‘The letter…!’

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I bit my lip tightly.

Do not tell me all this was because of the letter…
The moment I realized that, I felt like I wanted to cut off my hand that wrote the letter.

“I could have been a man.”

“Is that important?”

Cassius snorted as he answered.

“Whether you are a man or a woman, a child or an old man, I would have you. Even if you were a machine made of iron and copper…”

“Stop it!”

I screamed as I could not stand the words he kept saying anymore.

“I am not an object that you can just have…”

“Evelyn, do you still not know?”

His voice had a dangerous tone lingering in it.

“I cannot live without you already. So, I have no choice but to have you.”

Goosebumps swelled up at Cassius’ remarks, who was always polite as usual in the way he speaks.

“I am the only heir in my family. Are you trying to cut off the generation of Count Garneid?”

I was half despondent, so I spouted out the words that came to my mind at random. However, the answer was already half-expected.

Someone like Cassius Brudenell might ask, what is the problem?

To him, the County of Garneid was nothing more than a pyramid that could be destroyed without any guilt.

But, the answer that came back was completely different from what I expected.

“You just need to have a child.”

Cassius answered clearly as if he were speaking a self-evident truth.


I doubted my ears for a moment.

“Aren’t the Count and his wife still in their youth? I am sure they will gladly raise your children as the successor.”


This guy is insane…

Just before the curse came out of my throat, I barely caught my breath and uttered a reply back.

“I hate children.”

“That is all right.”

Still, he replied calmly.

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“Anyway, it will be your parents who will raise them. It does not matter if they formally adopt them.”

I licked my lips.

My anger swelled when I heard Cassius talking as if it was a fact that I would have a child with him.

“I have no intention of getting pregnant.”

Because of that, I declared it outright.

“It is too dangerous to have children. My life is more important to me than anything else.”

It was not an exaggeration.

Because this is a world where medicine was not as advanced as modern day medicine, it was necessary to risk one’s life to conceive and give birth. So, I had no intention of taking that risk.

“Is that so?”

However, Cassius did not seem surprised at all. He was just quietly accepting my opinion.

“All right. There is no need for children, like you said, your life is more important to me than anything else.”


I blinked my eyes.

I do not need to have children?

After talking about having a child and giving them to my parents a little while ago, all of a sudden, what is he saying right now?

I asked back, dumbfounded.

“What about your family? Who would be the heir to the Duke after?”

“We can bring anyone and make them the successor. I am sure my parents would not be against it either.”

That is impossible.

To a nobleman, it is very important to be of direct lineage.

Moreover, in the original novel, Cassius tells Ophelia… Well, let’s say that he was passionate enough to make a soccer team out of his kids. Then, there was only one reason for him to say this.

He wants to ‘have’ me, even if he has to comfort me.

I sighed.

It all started because of just one letter I sent him. Regrets flooded in, but it was already too late.

Still, I knew.
At that time, that response was the best. If I had done nothing, it would have flowed as the original story, and Ophelia would have been the target of Cassius.


One thought suddenly crossed my mind.

Come to think of it, I was actually carrying out Ophelia’s actions in the novel— Rejecting him, pushing him away, running away…!

Even the fact that I even saved his life was the same.

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Obviously, there was as much difference between the sincere nursing Ophelia did at the beginning of the story and mine, as much as heaven and earth, though there seemed to be no difference to the crazy bastard like Cassius.

What is more, I was even caught taking care of Ophelia. This also overlapped with Ophelia’s good and kind behavior.

‘I… I was a fool.’

I thought that maybe I could get away from Cassius Brudenell more easily than I anticipated. I made up my mind. I will only act the opposite of Ophelia in the original novel. Right now, from this moment!

I gazed directly at Cassius. The swirling emotions I felt earlier had subsided.

‘All right.’

It was the right time to throw the next move.

With that thought, I slowly opened my mouth towards him.

“…I think it is reasonable to listen to the Lord’s words.”

The first step is to acknowledge and accept his words. Though I had no intention of going any further than that.

“I am glad you think so.”

Hearing my reply, Cassius seemed a little surprised, though he did not seem to doubt my true intentions.


I laughed.
“I like it.”


* * *


“I will send you home.”

Ophelia did not ask what he meant, nor did she jump from the spot with joy.

Instead, she stared intently at David. If he had come to release her at the order of the Duke, there would be no reason to be so nervous. So, there is only one conclusion she could think of.

David Marquell, on his own arbitrary judgment, was trying to free Ophelia.

In this situation, it was clear what she had to say.

“No, I do not want to.”


David made a dumb sound. It was because he did not even think about the possibility of being rejected like this.

“I do not want to go back.”
Ophelia then adamantly informed of her intention again.

“Why… is that?”

“Even if I go back, the Count will send me back here.”

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It was true.

If she disappears, of course, the Duke’s family will try to find her. It would only be a matter of time before she would be brought back here by the Count of Garneid. In the end, his impulsive judgment will only block his own career path.

David was silent for a moment.

Meanwhile, Ophelia waited with her patience for his answer. She had no intention of leaving this place anyway, so she was not in a hurry.

“…You can just run away somewhere else. I will give you the necessary travel expenses you might need.”

Ophelia shook her head.

Had it been a few days ago, she would have accepted David’s offer immediately because there was hope that she could find Evelyn.

However, now, she knew.

Wherever Evelyn was, it was nearly impossible to find her now. Rather, her tail will be trampled on and dragged back, and things will be even more miserable then.

David seemed to have fully understood Ophelia’s intentions without having to explain these facts…

“I apologize.”

Seeing that he apologized out of the blue like this.

“It’s not something the Knight Commander should apologize for.”

“…Is there anything you need?”

Ophelia thought for a moment.

David said he was trying to be nice to her, perhaps because he felt guilty for imprisoning an innocent person.

That is why it seemed like he would grant any request she asked. Maybe, she could ask to change the accommodation to a more comfortable place. She could even ask for money, just in case she gets out of here.

But, what came out of Ophelia’s mouth was a different kind of request.

“If… If you met my sister…”

Her voice grew quieter, almost as if she was whispering.

“Can you tell her that I’m doing well?”

David’s eyes widened before soon hardened. He leaned towards Ophelia and nodded his head. “All right. I will deliver what you just said to the Young Lady of Garneid.”

“Really? Thank you so much.”

Ophelia was truly grateful to David.

Although she did not know him very well, at least, he did not seem like someone who would break a promise.

Evelyn will be relieved to know that she is doing well.

Because if, without her knowing, she knew that Ophelia was half-contained in her Duke’s cage… Her older sister was the only person who could run into the Duke to save her younger sister, even if she had to spill her own blood.

“Is there anything else you need?”

She then raised her head again at his words.

Even though David was business-like, Ophelia could see concerns for herself in his gaze. Perhaps, it is because of that…

She had uttered something quite impulsive.

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“Can… Can you be my friend?”

Ophelia never had any friends.

Her childhood friends alienated Ophelia because of her ambiguous status, and the people of Count Garneid all despised her. Although Evelyn came to her miraculously, she was her esteemed older sister and her beloved family, not equal friends.

David was the first person to show her favor, though he had no relationship whatsoever with her.


Maybe that is why Ophelia could not resist the urge to grab the man in front of her.

“Friend, you mean?”

At her remark, David’s eyes widened.

It was a reaction she had not expected at all.

It must be so, because Ophelia herself, who actually spoke those words, was shocked and shut her mouth. However, because David was waiting for her answer, she managed to get the courage to say something.


There was a moment of silence again.

A pale blush appeared on David’s face. ​​It did not take long for him to reply again.

“Me, too… If that is okay with you…”

Ophelia smiled. “You are my first friend.”

“It is an honour.”

“I think it is me who had to say that, commander.”

At that, they both burst out laughing at the same time. As David held out his hand to her, Ophelia paused for a moment before she realized his intentions.

He was asking her to shake hands.

Ophelia slowly took his hand.

He had a lot of calluses, but his hands were warm.

David looked at her and smiled shyly.

“…Miss Ophelia.”

That was then.

A voice was heard outside, calling for David loudly.

“Sir David!”

David frowned at the strange voice, but turned to her to say his greetings.

“I will be out.”

Then, he hurried out of the house. His solemn voice could be heard from outside.

“What is going on?”


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