“You would like to invest in my business…?”

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The name of the person who sent the investment letter to the Duke was Ian Camero.

The same person who was in front of me right now. The man with an unsophisticated face, not like a businessman, was puzzled as he could not believe the fact that there would be an investor interested in his business.

I frowned.

‘I do not think he is a scammer.’

It would have been better if he was a swindler. There will be nothing better than that if you take away their investment from such people.

But, this man was not a swindler, and he would inflict any losses on the Duke’s house, if any, insignificant.

‘Well, maybe that’s a good thing.’

I needed someone who could teach me the basics of investing and establish a relationship with other investment destinations.

So, a foolish and naive businessman who sent a business proposal, such as the import of tulips, to the Duke’s house seemed like a suitable match.


Saying so, I nodded.

“I accidentally read Mr. Camero’s proposal by chance, and it was very interesting. Despite the high risk, we decided it was worth the investment.”

“However, the investment the Young Lady is making is for the Duke of Brudenell…”

I hardened my face.

Apparently, Ian Camero could not give up hope that the Duke was interested in his business.

‘Well, good thing I brought it.’

With that thought, I smiled and took out the documents from the bag, and handed it to Ian.

“Can you recognize this?”


Ian’s eyes widened as he mumbled his words.

“This was what I sent—”

“That is right.”

Answering him, I nodded my head and continued. “Look at what is written on the second page.”

At my urging, Ian hurriedly flipped through the first page, then froze.

I knew what he saw.


It was a word written in Duke Brudenell’s characteristic style.

“Now, do you know what the Duke thinks of Mr. Camero?”

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“…But, why is the Young Lady—”

“Why am I investing with you?”

Saying that, I licked my lips and added my words, “That is because I have a different opinion than the Duke.”

“Still, Young Lady must have enough funds to invest in me…”

“Oh, I guess you have not heard the rumors.”

I sip the tea gracefully. It seemed that the efforts of the past were not in vain, and now, I can walk gracefully or drink tea if I want to.

Of course, speaking gracefully was a completely different area.

“The Duke and the Duchess entrusted me with the keys to the safe of the Duke of Brudenell.”


Camero’s eyes immediately widened.

I enjoyed his reaction.

Ian Camero looked at my complexion for a moment, thinking it was a joke, then he staggered in disbelief.

“…You must be joking.”

“Am I?”

I snorted.

“Recently, the Duke of Brudenell has bought three villas. Whose decision do you think it was?”

It was actually Cassius, though it was something this man did not need to know. After all, now, I have control over the safe of the Duke of Brudenell.

“…If that is true, of course, that would be more than enough to make my business a success.”

Camero muttered with blank eyes.

“But, why me…”

At his question, I remained silent.

Well, I cannot say that I want to invest because his business is going to go bankrupt, isn’t it?

“It does not matter why.”

Camero looked a little disappointed, but quickly regained his energy.

“I will bet my life to make the tulip import a success!”

No, please do not just bet your life on tulips… I am sorry, although please do not even succeed at all…

However, there are some words that should not come out of my mouth.

Because of that, I just looked at him and smiled quietly.

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“I look forward to your kind cooperation.”


* * *


“What am I going to do?!”

In the room, I muttered helplessly and started pulling my hair out.

“Sister, are you okay?”

Seeing me like that, Ophelia asked with her worried face.

“No, it is not okay.”

I wandered around the room nervously.

To others, it must seem as though I have gone crazy and I am just running around.

Not only was it not enough that Camero succeeded in importing tulips itself, based on the Duke’s wealth, he also spread publicity throughout the Empire as well. It was almost to the point that this man should have become an advertising expert, not a businessman.

The results were astonishing.

People who had no interest in tulips at all started buying tulips like crazy.

No, it was not just about buying it…

People used tulips to make confessions, to celebrate, and to decorate their homes now. It seemed that the various colors of tulips were popular with the public.

Tulips began to appear in the gardens of the nobility.

In particular, as the aristocrats could not bear to grow the same flowers as commoners, they preferred varieties that were several times more expensive than ordinary tulips.

And, the result…

‘How successful is this…’

I flopped down on the sofa.

‘I seriously cannot believe it.’

Rather, it would have failed if he had paid enough money to only import tulips.

Because the people of this world were not relaxed enough to buy unfamiliar flowers.

There was no reason to buy a flower that the fashion-conscious aristocrats saw for the first time. However, I gave Camero too much, hoping he would waste the money, though instead, the capital helped him succeed.

So, as a result…

Camero was sending me insane amounts of tulips and money each month, thinking of me as his lifesaver!

It even significantly exceeded the profit share stated in the contract…!

‘I’m going crazy.’

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What was even worse was I couldn’t throw away those tulips, so I had to sell them, though they were also incredibly valuable.

I buried my face in my hands.

I had no idea how to get through this situation. Even more so, the wealth of the wealthy Duke Brudenell was inflating like a balloon.

‘I cannot stand still like this.’

With that thought, I wandered around the room, pondering.

Currently, the tulip business was almost exclusively owned by Ian Camero.

It was because no one else had the capacity to import tulips from the Duchy at the southernmost tip of the Empire. Furthermore, Ian was a very kind person… No, because he was a generous type. As he treated the tulip farmers well, he was making an exclusive purchase.

‘I have to let go before I get richer.’

Deciding that the business would not go bankrupt at this rate, I immediately picked up a pen and sent a letter to Camero saying that I would give up my stake in the investment.


* * *


“What are you talking about?”

Naturally, Camero did not like my proposal. He looked embarrassed rather than angry, and he seemed to think I had serious reasons to give up the stake.

“If you are trying to create a competitor…”

“It is nothing like that.”

I shook my head.

“It is just that operating this business hurts my head more than I thought.”

“If you are dissatisfied with the distribution of revenue, we would gladly increase it by 10%.”

Camero took the offer seriously.

Because of that, I had no choice but to make excuses by using the Duke and the Duchess’ names.

“The Duchess and Duchess do not think it is good for me to be involved in businesses.”


There was silence after my reply.

Camero kept his mouth shut and thought for a long time, then he finally stood up from his seat with a face that he could not help it.

“If that is what they want… I cannot help it as the Young Lady had said. I understand.”

Of course, the Duke never said anything like that.

But, what could I do?

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I had to lie to prevent the huge amount of money coming in every month and ruining my plan like this.

Meanwhile, Camero, unable to give up, seemed to even go to Cassius.

Naturally, Cassius shunned him. So, in the end, Camero held my hand tightly, gave me a large sum of money, and then removed my stake.


After finally disposing of all the shares, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, the huge amount of money that came in every month is now gone.

Furthermore, as soon as I left my partnership with Camero, Cassius said that all the money the Duke of Brudenell had earned from the tulip business was my own, so why not take it all as my private property?

Obviously, I quickly accepted the offer.

As long as it is not inflating the Duke of Brudenell’s fortune, the more money, the better. Thanks to that, compared to before the investment began, not only did the Duke of Brudenell’s fortune not change, I have become quite wealthy.

Of course, it was still incomparable to Count Garneid, let alone the Duke of Brudenell…

“Miss Evelyn.”

I frowned.

Something unusual happened after the Duchess’ handmaiden spoke to me.


Like right now…


The Duchess called me with a caring smile.

My body trembled. It was because a gentle smile and the nickname ‘honey’ were both something that did not suit the Duchess at all…

“The tulip business, do you remember?”

“Of course.”

Answering her, I tried to look as naive as possible.

“I did it for fun, but it was too troublesome for me. So, I organized my investment stake.”

In fact, I was still continuing to study investing to further inflate my private fortune, although it was not good for the Duchess to know.

“Do you know what the tulip business has been up to since then?”


As I replied, the corners of the Duchess’s lips curled up slightly.

Biting my lip in an unfamiliar omen, I tried to calm my anxious mind, but to no avail.

“It is ruined.”

…Because, this time, the ominous premonition was not wrong again.

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