“I lost it on my way from the capital.”

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“To lose something so important… You’re not as meticulous as you look.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Well, it doesn’t matter. This isn’t some high aristocratic house of any capital city. You can start working today.”

“Thank you!”

I bowed my head. This covers both accommodation, food, and livelihood. There are more than a hundred servants in this mansion alone, so I would not even stand out.

Perhaps, it was because I showed that I was delighted, the head maid’s eyes narrowed.

“Are you in debt?”


“Or, you had an accident at your original job… Or, maybe you had an affair with the son of the employer. It must be one of the three.”

The butler nodded his head in agreement.

“Other than that, there’s no reason for a maid of such an age to come all the way from the capital to here without a letter of recommendation.”

“Did you hear that? Even though it’s none of my business, the two of us are managing this. So, if you’re being chased by debtors, it’d be a good idea to let us know in advance.”

The head maid’s threat does not contain a light weight.


I mumbled my words. It was not meant to be an excuse.

‘…What should I say?’

Naturally, the general reaction would be a reaction of vehemently denying all three. However, the more I do it, the more suspicious it looks.

Thinking that, in the end, I decided to live up to their expectations.

“…I’m in debt.”

Anyway, I was being chased, so this was the closest thing to the truth.

“Really? How much?”


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When I did not answer, the head maid chief let out a smirk.

“Looks like an indescribable amount? Then, I’m sorry but I can’t leave valuables around you. You’ll be doing the toughest things… Is that okay?”

I blinked my eyes.

Rather than them kicking me out because I have faults, they were going to give them a different position…? Even though I was stunned and surprised, they seemed to be somewhat hesitant, seeing that the butler suddenly made an incredible offer.

“Instead, I’ll try to block the debtors as much as possible. Let’s see… I’ll give you a suitable name. There’s a maid named Marina Salt, who returned to her hometown because she was sick. She looked quite similar to you, so you can pretend to be her while you work here.”


I shut my mouth. Even if he had offered to pay off all of my debts at this point, I would not have been so surprised.

“I’ll do it!”

The words came out somewhat strongly, thinking that it was a deal that should not be missed. Nevertheless, neither the butler nor the head maid seemed to care much.

Eventually, the head maid opened her mouth with satisfaction.

“Great. I’ll tell you where to work right away, so go over there and start working.”


“If you do anything ridiculous, I’ll scatter your real name and description around the capital. Think before you act.”

“I won’t do it.”

I replied vigorously.

Of course, the name I gave them was not my real name, and I dyed my hair black as well. Still, there is no need to tell them about it.

As I went to the east annex, the area the head maid told me, I could not control the corners of my lips that kept rising. Could there be a better chance to hide from Cassius…? Simply using a pseudonym was impossible to hide from the search from him.

…But, what if you use the real identity of someone who already exists?

‘There is no way that he would know it is me.’

I smiled broadly.

For the first time since becoming Evelyn Garneid, my heart felt light.


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* * *



At that time, Evelyn Garneid was still adjusting to her new job and new identity, the Duchy of Brudenell was caught up in a commotion like never before.

“Cassius, calm down!”

“If you want me to calm down, please return the aisle* now.”
[ T/N: Just in case some of you might have forgotten, the Duke of Brudenell has a secret intelligence organization called the ‘Aisle, which was also called the aisle headquarters. ]

It was because the Duke and his only heir, who had never quarreled in the past few years, had come face to face.

The Duke growled in an angry voice, “If I give them back, what are you going to do? Are you going to knead those poor little ones again?”

“…I won’t do that anymore.”

“I can’t believe you.”


Cassius’ golden eyes gleamed with a strange glare.

“That’s why Young Lady Garneid ran away!”

“Evelyn didn’t run away. She was kidnapped.”

“Huh, there aren’t only one or two eyewitness accounts of her following him on her own feet?”


“And, didn’t you even want to break off with her at the last moment? If that’s not enough, you, too, should consider the Young Lady’s feelings.”

“Evelyn is not the kind of person who would like to live in hiding all her life.”

“Aren’t you the reason the Young Lady was hiding?”


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“Cassius, let the young girl go. Won’t she come back someday when she feels better?”

The Duke’s voice softened. This time, he tried to appease the one and only child.

“As you said, Young Lady Garneid is a well-grown aristocratic young lady. How long could she live on the run like this…? She’ll be back even as long as you don’t do anything useless.”


Cassius replied stubbornly.

“Evelyn is completely gone. If I don’t find her, she’ll never come back to me.”

“…I’m well aware of your thoughts. Still, I can’t give you the aisle again.”


“If you want, you can jump on your own feet and try to find her. I’m not going to stop you from doing that.”

The battle of words that continued all day ended in the defeat of Cassius. In essence, the Duke was still the Duke, and he was only the successor. The deep chasm between the two was not the kind of thing that he could somehow overcome.

After a while, Cassius entered the room where Evelyn had been living in the Duke’s mansion. Even though the traces remained in the room everywhere, his longing for her only grew… Still, it was better than a place with nothing of her.

…Because this is proof that he was once within reach of her as much as he wanted.

“You won’t be able to run away like that forever, Evelyn.”

Cassius muttered softly.

Evelyn’s traces were cut off on the road to the Kingdom of Bynell. From there, it was impossible to know where she had gone on this vast continent. Moreover, even the ‘Aisle,’ the secret intelligence organization, which was the most effective means to find her, was taken away by the Duke. Therefore, the only way left for him was to go there directly.

In an instant, the thought of executing ‘the plan’ came into his head.


Thinking that, Cassius closed his eyes.

The plan to seize the full power of the Duke family, which had been planned for a few years just in case, was a stage that could even be implemented even tomorrow.


In that case, Evelyn would fear him with contempt to the extent that it could never compare to his former self.

‘…I cannot do that.’

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Letting out a scoff, he could not believe it when she had felt so weak.

And, the reason was so simple…

Evelyn Garneid.

A noble young lady who grew up arrogant and luxurious… A poor young lady whose rumors were spread throughout the empire that she was crazy. Nonetheless, despite the rumors, she was the lucky one who was in love with the imperial first-class groom, Cassius Brudenell.

However, none of those things was in any way with the Evelyn that Cassius knew. He bought her extravagant things, though she did not like them, and although she looked arrogant, she was warm to the weak.

‘She was not even crazy.’

How could a crazy person be so good at getting away from him? Finally, the fact that she was dating him was also a lie.

…It was because she did not love Cassius at all.

‘At first, I thought it did not matter…’

Whatever her will was, he thought it would be enough to force himself to obtain her — He had brought everything he had ever wanted… and Evelyn Garneid was no exception.

‘I was wrong.’

Leaning against the wall, he rested his forehead.

The hard and cold wall seemed to show the wall he had encountered. Evelyn does not want him, and there is no way to get her by force.

‘…No, it is not over yet.’

With that thought, he took a quiet step back from the wall.

He had not yet searched for her publicly due to the sake of Evelyn’s honor.

For that reason, the secret intelligence organization, ‘Aisle,’ was more urgent. Despite that, now the aisle had been taken over by the Duke. The only option available for Cassius was a search using his vast personal assets.

“…I’m sorry, Evelyn.”

Cassius mumbled an apology that the owner of the room could not hear.

Soon, precise portraits of Evelyn Garneid would be scattered on all continents, including the Kingdom of Bynell. It would not be long before there were no people who would not know her face, from children to old people on the continent.

Promised a huge bounty, and her escape would be over soon.

Of course, her honor would fall to the ground, but… For Cassius, the life he could spend with her was more important than anything else.

…Even if Evelyn hated him.

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