Grim rumors had been circulating about the Duke of Brudenell, the most powerful Duchy in the Empire, for about a month now. It was rumored that his only successor had gone as crazy as his fiancée.

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“What absurd rumors…!”

David burst out in anger and threw the newspaper. Meanwhile, Ophelia, who was sitting next to him and reading the newspaper together, was also indignant.

“I know, right? Saying my sister is crazy… When are people going to believe me!”


David did not say anything. In fact, it was because he also did not think Young Lady Garneid was sane. After all, how could she throw away her chance to become one of the most noble women in the Empire, the wife of Cassius Brudenell?

It was not surprising that his lord and master, Karthus, went on such a rampage for her.

“Still, I hope Young Lady Garneid will come back before our wedding.”


Ophelia replied firmly and added.

“She won’t come back. I hope for that, too.”


David tilted his head.

He knew that Ophelia obviously followed Evelyn Garneid very much, so he thought she would obviously want her sister to attend her own wedding.

“My sister didn’t like Lord Cassius. If she comes back, she’ll end up in an unwanted marriage… She’ll be very unhappy.”

“Few couples are as lucky as us, Ophelia. Even if Young Lady Garneid didn’t have the same heart as Lord Cassius now, wouldn’t she change her mind someday…?”

“It’s because you don’t know her. My sister…”

However, he did not really hear what Ophelia thought about Evelyn Garneid because he could hear a cry from outside.

“Sir David! The Duke’s ordered to come inside right now.”

“…Does it have to be now?”

Grumbling, he eventually stood up.

Naturally, David’s work grew exponentially as Cassius did not do his job properly. Because of that, he lost all his time to be with Ophelia, so the few holidays like now were so precious to him.

“It seems urgent.”

Hearing the messenger whisper urgently, he asked back.

“…Is Lord Cassius back?”


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As David was about to leave, he went back into the house and opened his mouth to Ophelia.

“I may not be able to come back for a few days.”

“You’re very busy.”

“After this time, it’ll be all right.”

“I’m not complaining.”

Ophelia smiled slightly and continued, “I was just wondering if David was overdoing it…”

“I’d rather have fallen because I overdo it, then you’ll take care of me.”

Despite the fact that it was a joke to make his fiancée laugh, Ophelia did not give him the reaction he wanted.

“I’m not going to nurse David.”


“David needs to be taken care of by someone much better than me. There are a lot of professionals in this world who’d do a better job.”

“Still, I want to receive Ophelia’s care.”

“…Thank you so much, but it remains to be seen whether or not you’ll think so by then.”

David swallowed a laugh. His fiancée, who was sincere and lovely in everything she did, seriously thought about his own well-being even at this time.

“Ophelia, before I go…”


Even though Ophelia blushed her face, she did not deny it. No, it was more like she was also hanging onto him.

The next moment, her soft feathery lips overlapped with him.


David whispered as he pulled away from her.

“I love you.”

“…Me, too.”

If it was not for the messenger who urged them from outside, their time alone would have continued.

“Sir David, we don’t have time to fool around. If you keep delaying, I’ve got no choice but to report it.”

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“I know.”

David pulled the reins angrily.

In the past, he would not have been upset if he did not guarantee a fixed holiday. However, now, it was different. It felt like all the precious time he had to spend with Ophelia was wasted at work.

“Take care, Ophelia.”

“David should not push himself too hard and work!”

“Who are you worried about now?”

Saying so, he smirked and spurred his words.


After a while, they eventually arrived at the Duke’s mansion.

“Sir David!”


David hurriedly jumped off his horse and took a salute. It was because the Duke had come out directly.

“I’m just glad you were home.”

“I heard that Lord Cassius is back.”

“Yes… That’s the problem.”

After uttering so, the Duke touched his forehead as he replied, “I’d like you to go see him.”

“Do you mean me…?”

David asked, confused.

“Yes, he’s not very good.”

“But, Your Grace, the Lord does not trust me as much as you think.”

“Still, you’re the closest to him.”

“That’s right, but…”

David sighed.

Was there really such a thing as being close to Cassius Brudenell…?

Even though he followed Cassius quite well as a possessor of respectable abilities and future Duke, David was not unaware that he thought of him as a well-trained chess piece. Needless to say, only a few people were willing to get close to those who always dealt with people with that mind.

“Then, you are the only one.”

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“…Has he found the Young Lady Garneid?”

“It looks like he found her.”

The Duke let out a scoff and added, “He did well. How did he find a person who pretended to be a stranger hiding their name and identity…”

David decided to change his mind a little.

As Ophelia said, the Young Lady Garneid was not crazy at all… Or, the meaning of the word ‘crazy’ in the world would be ‘unusually exceptionally clever.’

“Then, what’s the matter? Didn’t he want to find the Young Lady? Or, did she even jump off the carriage while being dragged here?”

“He didn’t mention that.”


“It was reported that he found the Young Lady, although he came back alone. And, he stays in his room without saying a word about what happened.”


David was at a loss for words.

“Maybe, the Young Lady—”

“If she had died, he would have at least contacted Count Garneid.”

Although he reflexively flinched his body, the Duke did not say a word and persisted.

“I believe my son at least has that kind of decency.”

“I agree.”

David nodded his head hastily.

“Right? Then, go in.”

“Your Excellency…”

“Are you disobeying my orders now, Viscount?”

“It’s not like that.”

David hastened his explanation, “…It’s just that if I talk to him, Lord Cassius could kick me out or in the worse case, he may injure me.”

The Duke’s reply came back slowly.

“He’s not in that state, so rest assured.”


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“You really should go now. I’ll be checking to make sure you’re really going in.”

Without even time to answer the question, he was promptly half dragged in front of Cassius Brudenell’s room.


David swallowed his breath as soon as he entered his room.

…He was not the Cassius Brudenell he remembered.

While he was rather anxious and nervous about finding Evelyn, David did not think he would be like this.

With his hair all messed up, his gaze lingered somewhere in the air, and he seemed unaware of his own existence. His clothes were too thin to withstand the autumn wind as it seemed that he was coming straight from the south. In addition, cold sweat was running down Cassius’ pale temple.

“…Are you all right?”

The words asking for solace came out before any other words.

“I came to greet you after hearing that you had returned.”

“…Sir David.”

Slowly, focus returned to Cassius’ eyes and David sighed in relief. In fact, he thought he was half crazy, but it did not seem to be to that extent.

“What happened to the Young Lady Garneid…”

“I let her go.”


He doubted his ears. There was no one in this mansion who was unaware of Cassius’ bizarre obsession with the Young Lady Garneid. It was a matter of whether or not that obsession was wrapped up in pure love or not.

“Actually, I thought she’d come back to the capital with me if I said I’d let her go… Though she left without looking back.”

Cassius’ eyes stared back into the air.


David realized.

The spot where his gaze fell was exactly where Evelyn Garneid was standing, where he could see her face.

“I was just a distraction to her from the beginning. I was just in the way of her living a happy life…”

“Then… Does the Young Lady continue to live in the South?”

“I don’t know, she could’ve gone somewhere else. However, she would never come back to the Capital…”

Cassius’ gloomy words echoed throughout the room.

“…Because I’m in the Capital.”

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