For a moment, my head went blank. If there was any news that would make me happy, it would be Ophelia’s wedding, did she not already tell me though…?

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Fortunately, Hermia answered my questions quickly without hesitation.

“Lord Cassius… He returned to the capital a month ago, but… he’s a total wreck.”

“What do you mean, a total wreck…”

I swallowed dry saliva.

I couldn’t imagine Cassius Brudenell being dejected… And, of course, the cause was probably me.


‘In the original work, he had never even been close to being a total wreck.’

Ophelia, in the original story, never accepted his heart. Even then, he boasted a more ferocious temper and only forcibly took her.

‘…I wonder if this is a lie.’

There was a good chance that it was. Of course, there was a possibility that Cassius would make Hermia lie by giving her something she wanted.

‘Then, why…?’

The answer came quickly.


Cassius seemed to think that I was more sympathetic and good-natured than I looked. So, he must have thought that if he showed me his pitiful side, I would go back and take care of him.

‘…It’s just a possibility.’

As I took a deep breath and stared intently at Hermia, she was gazing at me with an expression as if she was having fun.

“I went to visit him once to make fun of him, but he didn’t respond at all. I didn’t know that Cassius Brudenell would change so much because of a broken heart.”

“…I see.”

“I heard that the Duke and his wife are working hard… though it doesn’t even have much effect. Probably because the cause is clear.”

“Lord Cassius himself is the cause.”

I answered rather sharply.

I hated being treated as the culprit that twisted his life.

“Still, he’s a wonderful person. I think he’ll recover soon. He was once my fiancé, so I hope he will get well.”

Hermia’s sharp gaze gazed intently at me as I finished my words.

“Oh, I thought you would be happy. Don’t you think it’s so exciting?”

“…Why should I be thrilled?”

“You don’t like it?”


Silence rested on my lips.

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Yes, I hate and fear Cassius Brudenell. Nevertheless, that did not mean I wanted him to collapse.


‘You wished he would die one day.’


A small voice whispered in my heart.


‘You were going to poison him if you could, weren’t you?’


Hermia grinned.

“I think it went very well. You did everything you couldn’t do before. Oh, did you know that Lord Cassius didn’t bother to hide the island where the Young Lady was imprisoned?”


“I went there and was very impressed. Was he going to lock you up for the rest of your life? It was designed so that it could be self-sufficient for ten years without any supplies if he wanted.”

“…I see.”

Now, I am not even angry. It was just a bittersweet feeling that I knew it was going to happen.

“Anyway, I’m here to tell you that you can come back. Cassius Brudenelll is now fully a toothless tiger.”

“I like it here.”

Words came out of my mouth before I thought.

Hermia let out a sigh.

“Now, I suppose you would think so. However, it’ll be winter soon, isn’t it? No matter how warm the winter in the south is, will this sloppy house hold up?”

“Half of this house was built by me and kitty.”

“Oh, this cute maid’s name is Kitty! Why don’t you bring her back to the Capital with you if you like her?”

Somehow, it seemed to Hermia that I was going back to the Capital already. Thinking that, I made a feeble protest.

“It’s up to Kitty’s will. To say to just take her because I want to—”

“I want to go!”

Kitty answered quickly.

…This traitor!

I glanced at Kitty, but it did not even work.

“I couldn’t tell you before because the Young Lady was so excited, but this village… it’s really foul. If it wasn’t for Arfie, would we have been eaten by bugs and rats already?”

“It’s not to that extent…”

“It’s not to that extent?! Take a look at another house. And, you said you were going to excavate the ground and rent it out? As expected, you’re a noble lady. You’re naive.”

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I was at a loss for words.

Meanwhile, Kitty saw my reaction and groaned.

“Even if we work hard on the land and claim it, do you think we can claim it as our own? It’d all get taken away by others.”

I blinked my eyes.

It was like I was waking up suddenly from a dream. Everything I have done so far, no matter how stupid, has worked out, and I had no doubts that it would turn out so well this time.

‘…I’m facile.’

It felt as if I was drenched in cold water. I jumped in without realizing it. As Kitty pointed out, if I continue like this, I will fail.

“…Then, why did you follow me? When I said I would come to this town, you didn’t even object.”

“Well… because I thought that you’d have no regrets if we did what the young lady wanted to do. Wouldn’t you have a lot of regrets if we didn’t go to the place you wanted to come to the most and went somewhere else?”

“…You thought I was going back to the capital anyway.”

“Of course.”

Kitty nodded her head.

“What the Young Lady’s doing now is running away—escape from reality.”


“If you’d rather run away from him, I won’t say anything. But, this…”

“Ah, I see.”

I hurriedly cut off Kitty’s words. At almost the same time, being attacked by Hermia and Kitty, I felt like I was going crazy.

“So… Did Your Highness come here to persuade me to go back?”

“Well, maybe you can see it that way.”

Hermia gave a vague answer.

“Actually, if Young Lady was living well, I wouldn’t want to bring you along. However, it doesn’t seem like that, so I think you should go back with me.”

“…I like it here.”


Hermia clicked her tongue.

“Young Lady has her position. Are you going to completely abandon your duty as the successor to Count Garneid? I didn’t see you that way, it’s rather disappointing.”

“If I go to the capital, I’ve no choice but to meet Lord Cassius…”

“Didn’t you tell me? He’s a total wreck now.”

“I’m Lord Cassius’ fiancée. It’s a position that people will know even if he’s shattered or not.”

“Oh, speaking of which…”

Hermia leaned her body.

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“Young Lady seems to be quite weak against imperial law. After three years of being engaged to each other after they became adults, you don’t seem to know at all that a common-law marriage is established on its own.”
[ T/N: Common-law marriage is a legal framework where a couple may be considered married without having formally registered their relation as a civil or religious marriage. ]


“It’s natural not to know. It’s very rare for the engagement period to last longer than three years. However, if Young Lady disappears like this…”

“…I’ll automatically marry Lord Cassius.”


Hermia answered in a satisfied voice before asking me back.

“Now, do you see the real reason to come back?”

“I don’t care. I won’t go.”

“Young Lady Garneid!”

“After all, I’m not even the Young Lady Garneid here. I’ve no intention of going back to the County, so why does it matter if I’m married to Lord Cassius? I’ll be pronounced dead in a few more years anyway.”

When I return to the capital and take on the life of Young Lady Evelyn Garneid, I am naturally bound to naturally encounter Cassius. No matter how much I break it off with him, I will still be tied to him regardless.

And, since I broke off the engagement with him, my parents will try to find a husband who was equal to the Duke for me.

“Kitty, if you want to go back to the capital, go back with Her Highness the Princess. I won’t stop you.”

“How’re you going to handle this place alone!”

Even though Kitty was furious at my words, I stood up calmly.

“Thank you for letting me know I can fail, but I’ll bear all the consequences.”

“Young Lady…”

She was in tears.

It was then—

Clap, clap, clap

I heard applause. When I turned her head, Princess Hermia was clapping her hands slowly.

“It’s fun. This is fun.”

“…What do you mean?”

“It’s because the Young Lady doesn’t seem to know what kind of situation she’s in right now.”

Hermia sighed.

“Do you really think that if this maid and I return, you’ll be able to live a peaceful life the way you want to…? If so, you are completely wrong.”

“You will have to wait and see.”

“There’s no need for me to wait and see. As soon as I get back, I’ll inform the Young Lady’s parents about your whereabouts.”


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A predator’s smile appeared on Hermia’s face.

“So, come back, Evelyn Garneid. Don’t give up your life just because you’re afraid of one man. Got it?”



゚· : * ✧ * :· ゚



Hermia rode her carriage down the hillside, humming cheerfully. Naturally, she had no intention of staying for a few days in these rugged mountains, so she kept her lodging in a luxury inn at the foot of the mountain.


A sigh came out on its own.

Both Cassius Brudenell and Evelyn Garneid were very stubborn.

‘It’s a match made in heaven.’

She recalled a brief visit to Cassius, asked by the Duke. Cassius, who sat in a chair like a corpse, without eating or drinking anything, responded with only one word.

…Young Lady Garneid.

As she was leaving, the Duke grabbed her, begging.


“Your Highness the Princess, he’s my one and only son! Please, save me. Then, you’ll gain the loyalty of our family in the future.”


It was easier said than done. However, both the Dukes nor Hermia knew the only solution…

…It was to bring Evelyn Garneid to Cassius Brudenell.

Nevertheless, since Cassius himself let Evelyn go, even if he was forced to hold onto her, he would have no choice but to let her go again. Therefore, it was necessary to make Evelyn go to him with her own feet.

‘Still, there seemed to be a chance.’

A law that no one cared about more than five hundred years after it was created would be helpful in times like this. Evelyn, who did not know that the law was almost abolished now, seemed to believe her words that they would become husband and wife after three years.

‘Once I’ve sent her… I did my best.’

It would be nice if the results were good and she could really get the Duke’s loyalty, though people’s affairs do not always go the way they please.


“Stop the carriage!”

Hearing the sound coming from behind her, Hermia hurriedly stopped the carriage. When she opened the door, she could see Evelyn and her maid on a horseback.

Evelyn hesitated a little before opening her mouth.

“Uh… Is it possible to leave right away tomorrow?”

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