‘This is…’

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I bent down as if possessed and picked up the men’s cufflinks. It was almost impossible not to know who owned this button with the Duke of Brudenell’s emblem.

‘The question is, why is it here?’

I could not think of any particular reason for Cassius to come into my room. Because of that, I frowned and glanced around the room.


Although I did not notice earlier because the bed was clean, when I looked closely, I could clearly see traces of someone staying here everywhere—there was a pen on the desk that I did not like, and the curtains were rolled up in a way I did not like either.

Apart from the fact that the room was spotless and clean, it was evident that someone other than me lived here.

And, the owner of these traces seemed to be the same as the owner of the buttons.

‘That madman…’

I touched my forehead. Why would he use my room in this spacious and vast mansion…?

But, looking back, this was an opportunity.

‘He may have spilled something more.’

With that thought, I looked around the room, looking for traces of Cassius.

Has it been ten minutes?

Eventually, an unexpected harvest came out from the desk drawer I had unintentionally opened. There was a small note attached to the top of the drawer.

‘…To be so sloppy.’

Though I thought it was not like him, now was not the time to be arguing about that. I hurriedly took the note and read it.

Letters that seemed to have been scribbled in a hurry stood out.

G.V. -> L.B.
He is approaching her
Appearing at the right opportunity
A place to protect her
— even if it’s by force

My hand holding the note began to tremble as my head was dizzy, as if a headache was about to come. No, I already had a headache.

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Even though Cassius already knew Gabriel’s identity, he did not say a word to me. Yes, let’s say that was the case. Nonetheless, what the last line means is…

I licked my lips.

Could there be a more clear expression of opinion than this?

‘He is going to lock me up, like Gabriel said…’

At the next moment, I fell down on the floor. I did not think it could be a misunderstanding.

‘…He is Cassius Brudenell.’

Regrets came rushing in.

Naturally, a person like Cassius Brudenell could only express love in the way of coercion. However, why did I think I was being clever?

‘Obviously, I should have thought it was strange.’

Of course, Gabriel’s appearance and enticement must have sparked his wrath. He would have easily noticed that I was shaking. Still, this was…

I bit my lip.

It was because I felt a strange realization.

‘…I thought Cassius might have changed.’

It was not like I thought that I had edified him. Nevertheless, since many things have changed from the original, I only had a vague hope that Cassius would have changed, too. Regardless, it was mercilessly broken because of this one piece of note.


I slowly got up from my seat.

The hard cufflink was painful enough to hurt my hand. Then, I put the button back in its original place and put the notepad back in the drawer as well.

‘I have to thank Gabriel for this.’

A bitter thought came to mind.

If it was not for him, I would have been imprisoned without knowing anything. And, I would never know… Like Ophelia in the original novel, I may have been subjected to a nonsensical act.

I quickly left the room.

If you thought I would just sit down and be discouraged just because I was shocked, you would be wrong.

“Please, go as fast as possible.”

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I went down to the entrance of the Duke’s house in an instant and got on the carriage where the horseman was waiting. Even though it bothered me that I could not even say goodbye to Ophelia properly, I did not have time to think about it.

‘There is still time.’

Cassius will return the evening after tomorrow. So, before that, I will have to figure out a way.

Surely, Gabriel thought I would run away with him, but I was not stupid. The Prince of the Bynell Kingdom who tried to kill Cassius is helping me, his fiancée, escape because of love…?

Even if his heart were pure, it would be only a matter of time before I would be taken advantage of when we arrived in the Bynell Kingdom.

In the end, there was only one option.

‘There is only that person.’

As I shut my eyes, the red hair flashed vividly in my eyes.

Princess Hermia.

I had to find the villain, who tormented Ophelia so viciously, in the original novel.


* * *


Red hair fell on the parchment, where the quills were rustling.

Hermia angrily ran her hair back and continued writing the names down on parchment. At first glance, it was simply a list of nobles to invite to the imperial ball, although the story hidden was not so simple.

…Distinguishing between friendly and foe.

It was a task that was absolutely necessary for her to occupy a place in this serpent’s lair.

Hermia’s graceful fingers, moving freely, paused for a moment as she wrote one of the names.

Evelyn Garneid.

‘…What should I do?’

Her long, graceful fingers tapped the desk.

It would be a shame to have her as an enemy, but it would be uncomfortable to keep her as an ally. However, to put her on a neutral line, the presence of the successor of Count Garneid and the fiancée of Lord Brudenell was quite large.

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‘I seemed like an ignorant idiot to put in the effort to recruit her.’

It was time when Hermia brooded over Evelyn Garneid’s future, someone knocked on the door.

“I’m going in, Princess.”

Hermia’s direct maid opened the door and gently entered.

“I think I’ve told you not to disturb me.”

“There’s someone who wants to meet Your Highness the Princess.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s the Young Lady Garneid, Your Highness.”

Hermia’s eyes hardened. She could not believe the person whom she had been thinking about had come to her. At that, she murmured aloud.

“…What a coincidence.”

Then, she covered her parchment and stood up.

“Let’s go right away.”

She would not have met Evelyn any other time, even if she came to visit her formally. Yet now, she comes to visit her without a word in advance. Nevertheless, Evelyn Garneid was pretty lucky. Just in time, she came to see her when Hermia considered her position to herself.


Usually, Hermia would send the uninvited guests back unconditionally, so her handmaiden looked a little startled but nodded her head.

She put on her coat roughly. After all, there was no need to be polite to the guest who came to her without notice.

Moments later, Hermia entered her parlor.


Her eyes widened.

It was because Evelyn Garneid, who jumped up from her seat as soon as she saw her, looked ridiculous. Her hair was messy, and the hem of her dress was dragged to the floor as if she had just jumped out of nowhere.

“It’s an honor to meet you like this, Your Highness.”

Hermia paused her answer for a moment, then stared intently at Evelyn.

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‘Something must have happened.’

There was an anxious expression on her pretty face.

Hermia also did not miss the fact that Evelyn’s hand was trembling. On top of that, she glanced into her eyes as she tensed up. It was to the point that she could not believe that she was the same noble young lady she saw at the wedding proposal, who was so irritable and unassuming.

She picked her words slowly.

“If you want to ask for help, it would be better to go to the Empress.”

Evelyn Garneid was neither embarrassed nor questioning, unlike her nervous look a moment ago.

“This is a problem that only Your Highness the Princess can help.”

Instead, she immediately responded to her question. Hermia, who liked the appearance, ordered to bring tea out.

“It seems like it’s going to be a long story.”


Evelyn meekly acknowledged, and, led by her direction, took her seat. However, seeing no sign of her talking about her business first, Hermia tilted her head and opened her mouth.

“Young Lady Garneid, isn’t it polite for the person who’s asking for help to talk first?”


As if she wanted to say something, Evelyn licked her lips like someone who did not know what to say. Seeing that, Hermia waited with patience. Whatever the story she brought, it would be worth hearing.

Finally, Evelyn opened her mouth.

“Your Highness, I’ll tell you straightforwardly.”

Uttering so, she stared straight at Hermia. A clear voice resounded evidently in her quiet room.

“I want you to marry Lord Cassius.”

‘What the hell is she talking about…?’

It was the first thought that came to Hermia’s mind. Isn’t she talking about marriage… asking her to take her own fiancé?

…The best groom in the Empire?!

The harsh words came straight out of Hermia’s mouth.

“Are you out of your mind?”

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