Finding Gabriel was easy. Although he was rejected by me, he continued to wander around the Empress’ Palace, and he tried to convince me whenever he had time.

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“Good thinking, Eve.”

Even seeing him overjoyed, my heart did not lighten at all. The good news was that Gabriel still wanted to help me get out, though his motives were never pure.

“Are you going to the Kingdom of Bynell?”

At my words, Gabriel nodded his head and replied, “It would be the safest place for you. Of course, it is the same for me as well.”


‘I am going to run away in the middle.’

If I went to the Bynell Kingdom, it would be obvious that I would be used for propaganda purposes or a hostage to use Cassius.

Either way, it would not be very pleasant.

“I see.”

“Just trust me.”

Gabriel smiled broadly. A smile spread across his handsome face.

“I’ll make sure you don’t get a drop of water on your hand.”



I ignored him and fell in thought. Even though Cassius was Cassius, Gabriel was no ordinary man. When I saw him moving in and out of the Empress’ Palace freely as if it was his own courtyard, I realized something…

…Could I escape from such a person?

“…What if I don’t want to go to the Bynell Kingdom?”

“Oh, do you want to stay in the Empire?”

Immediately, Gabriel asked back with a surprised face.

“It doesn’t have to be the Kingdom of Bynell. It’s too close and there are frequent conflicts… I want to get as far away from the Empire as possible.”

“I understand how Eve feels, but first, we have to go through the Bynell Kingdom.”

Gabriel’s voice softened as he added his words.

“All of me is there. If I’m leaving with you, I need to prepare.”

“Are you going to follow me wherever I go?”

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My voice trembled on its own. His words, which seemed to have no desire to hide his intentions, hardened my feelings. Then, he answered in a voice that seemed to be puzzled by my question.

“I told you, I love you.”

“What if I ask you to leave?”

“I’ll leave.”

Gabriel answered without hesitation, and he continued his speech without any delay, “I know what you are worried about. However, I am not Cassius Brudenell. For me, Eve’s happiness comes first.”


I could not think of any words to answer. Although I was not an idiot to believe this man’s words straight away, my heart was weak enough to want me to believe it.

“I’ve got a favor to ask of Gabriel.”


“If I want to be alone in the Empire, in the Kingdom, or anywhere else, please leave me alone.”

“Is it just that?”


When I nodded, Gabriel’s gasp was heard.

“It seems that Cassius Brudenell was the man who didn’t give his beloved woman that much privacy.”

Before I could answer anything, he reached out to me the next moment.

“Of course, I promise you. So, leave now.”

“…Right now?”

At that, I was a little bewildered. It was because I thought I would have some time to pack my stuff…

Looking straight at me, his persistent gaze struck me in the face.

“Yes, right now.”



* * *


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There was a reason Gabriel confidently asked to leave immediately. He had already made all the preparations. I then took a deep breath as I stared at the small carriage pulled by two great horses and the well-maintained interior.

“…What would you do if I said I’d stay?”

“I thought that one day Eve would leave.”

Gabriel replied firmly.

“Because the Duke of Brudenell’s residency is not a place for a woman like Eve to live.”

“You’re right.”

I let out a sigh.

There was nothing wrong with his words. I could not live with Cassius Brudenell. If not now, I would still have had to hold Gabriel’s hand someday.

After a while, the carriage departed at high speed. The carriage was driven by Gabriel himself, so he could afford to ponder in my thoughts.

‘If I had known this would be the case, I would have studied a little about the Kingdom of Bynell.’

All I knew about the Bynell Kingdom was that it would take two weeks to get to the border by horseback at the fastest speed. It was pretty good news because it meant there was enough time for me to run away before we arrived.

However, the problem is…

‘…I wonder if there is a chance.’

Gabriel was more prepared than expected. Of course, he would not have thought of the case where I would run away.

“I love you, Eve.”

I shut my eyes.

He could not love me. Of course, you might think so. Nonetheless, if he truly loved me, there was no way he was going to use me as a tool to keep the Duke in check.

How long has it been…?

As I dozed off while suffering from the vibration of the carriage, the carriage came to a standstill. The next moment, Gabriel opened the door from outside.

“You should hurry and go to the inn. You look tired, Eve.”

“It would be less than Gabriel. You’ve driven the carriage by yourself up to this point… Are you all right?”

Rather than asking because I was genuinely worried about Gabriel, I actually was looking for an opportunity to escape since it would take some time for the fatigue to disappear.

“It’s okay.”

…To my disappointment, he looked really fine.

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‘I will have to wait a few more days…’

Even though I wanted to buy a map, it would definitely seem suspicious to Gabriel. In addition, I didn’t even ask the name of the city, just in case. If I do not know where it was attached anyway, there was no point in trying to figure it out.

The inn we arrived at after a while was an ordinary inn, neither small nor large, that could be found in any town.

“Two rooms, please.”

Saying so, Gabriel handed out several silver coins and counted.

I sighed to myself. Seeing that he wanted to use a separate room, it seemed that he did not even care about the possibility of me escaping.

As we went up the stairs, Gabriel opened his mouth.

“I asked them to bring dinner to my room.”

“Well done. The fewer witnesses, the better.”

Because I had to escape from him, let alone be discovered by Cassius. Of course, it would be better to hide as much as possible.

‘This time, I will not do anything like working in crowded places.’

Now that I think about it, it was very foolish to run away on a ship and work as a clerk at the time. Avoiding exposure to people as much as possible would reduce the chance of being caught by Cassius.

‘I need money to do that…’

It seemed like I should ask Gabriel to dispose of the ring, necklace, and headdress I had brought with me. Since the money I received and sold was mine, there would be no doubt that I carry it with me.

‘I will have to sell my clothes, too.’

After brooding about those things, dinner finally arrived.

Potato soup, hard bread, and cheap butter. It was a menu that was difficult to say it was delicious wherever you looked, so I did not eat much.

“Eve, you aren’t eating much?”

Gabriel, who was eating together in the room, cautiously opened his mouth. I shook my head. No matter how bad it was, this was not a situation where I had to complain about food now.

“It’s just that I’m tired.”

“You’re lying.”

“…It doesn’t taste good.”

“Yea I feel the same.”

Gabriel chuckled and smirked, “Well, shall I buy some more food to eat? I don’t know about Eve, but my face isn’t very well known.”

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After he finished his words, I stared at the young man with watery blue hair and green eyes in front of me. Having such a prominent appearance, if you inquire, dozens of eyewitness accounts would immediately pour out.

“The food itself is fine, so let’s just eat it. Instead, please sell me some rings and necklaces later. I also want to change into plain clothes.:

Gabriel waved his hand.

“I have enough money. Eve doesn’t need to give me what she has.”

“I’m not just giving it away. I want my own money, too. After all, we don’t know what’s going to happen.”

“That’s true, but…”

Gabriel slurred his words.

Is he suspicious…?’

Even though I was worried about that, I ate the soup casually and effortlessly. It was because I thought that if I showed signs of nervousness, I would look even more suspicious, so strength went into my body.


Gabriel suddenly stood up.


“Take it.”

Then, he pulled out a pouch the size of a fist from his pocket and handed it to me.


My eyes widened spontaneously at the presence of the heavy pockets. I untied the knot slightly before glancing at the gold coins inside. This alone seemed to cover the cost of living for several months.

“I told you. I have enough money.”

“Then, I’ll give you a ring and necklace, and you can think of it as selling them for me.”

“I don’t need it.”

Gabriel replied sternly and continued, “I’m not a trader. I have no intention of making a deal with Eve.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

I hurriedly tried to fix the situation, but seeing his hardened face, it seemed that it was already too late.

“I know that Eve doubts me.”

…Or, maybe Gabriel was looking into me since the beginning.

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