It was not surprising at this point.

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It was clear that I had become the heroine of the novel without my knowledge. After the male and female protagonists of the original novel, even the villainess now likes me as well. Does this not sound like an introduction to a popular novel…?

I let out a sigh.

“I’ll believe it’s not a proposal.”

Hermia stared at me with her eyes wide open, and after a moment, her laughter rang out through the room.

“Oh, did you expect that? Unfortunately, Young Lady is far from my ideal type.”

“That’s a relief.”

I was relieved. Hermia apparently likes a man who has all the wealth, power and ability, though she does not know anything about people.

“Think of it as a favor from a friend.”

“…A friend?”

My eyes narrowed by themselves.

Rather than being surprised, it was more of a question about her intention than a surprise. It was common knowledge in the Empire that Princess Hermia had a high nose and did not easily get along with the daughters of the prestigious families.

“Yes, friend.”

Saying so, she smiled softly and added, “I haven’t made any until now… Though for some reason, I think it would be fine if it were the Young Lady.”

Even though she reached out her hand, I could not take it.

“What am I supposed to do?”


Hermia’s answer was deceptively simple.

“Isn’t Young Lady asking her friend for something?”

I was at a loss for words. It seemed like she was really treating me as her friend.


Hermia said cheerfully as if reading my thoughts.

“Although you can see why I’m doing this right now, there’s no particular reason even if you’re thinking hard about it. I just like the Young Lady. What about you, won’t you accept my offer?”


Silence passed.

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I rolled my eyes and glanced around the room, but I could not find anything that could be a clue.

‘Is she really trying to help me because she wants to be my friend…?’

It would not be a lie to say that she gave up on Cassius. Already, rumors of a hot night between me and him spread quickly. Therefore, there was no reason for Hermia to hate me the way she hated Ophelia in the original. Nevertheless, not hating and being friends are quite different, aren’t they?

‘…Well, it is not that important.’

I sighed.

No matter what Hermia’s intentions were, I could not accept her offer.

“Your Highness the Princess, I’m grateful for the offer, but unfortunately, I can’t accept it.”


Hermia frowned.

I bit my lip.

Well, because she already lost to Cassius once in the original novel. That meant that the result would still be the same today.

…Nonetheless, I could not say that, so I made a roundabout.

“Wouldn’t it be too much of a burden on Your Highness? Even if you help me because you’re curious at first, someday, it’ll be limited. I can’t risk being abandoned then.”


Hermia clasped her chin and gazed straight at me.

“In a word, you don’t trust me… My ability and my intentions.”

“…That’s how scary Lord Cassius is.”

“That’s true.”

She meekly admitted.

“Unfortunately, the Young Lady has a point.”

I was relieved when I heard her reply. If even Hermia became a variable from here, it would be like a shrimp caught in a whale fight.

“Well, if you ever change your mind, come see me.”

After saying that, she stood up from her seat. Even though she was the guest of honor, I did not move from my seat.

“I just want to come see you.”

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Hermia tilted her head.

“You’re a friend.”


Seeing Hermia’s face, as if surprised, quickly lit up, I hurriedly added a word.

“If you have any other thoughts, please let me know. I don’t want to be around someone who hates me.”

“Hm, do I look so fickle?”

“You never know what’s going to happen.”

As she glanced at me with her green eyes, a slightly slow reply came back.


“Thank you.”

I answered with a broad smile.

‘But, I still have an ally.’

Frankly, no matter what Hermia thinks, I would not consider her a friend. It was because friendship is a relationship that can only be created between equals. There was no way I could be friends with her, someone I must be nervous about her words and obey her orders.

Nevertheless, I tried to keep Hermia close by telling Hermia that I was her friend, of course, for practical reasons. Since I do not know what will happen next. If we ever get away from Cassius, then I would need a place to go.

It may seem somewhat calculated, though I have been struggling like this ever since I suddenly fell into this world. If I could survive by adjusting the rhythm to the whims of the Princess, I could do it hundreds of times.

“Now, I understand.”

I raised my head at the voice.

Hermia’s eyes curved like a bow.

“The Young Lady doesn’t think of me as a friend at all.”


I opened my mouth before shutting it.

It felt as if I was suddenly stabbed in the ridge and suffocating my breath. Knowing I had to say something, my head was as white as a blank sheet of paper, and I could not think of anything.

“Well, it doesn’t matter.”

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“Young Lady will, one day, come to me on her own.”

Her voice was full of strange conviction.

“Then, I think there will be more than enough time to become real friends.”



* * *



I left my chat with Hermia, which ended in a mess, and hurried to the Empress’ Palace. I was so tired that it felt like my bones were throbbing.

‘I should rest as soon as I get there. I’ll just roll around in bed without lifting a finger.’

However, this time, things did not go the way I wanted.

“The Empress is calling you.”


“I, I don’t know.”

Judging by the stuttering, it did not seem like she did not summon me for a cup of tea. And so, I changed into more formal clothes than when I met her Princess and headed to the Empress’s favorite tea room.


The Empress greeted me with a warm atmosphere as always. Still, she could not completely hide the razor-sharp tone hidden between the brief greetings.

“How are you, Empress?”

“Well… I don’t know.”

“I’m sorry.”

The Empress’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes. You should apologize, Young Lady. What’s all this fuss about?”

“I have nothing to say even if I have ten mouths*. It’s all my fault.”

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[ T/N: Literally means even if you have ten mouths, you would have nothing to say—No words can justify your actions. ]

Instead of making excuses, I decided to just lie flat on my stomach. Frankly, this was something between Hermia and me. So, if the Empress was to get angry, it would be better if it was towards me. After all, the Princess and the Count’s Young Lady…

…Which of the two would have taken the lead?

But, I had no intention of pointing out that fact. To let them know that the Princess you love was the main culprit is only aggravating.

“…I have nothing to say when the Young Lady comes out like that.”

“I apologize.”

“I’m sorry.”

Replying bluntly, the Empress continued, “It’s not like I did anything wrong anyway. Originally, the condition I made was that you should not bring men into the Palace of the Empress.”

I quickly tried to say thank you for the Empress’s grace, although she was quicker.

“Anyway, it’s good to be young, though can’t we be a little more restrained in the presence of other people? The Imperial Palace is a place of many eyes and ears. This is going to be a big deal for Young Lady and Lord Cassius.”

“My thoughts were short.”

“It’s short. Did you think that Princess Hermia would give up on Lord Cassius if you did that…? Don’t even mention it. Wouldn’t it blaze even more?”

…It seemed to be wrong from start to finish.

But, before I could explain anything, the Empress rose from her seat.

“If this old lady chastises a young one, she would sound like a nagging person. I believe Young Lady has learned enough lessons from this incident.”

My head went blank as he came out of the tea room as if I had been half kicked out. It was not because of the Empress. It was because her misunderstanding seemed so insignificant compared to the problem I was now facing.

‘What can I do about this…?’

Now, the way to escape from Cassius using Hermia was completely blocked. However, as she suggested, it was apparent that the method of rejecting him under her protection would also fail as she would lose to him again.

All that was left is…

I shut my eyes tight.

Seriously, I wanted to avoid this option, though I had no choice. Because it was the last remaining breakthrough for me, still, it seemed better than quietly marrying Cassius like this.

I muttered quietly to myself.

Gabriel Vecchio

…No, Lucifer Bynell.

It was the only hope that could get me out of Cassius’ impenetrable cobwebs.

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