To explain how this happened, we have to go back a few hours.

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I invited Cassius to the Imperial Palace since he could not enter the Empress’ Palace. However, due to the consideration of Her Majesty The Empress, I was able to meet him at the Palace instead.

Of course, he came running after a month of not seeing each other.

“You’ve become more beautiful than I’ve ever seen, Evelyn.”

As soon as I met him, I could hear the greeting that he uttered as though he seemed to miss me.

“Well… Thank you.”

I replied awkwardly.

We had never been apart for so long that my appearance changed. Nonetheless, in order to deal with Cassius Brudenell, such nonsense was to be taken lightly.

“Why did you call me?”

“Do I really need a reason?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

He asked with a surprised face and continued, “I called Evelyn because I missed you so much. You must have called me for a reason, too. Not for the same reason as me, but…”

“I promised.”

I interrupted Cassius, who was getting closer to the truth.

“Instead of you not coming to visit, I would go see you often. Though I had an opportunity to invite you, so I called… Don’t you like it?”

“What do you mean, I don’t like it?”

At my words, he shook his head.

“Is that possible?”

“That’s a relief.”

I raised the corners of my lips.

“I was worried that I might be calling someone who’s busy.”

Contrary to the calm tone that I was trying to maintain, the more we talked, the more I started to worry.

…Is this plan really going to work?

If it were Cassuis, he would have declared that he had his heart for me whether he spent the night with the Princess or not.

‘Still, it does not matter.’

I made up my mind.

In that case, I would just say that I do not trust him. There will be a scandal, although what about it? I am already called Count Garnid’s mad lady. In order to escape from Cassius, I could have done more than this.

“You don’t have to worry about that.”

At the sound of Cassius’ voice, I suddenly returned to reality.

“You’re always my number one priority. Nothing else matters, so don’t worry about it.

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“…Lord, may I ask you just one thing?”


He answered in a soft voice.

I wet my dry lips. Even when Cassius’ consent fell, no words came out of my mouth. Even though it was simple, it was a difficult question to say out of my mouth.

…Why does he love me?

Until now, I had never really thought deeply about his mind just since he is crazy. It was because you would not ask why you woke up in the face of a sudden natural disaster.


‘…I want to know.’

I tried to utter a word, though I stopped because I could not find a clear expression and my lips began to twitch. Still, I had to ask. If the plan succeeded, now was the last chance to know his true feelings for me.

“Why… do you love me?”

I could not breathe properly.

Every minute and every second must have gone by, but no one moved as if time had frozen. Only his golden eyes gazed down at me.

“Do I need a reason?”

A low voice was heard.

“For loving you?”

“Still, there must be a reason.”

I mustered up the courage to ask back.

“There’s none.”

Cassius’ answer was firm.

“I love you. I don’t think that requires a reason. Of course…”

After saying that, he glanced down at me with the most affectionate eyes and spoke again.

“Though everything about you is lovely.”

I lowered my gaze. It was because the emotions in his words had choked my breath.

“If you want to know how much I adore you, I can tell you. Your cheeks that turn red when angered are charming. The cold gaze that only I can see. The nervousness that you only show in front of me…”

“That’s enough.”

I cut off his words sharply. If I had listened to even one more word, it seemed like I would not be able to really stand it right now.

‘As expected, it’s not normal.’

For a moment, even though Cassius was crazy, I felt pathetic to myself for thinking that his feelings might be normal. I did not want to admit it, but the words that he poured out to me were the same as the words he said to Ophelia in the original.

It was just that the person he said those words to was not Ophelia but me.

‘Now, I understand.’

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His strange love lost its way when the male protagonist stopped loving the female protagonist. So, he targeted the person next to him at the moment he had to fall in love. If Princess Hermia had been by his side at that moment, she would have been the victim.

‘…Should I have pushed someone else in?’

I had a bitter thought.

Rather than trying to free Ophelia, I should have kept Princess Hermia by his side, who wanted Cassius, anyway. Well, the plan has come and gone, so we have no choice but to wait for this to succeed.

“…You don’t look well, Evelyn.”

“It’s nothing.”

I shook my head.

“I was just nervous…”

“Are you very nervous to meet me?”

“…Because I don’t know what the Lord is going to do, wouldn’t it be strange if I was not nervous?”


At that, he made a sound as if thinking about something.

“Do you not like it?”

“I don’t know.”

If it had been otherwise, I would have expressed frankly that I did not like it, and told him to please not do anything I did not want. Nevertheless, for today’s plan to be successful, I had to refrain from acting out of the ordinary, saying that I would like it all of a sudden.

“It’s just… It doesn’t matter.”

“I’m glad you don’t mind.”

It seemed that I had conveyed something different than I had intended.

“Please, come this way.”

Having nothing to say, I moved with Cassius.

For the next three hours, I would have to take him from place to place. I was worried that I might be able to do it, though Hermia encouraged me by saying that Cassus was so obsessed with me that it was more than enough.

The problem was…

“Evelyn, that’s the warehouse.”

“Evelyn, are you going to take me to the training hall right now?”

“Evelyn, do you have any business for His Majesty the Emperor? That’s the audience room.”

“Evelyn, are you going back to the Empress Palace?”

…That Cassius knew more about the Imperial Palace than I did.

‘I never thought of this.’

I touched my throbbing forehead.

Contrary to plan, I was being dragged around by him instead. Fortunately, time flew by, and the promised time with Hermia arrived.

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“Before you go, I have a place to show you.”

“Is this Evelyn’s favorite place?”

“The Empress recommended it. It’s a great place for lovers like us to go.”

I sold the Empress over without hesitation. It would be nice if she would catch the groom, whom the Princess wants, in her hands like that.

“Then, we must go. Please, guide me.”

Even if I tried to make the path confusing, I could not do it since I was afraid I might make a mistake so I had memorized it dozens of times. Consequently, I was accustomed to leading Cassius to the annex of the Imperial Palace.

Seeing the place, he muttered in a somewhat surprised voice.

“This… It’s an annex.”

“Yes. I heard that it’s good to spend time alone because there are few people and it’s quiet.”

“I heard rumors of ghosts coming out.”

“A ghost?”

I tilted my head.

What did he mean, a ghost…? I do not remember ever seeing anything like a ghost in this world. So, it would be right to think this was just a rumor.

“Do you believe in ghosts?”

“How about Evelyn?”

“I don’t believe it.”

I answered firmly.

Strictly speaking, I could be sure that there were no ghosts in this world. It was because if there were ghosts, the ghosts who died unfairly by Cassius would have appeared in the original novel at least once.

“Then, I won’t believe it either.”


I stared at him in amazement. It did not seem like a joke since he had a very serious face.

“You won’t believe in it because of me?”


Cassius nodded his head.

Seeing that, I did not know where to start, so I opened and closed my mouth.

“It’s something I didn’t usually pay attention to, anyway, so it would make sense to follow your opinion.”

“…You don’t have to follow it, that’s fine.”

“It’s strange. Didn’t you always want me to live according to your thoughts?”

Because of that, I stopped my movements.

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How should I answer?

What I wanted was not to say that you are right, as if to comfort a child like this. If he loves me, then please respect my thoughts. However, he did not listen to one of the things I wanted the most…

Nevertheless, I did not get any of those words out of my mouth.

Anyway, Cassius Brudenell’s love was close to madness. Could we really call it love…? So, it was right not to start the effort to change this person and this love in the first place.

“You can think as you want.”

I went inside the annex.

Perhaps, it was because of the ghost story, the lack of light and no human presence felt somewhat eerie. Either way, it did not bother me much, though to keep Cassius and Hermia in one room, we had to go deep into this annex. Fortunately, he followed me without any doubts.

After a while, arriving at the place I wanted, I pulled the antique door.

The door opened with a squeak, and we entered the room. The door closed on its own behind my back, though I did not care. Regardless, It was a door that was locked only after going outside and activating a specific device.

“That’s wonderful.”

Cassius sighed in admiration.

“Did you prepare everything?”

The scent of roses wafted out.

Luxurious bedding, sofas, and ornaments caught my eye according to his taste. Alcohol, drinks, and kettles were also placed, which would allow Hermia and him to spend a considerable amount of time in this room.

“Well, the Empress must have prepared a surprise gift for you. I’ll have to say my thanks when I get back… Oh!”

I made a sound as if I had thought of something and headed towards the door as I continued my words, “Stay here for a second. The Empress said that she had hidden one more present nearby.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“You don’t have to.”

After saying that, I hurriedly turned the doorknob.


The door did not open.


Even though I tried to shake the door, thinking it might be caught on something, it still would not budge.

‘Did Princess Hermia activate the device in advance from outside? That’s impossible…!’

I pulled the door with force and tried pushing it. Still, it was the same and nothing happened. While groaning, I could hear Cassius’ voice.

“Is it opening well?”

It sounded quite cheerful.

“Even if it doesn’t open, I don’t mind.”

I slowly turned back towards him.

Golden eyes, a mixture of joy and madness, resembling the eyes of a beast with its prey in front of them, were glowing luminously under the sunset.

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