What’s this feeling…?

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I swallowed dry saliva.

I felt the same pressure as when I was dealing with the Duchess of Brudenell.

However, the pressure was even greater than then. Since I didn’t want to look good to the Duchess, though, I wanted to be seen well by the Empress and live as a maid of the Empress for a long, long time.

If I can’t adjust to life in the Empress’ Palace, I’ll have to go back to the Duke’s house, which is what I really don’t want the most.

‘Let’s lie down flat!’

With that thought, I obediently answered.

“I am just moved by the attention of the Empress.”

“Is that so?”

The Empress grinned and continued, “That’s a relief. I was worried that the Young Lady would be burdened, though it seemed that there’s no need to worry about that.”

The Empress then stood up from her seat.

“If you’re not busy, would you like a cup of tea together?”

“It is an honour.”

There was no way I’m busy. In the first place, am I not the empress’s handmaiden? It was a situation where I had to follow, even if she asked something more than drinking tea together.

The Empress opened the door behind her audience room, revealing a small hallway.

‘It was this way.’

I quietly followed her.

Eventually, after passing through a small hallway and corridor, a small tea room appeared.

“We could have a drink outside, although I prefer this place.”

“I also prefer to stay indoors, too, Your Majesty.”

“Is that so? I’m glad I found someone to share my taste with.”

I followed the Empress into her tea room.


My eyes grew on their own, and my nostrils quivered. It was because the scent of flowers was pouring out enough to give me a headache. Apparently, exotic flowers were decorated enough to fill the tea room.



Colorful butterflies fluttered around the place.

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At first glance, it seemed like they were moving around freely, though it was pathetic that they couldn’t get out of the tea room.

“It’s a gift from Princess Hermia. Do you like it?”

“Of course.”

Answering her, I pretended to be okay and smiled brightly, but on the inside, I felt quite complicated.

‘Princess Hermia clearly despised me.’

It wasn’t just Princess Hermia. The other princes who attended the wedding proposal ceremony that day were also not convinced by Gabian DeViro’s words. By referring to Princess Hermia, it was clear that she was implying that she didn’t like me.

“Young Lady of Garneid.”

The Empress smiled softly and sat down in her seat.

Just in time, the maid brought out the tea.

I wet my dry lips.

Soon, it will be my job.

“I never thought I was that scary, but I think the Young Lady was too scared.”

Even though the Empress’s tone was soft, I could feel the thorns.

“I was simply overwhelmed by the majesty of Your Majesty the Empress.”

“You’re good at talking.”

At my words, the Empress snorted before opening her mouth again.

“So, why did you decide to become my maid? We don’t even know each other. Moreover, I heard that the Young Lady’s father was against it.”

“Oh… that—”

I was speechless at the unexpected question.

I wanted to say that I had come to admire Her Majesty the Empress, just as I told Cassius, although it seemed that the Empress didn’t appear to be a person who would be deceived by such words.

In the end, I chose the truth.

“…I want to postpone my marriage.”


The eyes of the Empress widened and went bright.

“You want to postpone my marriage… I have heard stories about the relationship between the Young Lady and Lord Cassius being very tearful?”

It was an embarrassing question, but the Empress continued to talk without even hearing my answer.

“I understand even if you don’t say it. The Duke and the Duchess of Brudenell are good people, though they give you a hard time. The Young Lady chose this place as your refuge right before her wedding, didn’t you?”

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I opened my mouth blankly.

The Empress seemed to think that I had escaped to the Empress’ Palace because I could not bear the harsh marriage…

It’s not like that at all!

Whatever the case, it was an illusion that had no reason to correct, so I nodded in a hurry.

“Poor thing. There is a price that follows for marriage with different status…”

Muttering so, the Empress sighed shallowly.

“I think the maid’s job will be easy. I don’t have visitors, and I don’t hold tea parties. I just want you to be my companion from time to time.”

“Thank you for your thoughtful consideration, Your Majesty.”

“There is only one thing to keep in mind. Men must never enter this palace. All right?”


I didn’t realize my mistake until after the words went out of my mouth because I answered in an overly bright voice… to the extent that it couldn’t be seen as an aristocratic young lady who was completely in love.

A look of bewilderment crossed the Empress’s face.

“…I will refrain from disobeying the orders of the Empress!”

When you don’t know what to say, it’s best to bow down and observe. Fortunately, the strategy worked, and the Empress smiled softly.

“I see. I’m sure it’ll never happen if you say that.”

“Of course. I will not voluntarily disobey Your Majesty’s word. However…”

I paused for a moment.

…Can I really say this?

I was worried that I might be scratching it for nothing. Nevertheless, if I let it go without saying a word, I wasn’t confident that I would be able to properly handle the situation if Cassius came into the Empress’s Palace recklessly.

Besides, the probability of that ‘if’ happening was quite high…!

“As you may already know, my fiancé is quite arrogant.”

“I’ve heard quite a few rumors about Cassius Brudenell.”

…The rumored Cassius Brudenell is a new breed of blood compared to the real Cassius Brudenell.

I swallowed the words I couldn’t say out loud.

The Empress made a muffled sound before adding her words,

“Prince Cassius Brudenell didn’t seem like a great man to fall in love with, but… People change.”
T/N: Even though the Empress referred to Cassius’s title as ‘Prince’, it’s different to the ‘Royal Prince’ who belongs to the Royal Family. ]

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“Yes. It’s rather difficult for me, too. I’m worried that no matter how much I ask, he’ll come to the Empress’s Palace.”

“Still, rules are rules.”

Her eyes, which had only contained tenderness, shone sharply.

“If the Young Lady breaks the rules, I have no choice but to let you out. Don’t you think so?”

At her words, I swallowed dry saliva.

I couldn’t leave here…

“Your Highness, there is something you need to know. Lord Cassius… even if I say it, he won’t listen.”

“Really? From what I’ve heard, they say that he’s so engrossed in the Young Lady that he’ll even pick the moon. If the Young Lady speaks firmly, wouldn’t ​​Cassius Brudenell listen?”

…No, he never listened.

Did she not hear what I said just now?

The same words rushed up to my throat, but I held it back. Maybe, it was because I seemed too stiff and tense, the Empress spoke as she burst into laughter.

“If Prince Cassius Brudenell is so concerned, he can see you outside the palace. I will give you as much vacation as you want, so please let Cassius know. You can visit him, so don’t come to the Palace.”

That might work…”

I nodded reluctantly.

If I say I would go outside the Imperial Palace for him first, Cassius would like that even more. However, the problem is that I don’t like it. Still, it was better than being kicked out of the Empress’s Palace, so I had no choice but to agree.

The Empress rose from her seat.

“I think I drank enough tea. I will guide you around the Palace myself. Is there any place that the Young Lady has always been curious about?”


* * *


Unlike the first day, which was tense, life at the Empress Palace was very satisfying… No, it was not enough to say that I was satisfied.

I was enjoying a break for the first time since becoming ‘Evelynn Garneid.’

Since there were no guests visiting the Empress’s palace, and the Empress did not leave the Palace, it was the same as the typical maid’s duty. Reading a book or drawing a picture with a frivolous skill was all I had in my daily routine to occasionally become the Empress’s conversation partner.

When I sent a letter explaining the circumstances, Cassius also sent a reply promising that he would never try to meet me first.

‘I want to live like this for the rest of my life.’

Isn’t this what a life free from Cassius is like?

A life in which I opened my eyes every morning without worrying about being plagued by his madness…

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A life where I don’t live all day long worrying about what Cassius will say today…

A life without thinking about a life that is free from him twenty-four hours a day…

But, was it too much of a wish…?

It had been less than a fortnight since I became the Empress’s personal maid, that ‘the incident’ took place.

That morning, unexpectedly, I was thinking of doing flower arranging.

Essentially, if I had to continue living in this world, it wouldn’t hurt to have learned at least one such aristocratic culture. So, while visiting the huge garden that the Empress boasted about, I was picking her flowers one by one with the garden shears and putting them in the basket.

Suddenly, an unfamiliar presence came in.

‘Well… maybe, it was a gardener?’

After all, it would take a dozen gardeners to maintain a garden of this size, so I wasn’t particularly surprised that I ran into one of them.

With that thought, I kept picking flowers as I moved through the garden without regard to other people’s gaze.

It was then that I felt something unusual.

If it were a gardener who was engrossed in his work, the distance would have to open up soon, though I could still feel the presence continuing to follow me.

‘Maybe, that crazy guy…!’

Goosebumps sprouted.

I quickly turned around.

This place was in the middle of a garden that was quite sparsely populated. Hence, it was the perfect secret spot.

And, it was the perfect place to get caught sneaking around!

‘I was a fool to believe in Cassius.’

Thinking I should ask him to return as soon as possible, I parted my lips and spoke in a cold voice.

“I know you’re there, so don’t hide and come out.”

The next moment…

The presence slowly appeared in the shade of the tree.


At that moment, my mouth opened on its own. It was because, contrary to my expectation, it wasn’t Cassius Brudenell.


A person I thought would never be here was staring at me.

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