized that Mrs. Ned’s method was rather wise.

It was because the drunkards either threw ornaments or even tried to eat them at some point before…

Mrs. Ned advised that if anyone really wants to buy, I should check the money first before giving the original.

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“What, it does not look very expensive?”

The drunkard stumbled and pulled his wallet out of his pocket.

“So, how much is this?”

I showed the price tag instead of answering.

Seeing the price tags with six zeros on them, the drunk man’s eyes widened as though they were about to pop out of the air.

It was expected.

However, the next reaction was unexpected.

The drunk man put the owl in his arms, and he quickly started running away. He moved so fast that I could not believe he was actually drunk.

‘He must not be drunk…!’

It was then that I realized that I had been deceived. Nonetheless, I could not stay still. No matter how imitation it was, it was still a store item.

So, I had to chase and catch him.

Even though I rushed after him, obviously, I could not beat the professional thief.

That was then.

Gabriel ran out like a wild beast in the meadow and subdued the thief flat on the deck, overpowering him.


I ran towards him, half astonished, half full of joy, and most of all, grateful.

The thief was only struggling with his limbs, completely pressed down by Gabriel. Meanwhile, he smiled as he handed me the owl ornament.

“Now, I can reveal my identity. It is my job to catch these guys.”

I stared blankly at him.

It was because his sunny smile had caused a stir in my heart.


* * *


It had been a long day.

Gabriel had to leave the ship for a while because it was required by law to hand over the thief to the port’s guard. So, I had no choice but to pass the time by guarding the store by myself.

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Finally, after working hours, I was tumbling to my accommodation.

Someone with a deep hat slammed out of the darkness and pulled me tight.


My body stiffened.

No matter how rough the sailors may be, they do not touch customers on ships, whose main source of income was tourists.

In other words, the identity of the person who touched me like this was simple.

Servant of Cassius Brudenell.

Since he could not get on the ship himself, he would have sent someone.

I calmly tried to move my head.

It was very difficult. The fact that Cassius Brudenell found me so easily was enough to cause me to panic.

Besides, Ophelia has not even reached me yet…!

“…You look good.”

I froze at the words I heard.

…A voice I know very well.

It was a terrifying voice that seemed to chase me even in my dreams.

“Lord Cassius…”

I moaned.

Cassius boarded the ship himself.

Obviously, in the novel, it was written that he was reluctant to go to the sea, so he could not get on a boat. Because of this, it was totally unexpected.

I tried to slip back away, but Cassius grabbed my arm and would not let me go.

“Oh, it hurts.”

I twisted my body and moaned.

I was not lying, I was really hurt.

He responded immediately to my words and released his arm. However, he still wrapped me against the wall, preventing me from running away.

As the distance drew closer, his face occupied my field of vision. As if he had not slept properly at night, his eyes stared intently at me.

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I watched him with my mouth shut. Even if you go into the tiger’s den, there is a way to get out if you keep your mind straight.

‘He is pale…’

Cassius was obviously not in good shape.

A drop of cold sweat was forming on his pale forehead, and he looked uncomfortably nervous. Like the novel, he was not even able to get on a boat at all. This certainly was a burden on him.

It was good news.

At least if he tried to drag me down by force, it meant there was room for resistance.


My name flowed out of his mouth.

“Is there anything you want to say?”

I swallowed dry saliva.

I cannot think of anything to say, though conversations usually make people less focused.

Carefully, I continued to try finding his weakness with my eyes as I finally opened my mouth. “I… do not want to go back home. I also do not want to marry you.”

“I know.”

Cassius responded in a strangely calm voice.

“…Much more than you think.”

At that, I almost laughed in vain.

Does that mean that someone who knew that, has put everything aside, and came after me?

“…If you know me so well, can you not let me go? You would not want a wife who was not faithful to her family, anyway.”

When I spoke so openly like that, Cassius’ eyes darkened. As I waited slowly for his response. It seemed like he was choosing his words carefully.

It was a good sign.

If he was pensive, I could have escaped easily.

Although I did not have the stupid idea of ​​getting out of the boat, I planned to somehow hide in the ship and wait for the opportunity to come before the ship started sailing. Seeing how hard it was with just being in the anchored ship, it seemed that Cassius’ condition would get worse when the ship started sailing.

Then, my chance will come.

…A chance to get away from this man and regain my freedom.

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“I have been thinking…”


I frowned.

Cassius began to answer with complete nonsense.

“Why on earth is Young Lady rejecting me so much?”

If it were not for the situation being threatened by the man in front of me, I would have burst into laughter. I asked him what he was thinking about, and he said it was just such a problem. Well, I could give him at least ten reasons.

The moment I open my mouth

He continued. Cassius’ tone was serious as if he was contemplating the question of a lifetime.

“Am I not the person who does not fall in love easily no matter where he looks?”


Completely confused and out of my mind, no words came out. I just stared blankly at him as I could not quite figure out why he was saying all this right now.

“…The misunderstanding that I was targeting your sister would have been cleared up.”

Saying so, Cassius stretched out his hand.

At that, I instinctively tried to step back, though I was blocked by a wall and had no choice but to stand still.

My body was trembling.

But, instead of pressing on me, Cassius’s hand brushed the dust off my head from the wall.

…Carefully. As if dealing with the most precious yet fragile craft in the world.

“I thought about it, but it seems that Young Lady still misunderstood me.”


“I am a gentleman.”

He then took a few steps back, ignoring my startled reaction. “If you do not want to get married, you do not have to. Evelyn.”

Cassius gazed deep into my eyes.

I took a breath.

It felt like I was going to suffocate by those golden eyes that seemed to swallow a person whole. The dangerous voice of Cassius struck my world.

“So… Let’s do it. Date me.”

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