“Just pretend you love him.”

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“I beg your pardon?”

What I heard was so unbelievable that I burst out laughing.

Just pretend you love him…?

Meanwhile, the Duchess did not seem to mind my absurd reaction as she added her words.

“Just as I was. Show him the reaction Cassius wants. Then, my son will gradually change as well. There is no such thing as true love from the bottom of your heart. Do you know nobles who married out of love?”

“…But, the Duchess—”

“Oh, me?”

She then smiled brightly at me and said.

“Yes, I was. I was lucky. I wanted a man who was wealthy, with a high family reputation, and who would love only me. And, he really was my ideal type. Well, wouldn’t it be like that for any woman?”

The words of the Duchess, who seemed to be proud of her simple husband, contained facts.

The Duke of Brudenell’s strength is also Cassius’ strength.

The Duchess also emphasized that Cassius was also an ideal type that any woman would fall in love with.

I sighed.

“So, what would I get?”
“Young Lady likes money.”

The Duchess answered without hesitation.

“Use it to your heart’s content. No matter how extravagant you are, I will never rebuke you. But… Do not run away…”

Saying so, the Duchess, who had a terrifying resemblance to Cassius, stared straight at me.

“My son may be nice to you because he loves you, but I will not.”

And, that was the end of the conversation.

The Duchess sent me out as a way of calling the maid to clear my seat, and I had to leave the greenhouse in a dazed state.

‘…Pretending to be in love.’

I sighed deeply at the thought.

In fact, even though the purpose was completely different, it was similar to the plan I had made because I also decided to act completely different from Ophelia, who only rejected him in the original story.

It also meant that I had to be somewhat friendly to him.

However, pretending to love is a completely different story.

As I walked, lost in thought, I nearly collided with someone. As always, a handsome man with a captivating appearance gazed down at me.

“…Lord Cassius.”

I took a breath.

Cassius then frowned.

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“Evelyn, what are you thinking about?”

“I am not thinking much about anything.”

“I know it is a lie.”

His voice lowered.

Moments later, I decided to look straight up at him and opened my mouth.

“If I tell you what you think, will you believe me?”


“See? You would not believe me even if I tell you, anyway.”

“…I will believe you.”

Eventually, Cassius answered in a low-pitched voice. No matter where I looked, it sounded like he actually might believe or trust me.

The urge to laugh out loud swelled in my stomach.

It seemed to want to confide in him about the Duchess’s proposal.

I knew why he was here.

It must have been the Duchess’ ruse to see if I had accepted the offer. Surprisingly, I did not even feel bad about it at all. Since if I had been in the position of the Duchess, I would have used the same method, too.

“Can you tell me one thing?”


“What did you think I was thinking about?”

In the words of Cassius a while ago, I was convinced.

This man knows well enough that I do not love him.

Perhaps, even without the possibility. If he does not know, he would be a real fool.

So, I was curious.

Indeed, because Cassius thinks I was thinking about something, so he is interrogating me.

Is he thinking that I would poison him?

Well, if I were not afraid of the wrath of the Duke, I would have already tried it since it was not a very bad idea.

“I will not say it.”


I blinked my eyes.

Of course, I thought he would tell me, so I was not prepared for him to refuse like that.

“I want to know. Are you still not going to tell me?”


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At my urging, he seemed to be in conflict for a moment.

I waited patiently for his answer as there was plenty of time, anyway.

“…I thought you were thinking about that man.”


I asked, bewildered. “Are you talking about Sir David?”

In the original story, David was killed by Cassius for having a crush on Ophelia. Well, David seems to like Ophelia now too, but his suspicions may work the same as the original so I asked just in case.

“…What are you talking about?”

Cassius grimaced.

“That man. Who was with you on the ship.”

“Ga… Oh, that person?”

I almost spit out Gabriel’s name for a moment, though fortunately, I quickly fixed it.

If he was really jealous of Gabriel, it was no good for him to remind Cassius of his name. I had seen enough of the absurd reasons people could die at the hands of Cassius while reading the original story.

“Yes. Gabriel Vecchio.”

…Not surprisingly, he already knew exactly Gabriel’s name.

“Why would I think of him? The ship had already left. There was no going back, and I would probably never see him again.”

“…Are you sure?”

I swallowed dry saliva.

It was because I remembered the last time I met Gabriel.


* * *


Fortunately, I had time to say hi to Gabriel right before getting off the ship.

It was never polite to leave like this.

To be honest, it was more of an apology than a greeting.

“I am sorry, Gabriel.”

I sincerely apologize.

“I wanted to stay for a long time, but I could not.”


Gabriel’s voice broke my apology. “Are you really leaving because you want to?”


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I nodded.

In fact, I could not do anything other than to affirm his words in this situation. So, what could I say that I was being dragged away by force? That man is the most powerful and terrifying man in the world, and he is obsessed with me?

Thousands of words were in my head, though I could not say any of it.

I did not want to put any pressure on Gabriel or put him in danger.

“It seems to me that you did not want it. Eve.”

Gabriel called me affectionately.

At that moment, it seemed as if tears were about to spill from hearing the voice.

Because Gabriel was the first person who really understood my heart.

Of course, Ophelia knew that I didn’t like Cassius, but she was mistaken at first. Gabriel was the first to find out my true heart just looking at a few fragmentary facts.

“I am sorry. I could not be of any help.”

“I apologize.”

I answered back with a tight neck.

Gabriel was silent for a moment, and then he asked a question.

“Could you tell me one thing before you get off the ship?”

“Depending on the question.”

“I want to know your real name.”

I hesitated for a moment.

In my head, I knew well enough what answer to give. Nevertheless, I was drawn to the gaze that stared at me thoughtfully, the warmth it contained, and the bizarre impulse.

In the end, I gave an answer that was better not to be said.

“I am Evelyn Garneid.”

That was the last conversation I had with Gabriel.


* * *



I answered, looking straight at Cassius.

“That would never happen.”

“…I see.”

It was not a lie.

I will never see Gabriel in the future.

It was because I knew well enough how dangerous it would be for him.

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Even the life of a Knight Commander, who had been loyal to his family for the rest of his life was taken without hesitation… There was no way he would spare the sailor, who was barely in charge of policing the ship.

Saying this may sound like I was in love with Gabriel, but I never loved him.

Can you even call it love?

Possessed by a moment of kindness, I was not desperate enough to love a man of unknown age or origin.

However, Gabriel Vecchio was a symbol of freedom for me.

To never give up, that I should not give up.


Cassius called me in a hoarse voice.


“Wait… Is it all right if I hold your hand?”

I nodded.

It would also help to focus on the relationship with Cassius, which would help erase the thought of Gabriel from his mind. That is, to make him completely focus by touching me.

I held out my right hand.

Then, Cassius took my hand carefully.

I could not feel any pressure I normally felt.



I blinked my eyes a few times.

Cassius Brudenell was never a caring person.

Even though he did not let go of his hand, Cassius did not force me to move either. So, we held hands and went up the stairs as I wanted.

Instead of walking one step ahead and letting me follow as usual, or spying one step behind me, he walked side by side with me.

It was like…

Like a lover…

As soon as I thought of that expression, my face went hot.

“I, I want to go back to my room and rest now.”

I did not mean to let go of his hand abruptly like this. Fortunately, Cassius did not pretend to be tactless either.

After gently letting go of my hand, he then greeted me lightly.

“Evelyn, take a good rest.”

I hurriedly turned around and ran to my room.

Still, I could tell without looking back…

The fact that Cassius Brudenell’s tenacious gaze continues to pursue me.

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