The surroundings became as quiet as if the water was poured on them.

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Was it because everyone heard his soft words…?

‘No… Cassius’ voice was too low for that.’

I glanced up at him.

‘It is probably because he is here.’

Cassius was still glaring at the Baron, who was teasing Ophelia without being able to grasp the situation.

‘…He is good at acting.’

I had a strange thought.

He does not like Ophelia, nor was he a person who was burned with a sense of justice for the Baron who now harasses the weak. So, there was only one reason why Cassius even did this kind of acting.

…To make me happy.

He wants me to like him.


‘There is no one better than Cassius to show that man the bitter taste of life.’

I laughed softly.

“I would appreciate it if you did that.”

It was the only answer that he had hoped for. In an instant, he strode towards Baron Sabe swiftly.

‘Go, Cassius!’

Behind him, I clenched his fists and cheered for Cassius. This time, it felt like I had raised a dog that listened well.

As soon as Cassius appeared, Baron Sabe’s surprised expression caught my eye. The fact that his hands, which had been crawling towards Ophelia’s waist just a moment ago, were politely gathered together.

He seemed not to be an idiot, though he seemed to have noticed that Ophelia was the only reason that Cassius approached him, who was only a baron.


Cassius muttered in a warning tone.

“I want you to stay away from my fiancée’s sister.”

The Baron took a breath and immediately took a few steps back from Ophelia. He looked like he wanted to get off the ground right now.

The corners of my lips rose spontaneously.

If I had felt even the slightest bit of sympathy for the Baron, I would have stopped Cassius and stepped forward. However, Baron Sabe was notorious for tormenting the commoners in his territory.

There was no need to show mercy to such a person.

I gazed at the two with interest, wanting to get some popcorn.

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“I wonder what the hell you were talking about to Miss Ophelia. It looked like a lot of fun.”

“Th—that, that…”

The Baron trembled.

Only a few meaningless words came out of his mouth.

The Baron looked so bewildered and perplexed that he could not even properly say a common excuse.

“Baron Sabe.”

Cassius’ cold voice struck the ballroom.

“I think it would be better not to say things that you cannot take responsibility for in the first place, isn’t it?”

“Ye, yes…!”

The Baron shook his head constantly.

“And, you’d better not think of setting foot in this mansion again. Whether it’s voluntary or not.”

“Yes, I will.”
Answering that, he then tightly closed his eyes.

Baron Sabe seemed to anticipate the catastrophe of Cassius to follow.

“…So, what are you doing without leaving right away?”

“I, I’m leaving right now…!”

At that, the Baron ran out of the ballroom in an instant with a force that seemed to fall out.

I blinked my eyes. It was welcoming that I did not need to see the Baron’s dirty appearance anymore.


‘Why was he so mild about this?’

Cassius Brudenell wasn’t a person who would be content enough to just humiliate him in front of people.

If I had known that it would stop at this level, I would have stepped forward myself. There was no way that he could pay the price for teasing Ophelia with just a few cynical words from Cassius.

Suddenly, a small realization flashed through my head.

‘Maybe, because of me…?’

I have expressed, directly or indirectly, that I am tired of his cruel behavior. If Cassius was really obsessed with me, it was understandable that he would look at me like he is now and send the Baron back just like that.

It was surprising, but good news.

Because it meant that Cassius wasn’t the same as he used to.

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Of course, the question wasn’t completely resolved, but I could not afford to focus on him right now because Ophelia, who was embarrassed and turned blue, caught my eyes.

I hurriedly approached Ophelia.


Ophelia’s beautiful amethyst eyes shook anxiously. Seeing that, I spoke to her calmly as if nothing had happened a while ago.

“Do not be too nervous. It is just a ball, isn’t it?”

“Uh, that…”

Ophelia’s gaze turned to her floor, not knowing where to look.

I sighed and took her hand. I was distressed that I had not cared for Ophelia because I was dancing with Cassius.

“How about some dancing?”

Ophelia’s face darkened.

“You know that there is no way for someone like me to get dance requests.”

“I do not want to hear that from the most beautiful woman in the empire.”


Hearing my words, Ophelia blushed in embarrassment.

I smiled brightly because a good idea came to mind. It was an act that would make Ophelia’s successful social debut and impress the Duke.

Just then, some lively dance music began to play.

It was a light dance that would make people move their bodies while clapping their hands. It was a dance that anyone could learn easily because it was not a formal dance with strict rules.

With that thought, I said to Ophelia in a loud voice that people around me could hear it.

“Ophelia, would you like to dance with me?”


I could hear Cassius’ bewildered voice, though I ignored him.

Ophelia is my sister. If I had asked another man to dance, that man’s life would have been in jeopardy. However, no matter if it was Cassius, he would not think of my half-sister as a love rival or anything like that, right?


Ophelia looked at me with her tired eyes.

“Please, Ophelia.”

There was no need to persuade.

That word was enough for her. I grabbed Ophelia’s hands and led her to the center of the ballroom. In an instant, gossip reverberated throughout the ballroom.

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The corners of my lips twitched spontaneously.

‘If we caused this much trouble, it would be difficult to cover up even for Cassius.’ Ophelia muttered that in a low voice after seeing everyone else’s reactions.

“Everyone is looking at us.”

“It is okay.”

Because that was what I was hoping for.

I grabbed her Ophelia and started dancing to the music. When I danced with Cassius, I was just being dragged around, but it was a different feeling when I took the lead.

Ophelia, who was at first bewildered, soon adapted and took the steps as gently as a butterfly.

‘As expected, she is the heroine.’

I was sure.

Of course, the protagonist of today’s ball was Ophelia.


* * *


That night.

Smiling, I laid my tired body on the bed.

‘I am glad she is okay, Ophelia seems to have adjusted well, too.’

It would be a lie if I said that I liked the gaze of people who stared at me with their protruding eyes. However, it was also a look that was very familiar to me.

Heir to Count Garneid, who went crazy as rumored.

I was able to handle it as much as I could because my old reputation returned. Moreover, even if I was actually crazy, the nobles invited to the ball had to treat me well.

So, as I intended, they approached Ophelia, said hello kindly, and started offering her gifts. If the plan succeeds, I would be freed from the obsession with Karthus, and Ophelia would no longer be despised.

Now, it was time to pull up the blanket and close my eyes.

However, someone suddenly knocked on the window outside.

…Yes, the window. Not the door.


I hurriedly got out of bed and walked towards the window. Obviously, I did not even wonder which crazy guy was out the window.

Well, because there was only one person…

What matters now is why he knocked on the window and not the door.

I had an ominous feeling.

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‘I should not open it at all…’

Thinking so, I hurriedly shook my head. Cassius would break into my room even if he needed to break the window. It was better to just open it up before seeing such a mess.

Eventually, I took a deep breath and pulled the handle on the window. As soon as the window opened, Cassius jumped out with agility.


He took a deep breath and called me.

“What are you right now?”

Saying so, I gazed straight up at him.

Cassius’ golden eyes were clouded with excitement.

“If you have something to say, you could knock on the door from the outside, so why do you…!”

“I know it is disrespectful.”

Cutting me off, his face darkened as he continued. “No matter how much we are engaged, you are still an unmarried lady.”

“If you know that, then why—”

“I wanted to show you this as soon as possible.”

It was then that I realized that there was a box in Cassius’ hand. It was a pretty box that looked like it could contain jewels or ornaments everywhere.

‘Has he developed a competitive spirit?’

It must have been that he had urgently sought jewelry after seeing the aristocrats who brought gifts to me today.

‘This seems a little…cute.’

As if to live up to my thoughts, Cassius smiled shyly.

“I hope you like it.”

“Can you open it?”

The moment he meekly opened the box—

Time seemed to stop.


My mouth opened on its own, but nothing came out. I could only just stare blankly at the contents of the box, doubting my eyes. My body, frozen in shock and fear, did not know how to move.

Then, I realized for sure…

The fact that Cassius Brudenell is crazy.

So much so that I could not even handle it.

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